Chapter 3

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I leave my room and look down from the top of the stairs. I spot Draco. He looks tired.

Then he sees me and smiles, opening his arms. I smile and dart down the stairs and jump into his arms. His strong arms wrap around me as my hands and head go to and around his neck.

"I'm so glad you're here." I say.

"Of course i am. I love you so much." Draco says.

"I love you too." I sigh happily.

"Where are the others?" He asks. I let go of his neck and look at him.

"Shagging each others brains out." I reply in the most serious tone ever. Draco roars laughing. I giggle a little bit.

"Well, i think it's our turn." Draco growls huskily. I shriek in delight as he starts for the stairs, i laugh. He tosses me on the bed, I get my wand out and quickly tap below my belly button (where the uterus is) and the tip Of my wand glows bright blue. I performed a charm that doesn't let me get pregnant . Draco crawls on top of me. I smile until he attacks my lips. We take each others clothes off and enter a night of love and passion, then a land of happy and peaceful sleep in the arms of the man i love.

The next morning i feel my eyelashes flutter and see a sleeping Draco. He looks young, innocent, like the only time he feels better is when he's sleeping. Relaxed. His breathing is slow and equal. I take the time to notice him more. His cheekbones are hollow. He looks a little thin. My eyes trail down lower, to his chest. His abs are sculpted, like the only thing he does is work out.

I'm curious. Why does he look like he hasn't eaten? Did they do something to him while he was at his manor? Suddenly my curiosity turns to anger and worry.

Then i hear a stir and grey eyes stare into mine. My mouth goes into a straight line. I sort of frown.

"Why are you skinny?" I ask him trailing my fingers on his abs.

"Not too much food back at the manor... Had to occupy myself so i exercised a lot." He trails off.

"You mean, not a lot of food accessed to you." I say.

"Yeah. That."

"Draco. Why didn't you tell me?" I ask him, sad.

"I dunno.."

"I'm going to go shopping for food then. Or i'll have Kreacher go." I say. He nods.

"Thank you." he says. I caress his cheek with my hand, smiling lovingly at him.

Before i could say something we jumped as Kreacher apparates into the room. Draco scowls and pulls sheet around me so i'm covered.

"Mis- Mis- Blegh, Mistress called Kreacher." He says disgusted as he wipes his face. I roll my eyes.

"Why are you crying, Kreacher?" I ask him a little annoyed.

"T-the only Mistress- True Mistress is dead!" He weeps. I give Kreacher a look of confusion.

"B-Bellatrix Lestrange, you bloody idiot! She's dead and now i have to serve blood traitors and mudbloods." He seethes. Draco looks very annoyed.

"You're right. I killed her now before i get mad, you'd better go." I narrow my eyes at him. He growls and disapparates.

"C'mon, let's get dressed and go and get some groceries. Maybe we could go and visit the Weasley's? Or go and see Andromeda?" I ask him.

"I do want to visit Andromeda, my mum had told me last night that she is ill, very ill." Draco says. We both get out of bed.

"Oh, that's sad." I say getting dressed. "Speaking of last night, what all happened?" I saw grabbing a brush off the dresser and brushing my waist length hair. I had gotten dressed in regular muggle jeans and a t-shirt. I watch him get in black jeans and a white t-shirt.

"Well, last night, was... eventful." He says, looking for a comb.

"Eventful?" I question.

"Mum found my dad's will." He says. I look at him, shocked.

"What does it say?" I ask him.

"I must present him with an heir, he can bless it, before he dies that is." He says looking at me. "If not, the inheritance, and the manor no longer applies to me."

"Er.. That could be a problem.. His hearing is either Azkaban for life, which won't last long or death. So really it's slow death or fast death. Draco i love you, you know that right?" I ask him.

"Of course i know that!" He says grinning.

"No Draco, i'm not ready to have a baby." I say. he looks down.

"Or getting married i suppose either?" He asks.

"No. I'm sorry. Are you?" I ask him, bewildered.

"Yeah." He says.

"Draco i was going to talk to you about school!" I say.

"We're going back?" Draco asks.

"We haven't completed our N.E.W.T's, we couldn't get a job either way." I state.

"Sure we could, Kingsley Shacklebolt was just anointed Minister. I bet if we asked he could get us a job." Draco says. I can't tell if he's mad or amused.

"I bet if we asked we could get him to push back the hearing?" I ask him.

"Ok, you're right. You're not even 18 yet. I understand. Do you still love me?" he asks grinning. I frown. Then i smack his arm.

"Of course i still love you, bloody idiot." I grin. He laughs and brings me close.

"One of these days we will get married, bare a son and daughter, be a family." I say leaning my head on his chest.

"I can't wait." He sighs happily. I can hear the smile on his face.

"C'mon, let's get something from the kitchen to tie us over." I smile and pat his stomach. He smiles like a kid and takes my hand, practically dragging me down the stairs. When we get down there, everyone is down there, Hermione, Ron, Ginny and Harry. The two girls are on the boys' lap.

"Hey, have you all had breakfast?" I ask them, opening the fridge.

"Nothing but Firewhiskey." Harry says.

"Great. Well Draco and I are going to Diagon alley and get some food. Maybe go and see George if he's at the shop?" I ask the last part to Ron.

"No. He's not. He isn't dealing with Fred's death too well." Ron says glumly. Hermione squeezes his hand.

"Is he with your mum?" I ask him. The room feels a lot more sad now.

"Yeah. Speaking of, mum invited all of us for dinner." Ron says.

"Ok. We'll be there." I grin and take Draco's hand. Draco and I walk to the front door and i whip my wand, to feel the familiar closing space of apparating.

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