Chapter 17

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When we all sit down I notice Hermione was crying and she hugs me as soon as she gets a chance. I smile and hug her back. Professor dismisses all of the students and tell Draco and I to go and direct the first years to their houses. Headmistress is still head of Gryffindor, professor Slughorn is head of Slytherin house, Professor Sprout of Hufflepuff and professor Flitwick of Ravenclaw.

"Professor wants us to stay here." Harry says.

"Why?" I ask him.

"Ginny and I are prefects." Harry says taking Ginny's waist. She giggles.

"Why. (Smack) Didn't. (Smack) You. (Smack) Tell. (Smack) Me?!" I smack my brother in the arm. He smiles and rubs his arm.

"Because you got Heag girl! Being a prefect isn't a big deal! Besides, Hermione and Ron had their turn and now it's our turn." He laughs.

"Wait, what about Hermione and Ron? Where are they sleeping?" I ask them.

"They get a room in our common
room." Harry says. I sigh a sigh of relief.

"Don't worry, i got scared too." I smile at him and then climb on the Hufflepuff table and raise my hand.

"1st years! With me please!" I yell. A mob of 50 students or so come toward me. Not a lot this year. I suppose parents want to recover and such.

"Good afternoon everyone. I am your head girl from the Gryffindor house. If you have questions you come to me. My name is Lily Potter. This year you may not ask me or anyone about the war, nod if you understand." I say strictly but kindly, just like professor Mcgonagall my 1st year. They all nod.

"I am only going to do this once so ask away. Do you have any questions about the war?" I ask them. Almost all their hands raise. I sigh. "When i call on you, say your name and your question."
I pick first on this boy, shabby but curious.

"Tobias Abianant. Mrs. Lily, did you kill Bellatrix Lestrange? Do you feel guilty if you did?" He asks.

"I did. She killed my best friend, my godfather and almost killed me. I feel really guilty. She was a horrible human being but she still had a beating heart."

"Why?" This little girl asks. She looks oddly familiar... Orange hair and brown eyes.

"What's your name?" I ask her.
"Elizabeth Brown. Lavender's sister." She says. I stare at her.

"Elizabeth. She was a human. She had a heart. She-"

"She killed my sister. She and her band of Death Eater killers."

"Elizabeth, you didn't fight. Imagine this, if you were fighting, you were fighting because you believed in Hogwarts and freedom correct?"

"Yes but-"

"They were fighting for something they believed in right? It doesn't mean i am defending them, but you need to forgive and forget. Can you do that for me?" I ask her.

"I can't! She was my sister!" She yells at me. I walk toward and take her hands and stare her right in the eyes.

"Elizabeth! I need you to do this for me, do you hear me? We killed some of the relatives of the students here right now! They were Death Eaters, yes, but you need to stand with them in our time of weakness! Do you really think Lavender would want you to be this angry right now?!" I yell at her.

Elizabeth looks like she's on the verge of tears.

"Lav would want me to be strong." She says blinking back tears.

"It's alright to cry for them love." I say. I stand up. Then this boy cries.

"I'm Hannah Abbott's brother, Henry. I lost her and my gran in the war. I wanted to thank you and Harry Potter for killing them. My mum is heartbroken. I can't stand this anymore." He cries. I nod.

"We need to live my loves. We need to be together and we need to remember those we've lost. Dry your tears Henry." I smile as he wipes his eyes.

"Anymore questions?"

"How do you do it?" Says a boy from the crowd.

"I don't my dear. I have my fiancee to thank, but the war has changed me. It's changed everyone." I say. They nod.

"Alright, let's go up now." I say. I walk up, talking to them about the rules and the house cup and my quidditch years as a seeker. When we get to the fat lady i tell them the password.

"Alright guys, the password is Victoria Belli. Don't stay up past curfew, you will get in trouble and house points will be taken. Have fun, oh and boys, don't even try to get into the girl's dormitory, there is a spell and well... Just don't try." I chuckle. The girls giggle and they go into the tower. I go back to the Great Hall and find Draco waiting with Headmistress.

"What took you so long?" Draco asks, lighting up when he sees me. I chuckle.

"Answering the many questions they had." I respond. Draco hugs me and i sigh, melting into his MUSCLY arms.

"Come now my dears. You're going to like your common room. Mr. Potter and the others have gone up to their common room already." She says. I nod and Draco takes my hand, he kisses my hand and i smile at him.

Then something clicks.

"Professor! Do you know where the Resurrection stone is?" I ask her.

She looks to me.

"I do." She says.

"Where? I need it Professor." I say.

"I can't give it to you my dear." She says. I gape at her.

"And why not?" I ask her trying not to get angry.

"Not yet my child, all in due time," She says. "Revelabit." I raise a brow at her then gasp when i come face to face with Severus Snape.

"Lilian Potter, Draco Malfoy. Congratulations my dear Lilian. He says in a kind and gentle voice. Well, the congratulation part, he sort of spat at Draco. Draco rolls his eyes and scowls. I giggle and direct my attention back to Snape.

"Thank you professor! How.. Why are you here and not in the office?" I ask him and then looking to Headmistress.

"A lot of the parents of our new students didn't want him to be with the other Headmasters. So i asked him to guard your room. He agreed."

"Yes, the only reason why i agreed is so that i can see my star student, i didn't give her an O in her O.W.L.'s for no reason." Severus eyes Draco with disappointment.

I smile at Draco's glare.

"Alright my loves, the password to reveal the door, or in this case professor Snape is revelabit. The password to get into your room is Semper. And there is a door that connects to the Prefect room on the side of the piano in the common room. Draco practically jumps and down.

"A piano?" He asks her, Headmistress nods. Draco takes a few steps toward Severus.

"Semper." He says. Snape doesn't move. I laugh.

"Alright you old wanker, let me in." Draco huffs impatiently.


"Semper, please!" Draco rolls his eyes. Severus opens the door.

"Merlin! Finally!" Draco says and runs into the room. I smile.

"Goodnight professor." I smile and shut the door.

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