Chapter 26

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Harry's POV

It's December 24th. Draco has been I the hospital wing twice because he hadn't been eating or sleeping.

When Headmistress noticed it- she raced him there and he is slowly getting better. The second time he had a panic attack and couldn't breath. We haven't been doing good with out her.

Hermione is convinced she's dead.

The only reason why I don't think she's dead is because they would have given her body back to torture us.

She is not dead.

She can't be dead.

I decide to get off my bed and go to Draco, to make sure he's eating. I walk in and he is sitting in the chair Lily sat in and he is holding into her jumper as if his life depended on it.

The chair is in front of the fire and he stares into it. He's been eating but he hasn't been sleeping. The deep purple bags under his eyes smack me in the face.

"Draco." I call for him.

"Potter." He answers.

"Eat." I say.

He groans.

"Come on Draco, you need your strength to find her." I say. He shots up, glaring at me and grabs a green apple.

We both jump when we hear a snap and there, Sweets shows up.

"Master Potter! Where is Mistress?" She asks with a smile. She looks at us and then her big smile turns to a nervous frown.

"Why's your faces sad?" She trembles.

"Lily's been missing for three months." I say. She bursts into tears.

"M-Mistress is missing? Why hasn't Sweets heard of this?" She wails.

"I'm sorry Sweets." Draco whispers.

She sniffles and stops crying.

"Master Malfoy, do you needs a meal cooking?" She asks. Draco nods his head no, but I nod my head yes.

"Yes, Sweets please cook something for Draco." I answer.

"Potter I can speak for myself." He growls at me.

"You nodded your head no when you need to eat something." I counter.

"We'll have you eaten something?" He snaps at me.

"No I haven't."

"Sweets can bring something for both Masters. Sweets will be right back. Stay here Masters, please." And with that she left. A few moments later she comes back with two silver platters.

She sets them in front of us on the coffee table and takes the lid off, revealing French onion soup, a piece of bread and cheese, a fruit platter with pineapple, raspberries, and strawberries with coconut shredding on top.

There is also a pitcher of pumpkin juice with two goblets.

"Thank you Sweets." Draco says in a voice just barely louder than a whisper. He sits down and eats. Sweets bows and wishes us luck in finding Lily and vanishes.

After a minute or two, I sit down and join him. When we've both finished, we leave the empty dishes on the table for Sweets to collect.

We sit in silence gazing into the fire.

"God I miss her so much." He says wiping his face with his hand.

"I miss her too." I agree.

"Where have we missed?" He sighs heavily.

"There is no where I could ever think of that he'd take her." I say.

"I don't either. Kingsley has his men everywhere. But I still can't help but feel they're worthless." He answers.

"They're trying... But I agree, this waiting with no progress is getting old." I say.

"What am I supposed to do without her." He says more of a worry than a question.

"She's going to be angry once she learns that she's missed so much wedding planning." I chuckle. She grins a little.

"She will be, yes."

Molly Weasley's POV


"Arthur! Oh Arthur!" I cry out sobbing.

He grasps me by the arms, his worry shown clearly on his face.

"What? What is it Molly dear?" He asks, trying to keep calm.

"Oh! Lily's been taken!" I wail.

"What?! By who?!" He ask asks me.

"Lucius Malfoy and Pansy Parkinson! They might kill her Arthur!" I scream.

"Have they contacted Kingsley?" He asks close to tears.

I nods. He grabs me hugs my sobbing mess of a woman, but he doesn't care.

"They will find her Molly dear. I promise." He whispers in my ear. Then I hear George coming down the stairs, chuckling as a screaming Teddy giggles in his arms.

When he sees his mum crying he pauses, puts Teddy down and goes over to us.

"Mum? What's going on?" He asks me.

"L-Lily's been taken by Lucius Malfoy and Pansy Parkinson!" I cry.

He pauses for a moment.

"I have to find her. Tell Alicia to watch Teddy." He simply says and apparates.

A few hours later, Arthur, Alicia, Teddy and I were all sitting. Alicia was playing with a calm Teddy- who wasn't making any noise but was enjoying himself, changing his hair color ever once in a while. Arthur was scanning the newspaper for any news of Lily being found.

There wasn't one.

Another few hours gone by and George, whose eyes are red and puffy, came back defeated. His shoulders were slumped and his hair fell in his eyes.

"I couldn't find her. If Fred were here he wouldn't quit like I had." He sobs. Alicia goes over and hugs him and kisses his cheek.

"Oh you did the best you can George." She says.

"She's right George." Arthur says.

"We'll all look for her. We will find her, we will." I say. I get up to my knitting chair and get some grey yarn to start on her next sweater.

"Molly dear? What are you doing?" Arthur asks me.

"I'm making her a sweater. I missed last year and I'll be damned if she's not getting one this time."

Lily's POV

Pansy had stopped giving me food for three days now. I can see my ribs. Draco is going to be very mad.

The bruises haven't left, new one rise, my bones feel like they're going to break if I stand up. Which I haven't in a long time.. Since I was locked in this damn thing.

Luckily water still is supplied.

Unfortunately, the beatings are supplied as well. I haven't slept since my nightmare, maybe a few times for an hour or so, but I always catch myself so I won't have that nightmare again.

I can't go through that... Going through the nightmare is worse than getting hit every day.

God I miss them.

All of them, my girls and my fiancé and my brother. So much. I miss Ron too.

I have to get out of here, but first I need my wand.

Always...जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें