Chapter 7

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No One's POV

it has been two months after the dinner and after Lily's metal meltdown. She was sad after that for a long while. She barely ate, only when Draco practically force fed her. Three days she was sad. They held each other and enjoyed the silence.

After that she decided it was time to go and be with her brother and her friends. She talked to her friends and brother and it helped her tremendously. She found herself again in her family and in herself. Draco has helped her as well. She loves him so much.

Now it is July 31st which is the Twin's birthday. The clan is at the Weasley's at the dinner table. Fleur isn't yet showing since she's only 2 months along but she is very excited along with Bill. Bill always has a hand on his wife, either around her waist, shoulders, stomach or interlaced with her hand.

Then they apparate to the Weasley's and get bombarded with hugs and birthday wishes.

Harry and Lily has a pile of presents in front of them, their bellies full of delicious food Mrs. Weasley has cooked. The smiles on their faces are priceless. Draco sitting next to Lily, sitting next to Harry and Ginny sitting on Harry's other side.

"Alright loves, open them!" Mrs. Weasley says smiling. Lily pulls one from the pile that reads:

From: Fleur and Bill

It was a picture frame of the wedding. The first row on the far left had Hermione and Ron, hand in hand, with both of their free hands were waving. Next to them was Harry and Ginny. Ginny was waving at the camera with her left hand, while her right hand was firmly locked around Harry's left hand. His right hand was wrapped around Lily's shoulders. Her right hand was waving while her left hand was on Harry's left shoulder. They all had smiles on their faces.

Behind Ron and Hermione, there was Arthur and Molly, hand in hand and waving, big grins on their faces. Next to them was Fred and George, waving and their arms were wrapped around each others necks. They were smiling and Fred would sneak looks to Lily, brotherly protective looks, though. Next to George there was Tonks, smiling at the Camera, and smiling at George and Fred with her tongue sticking out.

The third row, behind Molly and Arthur was Remus. he couldn't keep his eyes off Tonks, he had a small smile on his face with love swarming in his eyes. Next to Remus was Bill and Fleur, whose eyes didn't leave each others. They were facing each other, hand in hand, her veil fluttering in the wind, her goblin made tiara sparkling in the photo just like in real life. Next to their smiling faces was Gabrielle, fleur's little sister. Or a miniature Fleur in Lily's eyes.

Lily smiles and thanks Fleur and Bill for the wonderful present. Next Lily pulls out another tight wrapped present.

Lily pulls out Arthur and Molly's present of Gryffindor socks, hat, mittens and scarf. Harry got the same. They both thank them and continue on.

From George and Alicia is a picture of Teddy smiling and changing his hair color to Red like Lily's, in her arms. For Harry it was the same just Black hair.

"Lily i have something to give you tomorrow, so you're coming over." George says. Lily nods smiling and George grins.

From Hermione they both got books, for Lily it was healing, and for Harry it was for being an Auror.

From Ginny, Lily got a bracelet that had beads that reads "Hermione Lily Ginny best friends." Ginny and Hermione both received one too. For Harry, Ginny gave him some boxers and socks and a kiss. We all laugh because we know he'll be getting something a little extra in the bedroom.

From Percy the twins opened a written promise from Kingsley Shacklebolt promising them a job opportunity. They both presumed Headmistress Mcgonagall told Percy and Kingsley about their dreams of becoming an Auror and a Healer.

They both thanked Percy immensely.

Then it was Draco's turn. He gives Lily a box that's brown and blue. She opens it to reveal a picture book filled with Polaroid pictures that Nana took when Draco discovered them hiding in the Forest of Dean.

Lily was crying by the time she was finished with the book.

"I love you so much." Lily sniffles, throwing her arms around her love.

"Not possible." Draco smiles.

Then Draco gives Harry a smaller box with silver wrapping.

Harry smiles him, thanking him in the smile. Draco nods. Harry opens it to reveal a silver chalice. Harry gasps and looks at Draco, mesmerized.

"What is that?" Lily asks.

"In 6th year when we both and Dumbledore had meetings, remember the last one where he asked you not to come? You were enraged and yet you obeyed. Well, we went to find that locket and we had to go through inferi and Dumbledore had to drink a potion that makes you experience excruciating pain, he drank it out of this goblet." Harry says. "How did you get it?"

"My dad got a hold of, to use it against you, Harry, Voldemort was enraged when he found out you got the horcrux, he sent my dad to get the cup." Draco says. The twins look at him, amazed.

"Wow." Lily and Harry say in sync.

"Arthur, Molly and Harry can i speak to you in the kitchen?" Draco asks getting up. Lily gives him a confused look, but he grins at her. Arthur, Molly and Harry get up and follow him into the kitchen. The rest of the company all share a confused look.

After a minute they all jump at Molly squealing.

"OH MY MERLIN!" And then more muffled squealing. Then it stops. We all jump up but Arthur comes out smiling.

"All is well, just a little excited! We'll be out in a second!" Arthur smiles and sprints back into the kitchen. They all settle back into our chairs. Just then they all come back out, all composed and smiling except for Molly, who is crying.

"Molly? What's going on?!" Lily asks her. She smiles.

"Nothing my dear! You'll find out in a minute!" She smiles. Lily raises a brow. Everyone sits down except for Draco. He bends down and makes the chair face him with a scraping noise. Everyone giggles including Lily.

"Everyone, I want to have your attention please. Though, now I am speaking directly to my love, Lilian. I just talked to the people who are the closest thing to your parents, my love, because they died before i could meet them, and have your father walk you down the aisle." He says and tears fall down her face.

"And i feel so guilty that the Lord, dead, Voldemort killed your parents when you were a year old. I feel horrible that i made you and your brother's life a living hell during school because my father was so horrible in blood status. That he hated everyone that wasn't pure blood. So i asked them for their blessing in marrying you." There was a gasp and Lily's hands go to her mouth, tears pouring from her eyes. He bends down on one knee.

"Lilian Jennifer Potter, you gave me a chance. And i can never thank you enough, but let this ring start with forever. Lilian with this ring I promise to cherish you, protect you and hold you, in sickness and in health until death do us part. Hell, they'll have to pry you out my cold dead fingers if they want you. "I want to wake up next to you every morning. I want to sleep next you every night, I want your face to be the last thing I see when I go to sleep and the first thing I see when I wake. I want to fight with you, and I want to talk about it until we make up and that you just can't stay mad at me. I want to hold you when you're crying and wipe the tears away. I want to be there when you're screaming in pain from giving birth to our babies. "I want to be there when our babies draw their first breath, take their first step, start their first year at Hogwarts, and i want to be there at their graduation. I want to yell at them for drinking too much in school. I want to walk my daughter down the aisle and make sure my boy is standing at the altar, making sure his tie is tied right and making sure he cries when he sees his beautiful bride. I want to die with you in my arms my love, because love doesn't begin to describe the feeling i feel for you. So Lilian, will you do me the honor of marrying me?"YES!" Lily screams and throws herself in his arms. She is crying so hard. He smiles, relieved she said yes. Molly is crying hard, and everyone is smiling. "Give me that ring." She sniffles. She takes the ring that is beautiful. In the middle there is a big diamond and on either side of the big diamond are two smaller ones. Then she slips it on her left ring finger. She feels the ring burning and she winces and takes the ring off.Draco Lucius Malfoy"Since my name came up, it means you love me." Draco smiles seizing her by the waist and brought her close. She slips the ring back on and smiles to him. "Now how will i know you love me back?" Lily sniffs and smiles. Draco grins and Harry gives him a black velvet box with a silver ring and three tiny diamonds on the top, just like a masculine version in Lily's ring. "I can't touch this ring since it's for me, or else the enchantment won't work. When you slip this ring on my finger your name will appear. Lily takes the velvet box anxiously. Draco lifts his hand up and she slides the ring in his finger. She bites her lip in anticipation. Draco smiles and he takes off the ring showing Lily the inside of the ring,Lilian Jennifer Malfoy

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