Chapter 19

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"Of course, of course. Come on my love let's go to bed." I say, I get up and take his hand leading him to our room. It's painted with dark green walls and the king size bed had red bed sheets and then a dark green duvet. The pillows had the red Gryffindor crest on my side and a green Slytherin crest on the other side.

I lay Draco down on the bed and I am the big spoon. He shakes and I know he's crying. I rake my hands through his hair.

He takes my hands and he locks them together. His fingers are intertwined with mine and it's like he's terrified to lose me.

I just let him squeeze my hands. I dig my cheek into his neck and I can feel his tears on my cheek.

"We need to talk about this." I say. "Tell me everything."

"I don't want my dad to die." He says. I am shocked.

"Of course you don't, he's your dad." I say.

"He wasn't all bad. And that's really hard because I hate him. But when I was little I loved him. I wanted to be just like him. And then I fell in love with you and I completely changed. I wasn't this cold bastard anymore. But he didn't change. That's when the beatings started. When I didn't mind it as much he started on my mum. But when I was a child he wasn't out all the time and he'd play a chess game with me. He read with me. And he taught me how to ride a broom.

"With Blaise I was so mad at him for beating me because it reminded me of my father and I then I got even more angry because i'm a muscly guy and I should be able to beat people up!" He says. I can feel his anger radiating off him.

"Draco it's ok to not get physical. I mean you're pretty fucking amazing at dueling." I say. He chuckles.

"Why couldn't he have done that instead?!" He yells.

"My love you know that if he did one spell could end you," I say scared. "I'm glad he beat you to a pulp so that I could easily take care of you but one spell and you are easily permanently.. Well you could be dead and that's worse."

"Blaise doesn't have the guts." He says. I let go of his hands and cup his face so he's looking right at me.

"Draco It doesn't matter. Someone else could." I say.

"Ok ok. I understand." He says. I nod and we get back to me wrapping my arms around him.

"What else, i think you said Pansy?" I ask him.

"She's trying to fucking kill you, why wouldn't i be upset?" He says.

"I know, we really haven't discussed it. Pretty much have just ignored it haven't we? I'm so sorry Draco." I apologize.

"I have been wracking my brain for every possible answer that she could ever, ever get into contact with the death eaters in Azkaban, and my father. How the hell can she get in contact with them?!" He yells. "There must be a-a traitor in Azkaban, a worker who is a traitor and has been bribed or something by Parkinson. God i hate that woman."

I chuckle.

"I just want to know how she plans on killing me with all my friends around me." I say.

"That's why i'm so nervous." He says. "That's why i was so angry. Leaving you alone just for one night could end catastrophically."

"Why didn't you tell me this sooner? We could have talked about it." I say.

"Please, don't chop my dick off. I still need it to be a man." He says. I smile and he laughs.

"Hey, communication is key." I smile. He smiles at me and leans over to kiss me. His tongue glides across my bottom lip and i open my mouth and his tongue explores the inside of my mouth, as if he had never had before. We change positions so that he's on the bottom and i'm on the top.

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