Chapter 34

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Harry's POV

It's been a few days since Narcissa and Draco argued. She has slightly talked to him but Draco has been more concerned about not letting Lily out of his sight. She's still asleep but she's been moving around a little more so we have a feeling she'll be waking up soon.

The Weasley's are here all the time, Molly always is fidgeting with her, making sure she's tucked in, getting extra blankets, making sure she isn't cold. She moves her hair around to make sure it's not in her face, she fluffs the pillows and just fidgets. It'd drive Lily mad seeing her fuss over her so much. But we all let her do whatever because Lily has never had that motherly love.

Percy would work and sometimes would talk to her, "Huh, Lily would you think that Gringott's Goblins would want a pay raise because of what you caused them?" he's take off his glasses take a look at her and nod. "Yes i think so too." And he'd write a little more down on some parchment.

George would have Teddy all the time, he'd climb on her and would try and wake her up by dragging his palm on her cheek. When she wouldn't he'd change his hair color to match hers because usually she'd smile at him and tickle him when he would. But she didn't and George would take him down. Draco had him sometimes too, he really enjoys Teddy. Ginny was with me, she'd bring a chair and sit down next to me.

Hermione and Ron are with each other a lot. I think they're trying to distract themselves with sex, lots of it. Arthur and Alicia talk a lot with each other. Alicia left when George and Fred did. Lily loved Alicia, she taught her dance and Lily was always there, she loved dancing with Alicia. She said it helped calm her down. She'd come back to the tower all sweaty and Fred would wolf whistle and she'd blush and she'd talk about the new moves she learned and she'd sometimes show us what she'd learn and we'd all smile and be amazed.

It was those days when she really reminded me how much i loved my sister, watching the sparkle in her eye when she'd talk about it, and when Alicia left she still danced every once and a while and then we had to leave for the horcruxes but now i think she'll want to get back into it. She just needs to wake up first.

Here we are, Ginny and I were sitting next to each other, my left hand was stuck with Lily's right hand and my right hand was locked with Ginny's. Draco was holding Lily's left hand and would kiss it every once and a while.

Molly, Arthur, Alicia, George and Teddy were in front of the bed, Molly and Arthur were whispering whilst George and Alicia are playing with Teddy who is giggling. Percy was working, sometimes chuckling to himself and writing down and then scowling and searching in this big book and he'd go back and forth, take his glasses off and wipe his eyes then look at Lily, sigh and then go back to working.

Hermione and Ron were next to Ginny, Hermione was lying her head on Ron's shoulder and staring at Lily. We're all waiting for her to wake up.

Then her finger twitches in my hand and i jump looking to her. Her eye lashes fluttered and her green orbs were revealed. She looks at the ceiling for a moment. Looks around. We all were holding our breath.

"M-My ribs h-haven't healed y-yet." She whispers groaning. We laugh and Molly is crying. She laughs and kisses her forehead. Draco chuckles and lightly hugs her. She moves slowly and her hand goes to her head. She sighs and then stops when she reaches her hair. She gasps.

"Gross!" She whispers hoarsely. Hermione and Ginny laugh.

"Do you want to take a bath?" Ginny asks.

"Yes please." She says with out hesitating. We all laugh. Ginny nods. Draco smiles and helps her up, well he takes her bridal style.

"W-Who put me in a d-damn dress?" She scowls. Molly howls with laughter.

"I'm sorry dear," She chuckles. "That was me."

"Okay, l-let's not d-do this u-unless it's m-my w-wedding gown." She breaths. We all laugh. Lily nuzzles her head into Draco and sighs contently. The Weasley's stay, including Ron while Ginny, Hermione Draco and I walk to the Prefects bathroom. Hermione starts the water, gets some soap and shampoo , some scissors and a comb. Draco puts her down and he and I take our leave.

Lily's POV

When Draco set me down by the edge of the tub Ginny takes off my dress and I slip my underwear off. We put it off to the side and Ginny facepalms.

"Damn, Draco needs to go and get some pajama's for you Lil." Ginny laughs. She walks to the door and pokes her head out and tells Draco to get some pajama's for me. I slide into the hot water and i can feel the hot water relaxing my achy muscles and I love it.

Hermione helps me lower my head in the water so that my hair sort of untangles a little. There was some success but not much. She takes my hair out and starts to untangle my hair with the comb. Draco comes back and my hair still isn't finished.

After an hour or so she finishes and then Ginny cuts my hair. When she finishes it is now just below my shoulders. Hermione washes it for me. I got my tooth brush and brush my teeth, then i wash my face. The water is almost brown when we've finished.

I get out and warp a fluffy towel around me. Ginny and Hermione help me into my clothes and Draco comes back in and he picks me up. We walk back to the Hospital wing and Draco sets me down on the bed.

"I like your hair my love. It's pretty short." He says. I smile and thank him. Then George, Alicia and Teddy come in. I smile and reach for Teddy.

"Gimme, gimme my god child." I say. He's dressed in adorable little jean overalls with a white with dark blue striped onsie and he is wearing a hat. His blue eyes light up and he starts kicking in excitement. I smile and i take him from George.

"Ohh look at how much he's grown!" I say. I look at him more and my smile shrinks as I starts to cry.

"I can't believe i missed him grow so much." I whisper crying. Teddy's smile shrinks too as he coos, I lay Teddy on his stomach as his head is on my shoulder as support. I hug the toddler and he nuzzles into my neck as if he knows my pain. I love this little boy. I calm down and Teddy has fallen asleep by that time.

I roll on my side and put Teddy on my other side so his face is right next to my stomach. Draco is playing with my hair and sometimes kisses my cheek every once and a while.

I fall asleep with my hand locked with Draco's and Teddy cuddled next to me.

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