Chapter 31

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Draco's POV

I climb in her bed and I hug her. The tears don't stop spilling from my eyes. Then my sadness turns to anger and I feel my grip on Lily tighten.

I cannot be related to this monster. I am not his son. I will not say I am related to this man. We are not father and son.

Harry is freaking out. He pulls his hair, Ginny is sobbing into her mother and George is pale and I don't want to know what he is going to do because he looks like he's going to cry and kill someone.

Ron is crying with Hermione. Lily looks at her family and especially Hermione and Ginny. She missed her girls. I can tell. I mean, I think so.

"I'm so sorry Draco." She keeps whispering that in my ear.

"Lily. Lily please." I whisper, my voice cracking.

"I think he got me pregnant. But I lost the baby." She whispers. I pull back and look at her in pure terror.

"I thought it was my period at first, but now I'm not so sure." She cries.

"I'm sorry I'm related to him. I'm sorry I carry the Malfoy name-"

"Stop it Draco!" She cuts me off whisper yelling.

"I am proud to be a Malfoy. I am proud to have you, a good and kind soul as my future husband. Stop saying you're not!" She says. I nod and bring her back into a hug and rock her back and forth.

"I'm sorry I couldn't protect you my love." I whisper.

"I'm sorry this happened. Lucius tried to take my ring off. But I wouldn't let it happen." She says. I bring her hand to where I can see it and there is bloody claw marks on her ring finger on her left hand. Looks like he tried hard.

"I'm proud of you." I say. She sighs and nuzzles her head in my neck.

"Pansy gave me extra cloth when I was bleeding. Maybe she can be saved." She whispers.

"Maybe." I say just to agree with her. Merlin knows that woman is crazy.

"We got 'em! Pansy and Lucius are in Azkaban!" Lily jumps yet again when Kingsley apparates back into the room. Ron blows out a breath of relief and Harry, whose eyes are bloodshot nods. Everyone takes their leave except for Harry.

"Draco... I'm so tired..." She whispers. "Stay with me?" She asks.

"Always." I respond. I lay ourselves back down and within a matter of seconds she falls asleep but I'm wide awake.

"Is she okay?" Harry sniffles coming on the side opposite me, sits down and wipes the hair away from her face.

"She's dead tired." I say sighing.

"I don't think she's slept at all." Harry says. "Look at the bags under her eyes. Draco, what else happened there?"

I sigh.

"I dunno. Do you think she had nightmares?" I ask him.

"Oh Merlin, she had a lot as a kid but I was always there to hug her when she did... I wasn't there. She didn't sleep." He whispers.

"Don't blame yourself mate." I say.

"Who should I blame then? Certainly I can blame you, you were just as helpless as I was, I can't-"

"My father and Pansy are the ones who screwed up. They're ones who made a colossal mistake. And they're going to pay for it. I don't know Harry. But when I get my hands on either of them... I'll kill them both."

"Lucius is going to die anyway. He didn't go to his Death Eater trial so it doesn't matter much." He says.

"It does matter. I want to kill him." I say.

"Lily would never allow you. Not knowing our dad, she'd never let you." He counters. I groan.

"I know. But so help me God that man is going to die. And it's going to be soon. I'm making Kingsley schedule the trial for the day after tomorrow." I say.

Harry nods.

"What are we going to do with Pansy?" Harry asks.

Azkaban. She won't allow me to kill her either. Sort of annoyed by that to be honest." I say.

"You know how she felt when she killed Bellatrix, she felt awful. No matter how much she hated her, she felt awful. She hates that damn scar."

"Speaking of scars... My papa knows how to get rid of my dark mark." I say. It's been a while since i;'ve brought it up, but i can't help but loathe it even more since it's the only tie to my father that i have.

"He does?" Harry gasps.

"He does. I'm thinking about taking Lily and visiting them. I haven't even told my mum that she's been missing... I'm going to pay for that one later." I say. Harry chuckles.

"I think you need to owl her Draco. She's going to be concerned for you. Have you been ignoring her letters?" Harry asks.

"Uh... Maybe... I honestly can't remember. I've been half asleep these last few months, i can't remember." I say sighing.

"Ginny has been making me sleep, she had gotten madam Pomfrey to help her make a sleeping draft for me. Maybe you should have the same... I doubt Lily is going to wake up anytime soon." Harry responds.

"You're right mate. You've been a good friend in all this. I'm grateful." I say.

"Draco, we share a mutual love in Lily. She was beaten to a pulp and we both felt our hearts breaking just a sliver. Lily? Her heart is in dust. Her heart is not even glowing anymore, the kind, the one who always yelled at us when we talked shit about you when we were young, her heart was glowing and now, it's dull and grey dust. Draco we need to make her heart glow again. And i will do anything and everything to make it glow again. But i think i have to kill the people who kidnapped her. I am going to kill your father and Pansy. Not you. But i'm going to need help. Are you in?"


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