Chapter 39

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Lily's POV

"Lilian. Please, go to the chair in the center." I stare at Kingsley. Draco and Narcissa were hugging and I wasn't going to interrupt them. My arms wiggle as I try to get up from the chair. I was pleased when I managed to get off the chair. I slowly walk to the chair. My breathing was raspy but I wouldn't dare show it.

I sit in the cold metallic chair. I gasp and sit a little straighter.

"Ms. Potter, was that all true?"

"Yes. Luna, Hermione, Ginny and I went to Hogsmeade to have a spa day and look for dresses, for the wedding in June. When we got out of the salon, Lucius and pansy and a few others were waiting for us. They stunned my friends and took me. I didn't know where I was. Lucius tried to take my ring off, but I wouldn't let him. That's why there are scratches on my ring finger. Then, he raped me. For a while, I was supplied with little food and  water, then it stopped. I don't know when. I wasn't keeping track of the time I was there. When I decided to escape, I performed wandless magic. I received my wand and ran. When I stepped outside, there were anti-apparition wards so I ran. For miles I think. When I could apparate, I apparated to Hogwarts. I looked for anyone, but there wasn't anyone in the halls. I heard... something so I followed it to a classroom. I can't remember who was in there. I just remember the floor, pain in my leg and that's all. Then I woke up in the hospital wing."

"Do you think that they received fair punishment?" Kingsley asks.

I stare at him. I look over to Draco. Narcissa was in her seat looking at me with a sparkle in her eye. Draco nods at me. I look back to Kingsley.

"Absolutely. Though, I am not the one to decide it. I am biased. I trust the mind of the court. Thank you." I say. Kingsley nods.

"Alright. Everyone is dismissed. Thank you everyone. Have a good day everyone. Malfoys and Potters. May your minds be at ease." He says and then leaves.

May our minds be at ease.

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