Chapter 35

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Lily's POV

I wake up from our nap and no one was there. Teddy wasn't. I rub my eyes and and the black walls meet my eyes.

Confused, i try to get up but my legs are chained to the ground.

"W-what the hell?" I tug on the chains and the metal bounds at my ankles.

"Well, you tried to get away last time, it's time for more... Security." A startling voice rang out and I jump.

"W-who's there?" I yell out.

"Draco? Come on out son." The voice comes out again. It was too dark and I couldn't see anything. I narrow my eyes trying to see a figure that was walking toward me.

The silhouette looked familiar. But when he opened his eyes, I crinkled in fear.

Draco, stood there in a death eater cloak, his wand pointed at me. His face had a deadly smile that ran shivers up my spine, but his eyes, his eyes are what scared me the most.

His usual grey, beautiful, loving eyes were now, angry, pain filled and bright red. I gasp and stare at him in disbelief.

"Draco? No it can't be. Where's Harry? No wake up Lily. This is a dream." I say trying to count my fingers but he seises my wrists making me scream in surprise and pain. He slams them against the wall and chains them.

"How do you know that you escaping wasn't a dream?" He whispers, his eyes trail down my neck and he lips his lips.

"B-because... I.. My fingers.." I say tripping over my words.

"The brain is a powerful thing, Potter." He spits and his hand grades my forehead gently. I wince and close my eyes.

"Why... W-why are you doing this?" I whisper. "I thought you loved me..."

He laughs. It wasn't like his usual, happy laugh, the one I loved. It was cold, heartless, scary.

"Me? Loving you? In your dreams Potter." He spits my name out like it was venom.

"He was using you, stupid girl! A Malfoy? Loving a half blood? Oh don't make me laugh." The voice seethes and emerges from the shadow. Lucius.

"I was using you Lilian. I pretended to love you so you'd tell me you and Scar head's plans for the Dark Lord. When he killed Voldemort it gave me the chance to become his image." He grins in victory. The red eyes. Voldemort's eyes.

"You see, my son never loved you." Lucius spits. Draco looks to me, he crawls to me, his face inches from mine. His thump wipes my tears away.

"It hurts doesn't it?" He whispers. "The words; I never loved you, kill you. Don't they?"

I look at him, the tears spilling from my eyes like faucets. After a minute of silence he strikes me.

"DOESN'T IT?!" He screams at me. I scream.

"YES!" I cry out.

"What hurt more? The truth? Or the strike?" He chuckles. I cry, hanging my head.

"What I'm going to do to you, will be worse than what father ever did to you. Never mind Pansy." He laughs. I don't look up.

"Please..." I whisper. "Let me go."

"Where the fun in that Lilian? I want to torture you. To savor you. Then kill you." He repeats the words Bellatrix used.

"Why?!" I scream at him.

"Because I hate you! You took everything from me!" He screams at me.

"What did I take from you Draco?! What could I have possibly taken from you?!" I scream at him.

"You and Scar Head were born. You took away my sense of security-"

"But now that I have helped him into the man he is now, everyone fears him." Lucius cuts him off. Draco straightens up.

"Exactly. Everyone fears me. Everyone cowers at my feet when I walk in the blood of the ones I killed." He says.

"This isn't you." I say pained.

"Take a good look at me Lilian." He says. When I don't he chuckles. "Or should I bring in the others?"

My head snaps up, my face struck with horror.

"No! No! Don't hurt them!" I scream at them.

"Not so brave now are we Lilian?" Lucius says. He slaps my face. Draco comes back with Ron, Ginny, Hermione, George and Harry strapped to chairs, tape on their mouthes and tears soaking their faces.

"No! No! No! Let them go!" I scream at them. Harry struggles and you can hear him groaning and crying, trying to get to Ginny and I.

"Which one first?" Lucius smiles at his son. I'm screaming no over and over again and they ignore it.

"Harry Potter." Draco smiles and raises his wand.


I was being held down. Draco had my feet and Harry had my hands. I was screaming. Everyone was in the room. My green eyes were wide and crazed.

"Let go of me!" I scream.

"Lilian! It was just a dream!" Harry says. I look at him.

"Why are you holding into me?" I ask them.

"You were thrashing around like mad." Harry answers. Draco had my legs when I was chained in the dream. Then Harry had my wrists, just like in the nightmare.

"Let go of me Harry James Potter!" I yell. He and Draco let go of me and immediately bring my legs and wrap my arms around my knees.

"What happened?" Draco asks.

"I had a nightmare." I whisper replaying the images in my head.

"You were crying. You were begging someone not to hurt them.." Harry starts.

"Leave it alone." I snap.

"Lily!" Molly gasps in disbelief.

" I don't want to talk about it. Leave me alone! All of you!" I yell at them.

"What was the dream about Lilian?" Draco says stepping forward.

"Didn't you hear me? I don't want to talk about it." I say less angry.

"I'm not giving you a choice Lily." He demands.

"It was about you! Draco you had turned into the next Voldemort! You had told me you never loved me! You hit me! Then you almost killed everyone else! Do you know how much this hurts me?! Just get out! All of you! Leave me alone!"

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