Chapter 14

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The next morning I woke up to tapping on the window. Our eyes slowly creeped open and i slowly got out of bed, much to Draco's dismay. He groaned and i felt his body heat slowly leave mine, and i was cold. I didn't bother getting any clothes on and i headed to let the owl in.

At first i didn't see the rest of the owls behind that one and gasped when 5 more came flying through my window. All of them had packages attached to them. I feed them and untie the packages from all of them.

"What the bloody hell?" Draco asks. I look at him giving him the 'i don't know either.' I open the packages and see that all our books and robes for Hogwarts were smaller and packed inside the box. I smile and Draco comes over and wraps his arms around me. I laugh with a big smile on my face.

"Who could have done this?" I ask him. He smiles and shrugs.

Then he takes a small piece of parchments and unfolds it.

"I told you, my dear, i want your life to go as planned" Draco reads.

"Kingsley! You sly dog! Ah! He paid for our books!" I smile. Draco laughs at my smiles and giggles.

"We'd better get dressed. I'll go and make some breakfast?" Draco asks. I look at him.

"You cook?" I asked amazed.

"When dad was doing something else, he wasn't in the house, i was about 10, she taught me to cook," He says recollecting the memory and grinning. "Every time he wasn't in the house she'd teach me."

I smile.

"You know mum, really is looking forward to be a gran." He says grinning.

"I'm looking forward to be a mum." I say smiling.

"Tell me again why it'd be so bad to get pregnant?" He asks me.

"Because then i wouldn't fit in my dress, that's why. I want to drink at my wedding as well, and I want to have sex with my husband on my wedding night, i shouldn't have sex when i'm pregnant, it isn't good for the baby." I smile at him.

"Ah, i see." He says.

"What?" I ask him.

"Nothing! I just love my fiance." He smiles. I laugh and get dressed.

"How do you feel?" I ask him.

"Oh yeah. It's the first isn't it." He asks me. I nod. "I want to go to school. I think i'll be fine, it's not like i haven't gone through the Death Eater name calling before." He replies.

"Draco Malfoy, if i hear of anyone calling you that I will personally hex them. I'll get Ginny to, too. You know she'll do it." I warn.

"I know. I think you're one step below from being just as protective as me." He says. I look at him as if he had just offered me goblin piss.

"Wow you're funny. I'm way more protective than you are, especially with you, Harry and don't even get me started with my future children." I smile at him. He chuckles.

"Alright, you win. As always."

"Damn straight." I giggle. He smiles and finishes getting dressed then heads downstairs. I head toward the wardrobe in the room and take a towel. I wrap it around myself, grab another one for my hair and head for the bathroom. I get in and turn the water on. I place the towels on the counter and get into the bathtub. I thank Merlin for the soap that someone bought. I washed my hair and myself and sat there soaking.

I like the hot water.

You haven't been mad at Draco yet.

I know.

You should be, just for a little. He killed Albus Dumbledore the one closest to a parent after Sirius died.

Yes, thank you for the reminder.

I'm just saying that you need to be. You guys haven't had one fight since you've dated. That's weird.

But is it? Wouldn't it just be compatible?

Tell yourself the truth. Do you really think that no fighting is compatible? It's good you're not fighting but you haven't had one yet.

Yeah. I know. But i don't want to start one. He is the love of my life.

I'm not saying to break up with him, but you do need to tell him how you feel. How do you feel?

Don't even say those wretched words. I'm mad, i'm not going to lie. He killed him behind my back. He didn't tell me. But i know he wouldn't do this on purpose, someone must have been forcing him to.

That would make sense.

We should talk to him.


"Everyone! Breakfast!" I hear Draco's voice. I turn off the water and grab my towel.

I wrap it around me and walk out the door. Hermione and Ron walk out of their room followed by Harry and Ginny.

"Hurry up and get dressed Lily! See you downstairs." Ginny smiles.

I smile and nod.

I walk into Sirius' room and find some clothes. I decide with some blue jeans and the grey sweater Mrs. Weasley knitted me. I put some socks on and then walk downstairs to the kitchen. They were all talking and smiling to one another and Draco was in the kitchen smiling and joining their conversations. Before they could see me, i run back upstairs and grabbed my camera. I took a picture of the scene before me. The noise the camera made, everyone looked at me and smiled.

I took another picture. I laugh and set the camera down. I go around the table, i give Harry a kiss on the cheek, Ginny a hug, Ron a kiss on the cheek and Hermione a hug.

"My turn!" I hear Draco say from the kitchen. We all laugh and i go over there. I wrap my arms around his waist and lean my left cheek on his back.

"Hungry?" He asks me.

"Yeah, whatcha making me?" I ask smiling.

"Eggs, bacon and toast." He says. I laugh. I get some dishes from the cabinet and start piling food on the plates. I bring everyone's out first. They all take a bite and they're eyes are the size of saucers. I laugh.

"This is amazing! Almost as good as mum's food!" Ron says with his mouth full. We all laugh. Draco and I grab our plates and join them. We're all laughing, mostly at Ron eating so much as usual, but Draco decides to have some fun in tormenting him.

"You cheated! besides, how would it look if i won against my best friends' boyfriend?" Ron pouts. We all laugh.

"Yeah yeah, we've heard this before!" Ginny says smiling evil-y at him.

"And i'll say it again! He cheated and I let him win!"

"Come on Weaslebe, get over it, i beat you fair and square!" Draco torments him.

"Oh shut it Ferret." Ron says.

"It's Master now Weasley." Draco smirks.

We all laugh at this remark. It was clever.

"Hey, we'd better get to King's cross." I say smiling. We all nod, I have Hermione and Ron do the dishes and Harry, Draco and Ron (After he's finished) float out all the trunks and cages unto the front door step.

Harry and I take one look at 12 Grimmauld place.

"Well, looks like goodbye." I say to the door. Harry knocks the door twice and we see the rest of the building close together.

"Let's go."

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