Chapter 30

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Draco's POV

Ginny and I walk to the hospital wing and meet Ron and Hermione. Ron looks angry but Hermione is scared, her eyes are depressed. I can almost understand her pain. She is titled the brightest with of our age and she couldn't protect her.

"Weasley, i swear to Merlin i will punch that angry face off if you don't stop it." I warn him. Ginny nods.

"I'm not afraid of you Malfoy." He sneers at me.

"If i didn't know that Lily was in there, i would." I grumble. Hermione elbows him in the ribs and he straightens up.

We open the doors and Madam Pomfrey is bustling about.

"I will go and inform the Weasley's." We hear Professor says and apparate out. I run to her bed side and Harry is still crying but not as bad. Madam Pomfrey was looking at her leg, finding a way to go about it. Her eyes slipping a few tears here and there.

I grab her hand and my other hand caresses her face, like i do when she's sleeping or not feeling well.

"Alright lads, i need to push the bone back in her leg in order to heal it properly. It will be a nasty sound." She says. We both nod looking to one another. The rest came over. All of them were crying. I just noticed her lightening strike grew... Those bastards put her under the cruciatus curse!

Madam Pomfrey positions herself over Lily's leg and puts her hand on either sides of her calf. Then she pushes and we hear flesh being ripped, bone being back and it sounds awful. Just then Lily screams and bolts upright.

She screams a gasping scream and cries. Gasps over come her screams and we all jump, Madam Pomfrey takes her hands off her leg and jumps putting one hand to cover her mouth. She desperately wiggles around and Madam Pomfrey panics.

"Hold her down! She cannot move or her leg will not heal!" She yells and holds her down. Lily screams more.

"Let go of me!" She gasps and screams. "Lucius! Please no! Your son! He's your son! Don't touch me!" She thrashes around desperately trying to get away. Her eyes are wide open and terrified.

"Lily! Wake up!" Harry cries.

"Harry?" She stops abruptly.

"It's me Lilian. I'm here." He whispers.

"No... It can't be... I've fallen asleep." She whispers.

"You're safe. I promise Lilian."

"No. I'm dreaming." She cries.

Count your fingers Lilian. Count them." She holds her hands up to where she can see.

"1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6... 7... 8... 9... 10." She gasps and looks to Harry.

"Draco? Are you here too?" She asks, her voice barely louder than a whisper, closing her eyes in pain.

"I'm here my love, I'm here. You're safe, my father can't hurt you." I say to her, grabbing her hand.

"Oh. I'm so tired. My- my chest hurts." She gasps.

"My dear, you've broken a few ribs, as well as your leg." Madam Pomfrey.

"How d-did i do that?" She asks.

"How much do you remember?" Madam Pomfrey asks.

Everything." She whispers.

Tell us, please." Professor Mcgonagall scares Lily by apparating in here with the Weasley's. Molly runs over to Lily, cries and hugs her.

"Oh my l-love!" She cries.

"Molly." Lily sighs like all the weight's been lifted and struggles to hug her back.

"Mum?! Lily?!" We hear George's panic filled voice. His eyes are bloodshot and filled with panic.

"George?" She whispers.

"Oh Lily!" George yells and attacker her with a hug. She gasps in pain and we all jump up. George breaks down.

"I am so sorry Lily! I'm so sorry, please forgive me!" He cries.

"It's o-okay!" She whispers and smiles sort of at him. He cries and hugs her much more gently and rocks back and forth.

Just then Kingsley apparates scaring Lily again. 

"Lily! It's so great you've been found!" He says. She nods.

"Everyone's been looking for you my dear." Professor Mcgonagall says. "We need to know where you were and what happened these last few months."

"I was locked in a cell at the Riddle mansion." She whispers. We all gasp.
Kingsley apparates out and then back again in a minute. He quickly told us that he sent Aurors to the house
"There were anti-apparition wards outside so I had to run a while before I could apparate out." She chokes out.

"What happened the first day and then on?" Hermione asks sniffling.

"I-I can't..." She whispers.

"I'm sorry my dear but you need to tell us." Kingsley says.

"Well, at Hogsmead we were attacked. Pansy grabbed me, threw me in a cell... She ripped out a chunk of my hair..." She says.  She slowly sits up, with the help of me, and there is a spot on her head that has some peach fuzz from Pansy tipping her hair out. Molly, Hermione and Ginny gasp.

"She slapped me around a bit. But then Lucius came down... God, oh Merlin, Draco I am so sorry." She cries and looks to me. My heart starts pounding like it never has before. My hand grips her tighter.

"Lily? What's wrong what did he do?" Harry asks. She looks to Ginny and nods. Hermione and Ginny gasp. Ginny runs to her mum and Hermione grasps a very confused Ron. They're both sobbing.

"I don't understand!" I yell at them. "What?!" I ask her.

What I am about to hear next, I would have killed instead of hearing it.

"Lucius raped me."

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