Chapter 23

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Lily's POV

When we've finished with our baths, we get out, the woman was very happy. We got out of the bathroom and she sat us down in these massage chairs and then these women, most likely muggles started massaging our feet, Ginny would not stop laughing because they were tickling her.

"Harry must not suck your toes then Ginny?" Luna asks her like it was the most normal thing. Hermione and i look at each other and we start laughing.

"No," She giggles. "Because he knows that tickles." She says between giggles. We all lose it. When the muggles finish our toes, we get our clothes on and then they move unto our finger nails. We all get french tips and we leave after saying our goodbyes and thanks.

We walk out the door and walk across the street but stop when we hear the crack of apparating, and stop dead in our tracks when Pansy, Blaise's step-father, Lucius Malfoy, Fenrir Grayback, Avery, Mulciber and three other death eaters i don't know are in front of us with evil sneers on their faces.

We all whip out our wands but they are too quick and Lucius has cast the full body-binding spell. The others are all knocked out unconscious.

"Don't hurt them! Just take me and leave them alone!" I scream at them.

"But taking them would be more fun!" Pansy sneers at me.

"No, NO! Please, just take me. I won't call for help." I say. She smiles evil-y at me and snatches my wand from my hand and then takes my hair, making me scream in pain and takes me to their lair. There, it's dark, there are only cells, for as much as i can see. Pansy throws me in one and i scream from her taking a chunk of my hair. She laughs at my pain.

"Why are you doing this to me?!" I yell at her.

"Because you fell in love with my love!" She screams at me. "Lucius, would you mind? I know your son won't take me back if I do the torturing." My eyes go wide at her words.

"My pleasure," He says walking over. She laughs at my obvious fear as Lucius walks into the cell as Pansy leaves, cackling. I back up against the corner in the back. He cackles.

"The lying was a good touch. Too bad i was too stupid to fall for it." His face changed to anger. I begin to cower but I hold my ground.

"Yes, too bad you were too stupid." I say.

"Crucio!" He yells and my back arches as i scream. I could feel the lightening strike on my stomach progress. The white hot pain sears through my body, but fortunately for me, stopped.

He gets real close to me, his hair tickling my chin, his breath, gross smelling breath hits me like a moving truck.

"You think you can trick me and get away with it?" He yells at me.

"I've gotten this far haven't I?" I say in a small voice. Then his hand strikes me leaving a stinging pain on my cheek.

"You are a half-blood! You are one step, just one, above being a mudblood! You are not a pureblood and you will never have my blessing to marry him." He then spits in my face. My hand wipes the spit from my face.

"Too late." I say, showing my left hand and showing the rock on my ring finger. He growls and tries rip off the ring from my finger but i bite his hand. He punches me in the face. My hand goes straight to my eye and i whimper in pain.

"You.. You can do whatever you want, but you will not take my r-ring from me." My throat seems to fail me and instead of my usual strong voice, it comes out froggy. He punches me again and I yell in surprise.

"I'm going to get that ring, even if it's the last thing i do." He says and then he begins to take off my pants.

"No, what are you doing." I asks him even though i know very well what he's doing. "NO! NO! STOP!" I scream as he goes faster. He binds my hands together so i can't retaliate and he slaps my over and over again until i'm near unconsciousness.

"No... Stop..." Then i feel more pain in my lower region and it all goes black.

Ginny's POV

I woke up with a throbbing pain in my head. My eyesight is blurry and i'm 95% positive that i have a concussion. I sit up and my hand flies to my head and the sand goes in my hair.

What just happened? Where am I? Okay, let's go through this.

I went shopping with Hermione, Luna and Lily ... and then Pansy!

I shoot right up and see that Luna and Hermione are unconscious. I crawl over to Luna and shake her, desperate for an answer. After a moment she stirs.

"Oh Luna! Luna wake up!" I yell at her. She sits up and her hand goes to her head and she looks confused.

"Hermione! Get up please!" I shake her arm. She sits up and immediately her eyes go wide.

"Oh my Merlin! LILY!" She screams and gets up and frantically looks around.

I slowly get up and go to Hermione and grab her arms.

"We have to go to Mcgonagall!" I say. She nods and grabs her wand from the ground. She helps me get Luna off the ground and we both grab our wands.

"We'll find her. Don't worry." Luna says.

I take Hermione and Luna's hands and apparate to right outside Hogwarts. We run inside straight to Mcgonagall's office.

"Shit! I don't know the password!" I swear.

"Are you three looking for me?" We all jump at Professor's voice. I groan.

"Yes! Headmistress! Pansy, Lucius Malfoy and a few others have taken Lily!" Hermione spits.

She looks at us for a moment and her usual calm composure erupts into panic.

"I'm going to Kingsley. Ginny inform the others. I will find that girl." She says and with that, she vanishes.

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