Chapter 20

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Lily's POV

"We don't have to spend the night apart a day before the wedding, it's not that important of a tradition." I say. He smiles.

"I don't want to spend a night away from you, ever." He says. I cup his cheek and smile adoringly at him.

"Come on! We're going to be late." I laugh and we climb out of the portrait hole. We quickly say good morning to Professor Snape and run to the Great Hall.

We get there and part ways. I watch him as i sit down. He shakes hands with Theodore Nott. Then he engages in conversation and i take my eyes away and talk with my family.

A wave of good mornings fills my ears and i smile at them all. I sit next to Harry and Ginny and in front of me is Hermione scowling at Ron for talking with so much food in his mouth. He swallows and flashes her a cheeky grin which she can't help but smile and kiss his mouth.

"How was everyone's night?" I ask them and filling my plate with some breakfast.

"Good! My Merlin, the beds in this place are really comfortable." Ron says amazed. I giggle.

"It probably helped that Hermione tired me out last night." Ron adds. Hermione blushes furiously and we all laugh at her.

"Go Hermione!" I wink at her.

"What? I can't help it- i'm amazing." She smiles.

"Yes you are!" Ron says. We burst out laughing until Phillip comes down and delivers me the Daily Prophet. The front pages catches my eye.


Authorities have told The Daily Prophet reporter that Lucius Malfoy has escaped Azkaban just last night.

"He did not do this on his own. We think there was a worker that had a different allegiance. We are getting our best Aurors to catch Lucius and his worker. We will not rest until we find him." Says the new Minister of Magic, Kingsley Shacklebolt.

We are still awaiting further comment.

Lock your doors and keep your children safe. We wish you good luck.

My heart sinks and I feel myself pale.

"Lily?" Ginny says my name slowly and cautiously. I feel like i am going to vomit.

Draco cannot know.

Then I run to the bathroom, crash through the door and into one of the stalls and throw up, the Daily Prophet clutched in my hand. Then the tears come.

I hear Hermione and Ginny calling my name as the door bangs open.

"He's escaped!" I gasp out, my cries are gaspy and shaky.

I shove the Daily Prophet into Ginny's arms, ignoring her confused and nervous face. She gasps, her eyes locked into every word. Hermione cries.

"Just when things were starting to get better!" She yells.

"They were never getting better! They never will!" I howl.

"What do you mean they were never getting better? Did something else happen?" Ginny asks.

"Draco and I met at Hog's head, meeting Blaise, it was before the sexual assault, anyway Blaise told me that Pansy was trying to kill me! That she was in contact with Lucius in Azkaban!" I say. Then something clicks.

"Girls! It was Pansy who helped Lucius escape!" I say

"Oh my God."

"That's impossible!" Hermione and Ginny say at the same time.

"I don't know how, but i'm sure she did it! He couldn't have done it all by himself. Even with the Azkaban traitor!" I say wiping my tears.

"Azkaban traitor?" Hermione asks.

"Blaise is a Slytherin prefect-"

"We know." Ginny and Hermione cut me off.

"Well i didn't.. Anyway he came in last night to tell us that Pansy told him that she had gotten in contact with a worker in Azkaban and that this worker was helping her get the Death Eaters out. Especially Lucius. She plans to kill me." I spit out.

"But how could she have done this?" Ginny asks.

"A Portkey maybe? There are anti-apparation wards in Azkaban so it must have been a Portkey. That's the only explanation." I say.

"What's going to happen if Draco finds out?" Hermione asks worriedly.

"Draco cannot know! It will crush him!" I gasp, and then i run back into the Great Hall. I run by the Slytherin table and see Draco try to grab the paper with a confused look but I grab his arm and he jumps right before he reaches the ground and stands up.

"Lily- What?" He asks, chuckling a little bit.

"I-I'm sorry i just... missed you that's all!" I smile coming up with a quick lie, looking away from him then back at him smiling. He cocks a brow and looks behind him when Theo gasps.

My eyes widen at Theo and he looks at me, i shake my head no.

"What the fuck Theo?" Draco says.

"Nothing, my bad, continue with your disgusting romance." He says. I force a laugh and Draco looks at me weirdly. Then Blaise screams,

"Oh my fucking shit. Oh God!" He covers his mouth and stares at me. I glare at him and shake my head no.

"Love can we go outside?" I ask. He nods but continues to stare.

"Can you tell me what the hell is going on?" He yells.

"Let's just go outside-"

"LUCIUS IS OUT OF AZKABAN!" Seamus yells running into the Great Hall to the gryffindor table with the Daily Prophet in his hand. I look at Draco and it's like he's gone deaf. He just stares at Seamus who is bending over the table and telling Dean and the others who are looking terrified whilst reading the paper.

"Draco?" I ask him.

"His trial is in a week... He needs to be there. He needs to die. I-I need to find him. I need to find Pansy, i think she's up to this." He says really fast, like he needs to convince himself rather than me.

"Ok, ok why don't we go to our classes, give me your-" I say gently and smiling at him and my eyes never leaving his beautiful, but pain filled grey eyes.

"No, no, i think i need to go now." He says trying to walk away but i stammer and grab his hand. "Now Lily! I need to go now!" He yells. I stare at him walking out of the Great Hall.

"No one walks away from me like that. He needs help." I mumble under my breath. I jog outside the Great Hall and i don't see him. I run to the doors leading outside but he isn't there either. My heart starts to race and i don't see him anywhere. My eyes don't stay in one area. My head is flipping around, trying to find any source of movement, but i don't see any.

"Oh my god." I whisper.

He's gone.

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