Chapter 9

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Lily's POV

I took us to Knockturn alley, right in front of Borgin and Burkes. Harry whips his arm off mine.

"Why? Why the hell are we here?" He seethes toward the shop.

"Harry, calm down, since it's an antique shop, i thought we'd try and see if there was anything you liked." I say. He nods his head no.

"No, i'm not getting Ginny something from this wretched shop." He spits toward the door.

"Harry James Potter. That is so disrespectful. All you had to say is; 'Please, let's go to a different shop.'" I yell at him.

"He does not deserve respect!" Harry yells back.

"You are not the one to decide that!" I yell back.

"Like hell I'm not!" He says to me.

"No, you're not. Keep your opinion to yourself." I say. I grab his wrist and apparate to Hogsmeade. He sighs.

"Ok, you're right, as always." He apologizes.

"Thank you. I don't really know where to go for a ring..." I say, then the tea shop of couples catches my eye. Can't hurt to try, right? I drag him into the shop. He groans.

"Good morning Madam Puddifoot." I smile at the old, plump woman sitting behind the counter. Behind the counter was a purple curtain.

"Good morning dears- Merlin! You're a Potter!" She gasps, then looks to Harry. "And the boy Potter.. What can I do for you dears?" She bows.

"Please no need. Well my brother wants to propose to his girlfriend and we need a ring, we would most likely receive our parents' rings but they're dead. Can you help us?" I ask. She goes wide eyed on the mention of our parents' death and then she nods her head.

"Follow me, please." We follow her to the back of the counter, through the purple curtain and we gasp. Madam Puddifoot smiles as we look at the rows and rows of diamond rings. Some small, some big, some shiny, some matte. It is beautiful.

"Not many know to come to me for rings." Madam Puddifoot smiles.

"Well, i went here with my ex.. late boyfriend and well, we felt love so i thought we'd try here, marriage is a thing that represents love." I shrug. Madam Puddifoot frowns.

"Lost in the war?" She asks sadly.

"Yes. But now i have the love of my life, i'm engaged." I saw smiling, showing her the beautiful ring. She smiles.

"Antique, old.. Too old to be his mother's... Grandmother's?" She asks. I nod, impressed.

"You're like Ollivander, but with rings." I smile. She thanks me. Harry takes a step forward and then does a turn. He stops and walks to a ring in a red velvet case. He picks up a ring, that has a bigger diamond in the middle with one smaller diamond on either side of the bigger diamond. Like mine.

"This one?" He asks. I examine it.

"Harry, has Ginny ever told you about her future?" I ask him. He cocks a brow.

"What do you mean?" He asks. I roll my eyes.

"She's always wanted 3 children. Two, we need one with two little diamonds on either side of the bigger diamond. Two boys, her daughter and her as the little diamonds, then you as the big diamond." I say as if it is the most obvious thing ever. "Just like Hermione, two children, and Ron, those are her dreams. Me; two children and Draco." I smile. Harry smiles at me.

"What do you want to name your children?" He asks me.

"Well i know Draco will want my name as a first name but i refuse, so it will have to be a middle name because we're both stubborn, but for my little girl it's Amara Lilian, and my precious little boy is Bellamy Harry." I say.

"What if you have another?" He asks smiling at me. He is still looking for the ring.

"If it's a girl i want her name to be Calliope Druella and if i have two baby boys his name will be Henry Fabian." I say.

"Fabian?" Harry asks, a little amused. I glare.

"Fabian was Fred's middle name." I say. "Molly's brother. George's middle name is Gideon. Also her LATE brother."

Harry breaths in a sharp breath.

"Oh hell, i'm the worst man in the world." He face palms.

"It's fine, you didn't know." I say, rubbing his arm. Then he gasps.

"There!" He says pointing to the ring in a purple velvet case. He practically jumps up and down and darts toward it. He picks it up and smiles.

"How much do you want?" I ask Madam Puddifoot.

"Nothing, call it a token of my gratitude." She smiles.

"No, surely you want some money." I say. "Here, take only 1,000 galleons." I say, hoping it'll be enough. Madam looks troubled. I take her hand and set the pouch in her hand. I close her fingers around it and squeeze her hand reassuringly. She smiles and wipes tears from her eyes.

"Oh, bless your mother and father for putting you two on this earth." She says smiling. She bustled out of the curtain and we followed. We waved goodbye and made our way back home. Harry put the ring in a velvet case.

"Thank you." He says. I smile.

"Let's go home. I need to be with my Fiancee, we're going to the pub to hear Blaise-"

"Lily Potter!" I hear my name called. I turn around to see Blaise jogging over. Harry pushes me back with his wand at the ready.

I frown.

"Harry, it's ok, Draco and I am seeing him later today." I say push him away, lowering his hand.

"Yeah, mate, I'm just here to apologize." Blaise says. Harry scoffs.

"I'm not your mate. You? Apologize?" He asks Blaise.

"Yeah. I didn't get to thank you for saving my ass back in the room of requirement." Blaise says. I look at Harry.

"What?" I ask him.

"I'll tell you later." Harry says.

"Yeah, I know I was a jerk to you back in school, and Pansy... Well that's another reason why i have to see Draco and Lily today, there a problem, but anyway we never wanted this. Draco was the only one who courage to change. We're the cowards. Theodore Nott wants to apologize as well. So i'm sorry."

"Yeah, I'll be back in a little bit, I just am coming with Draco. Harry?" I say then looks to her brother.

"Apology accepted. Is Theodore going to apologize?" Harry alas grinning. I smile at him.

"Yeah, on the train. Friends?" Blaise asks holding his hand out in front of him. Harry takes it and shakes it.


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