Chapter 38

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Lily's POV

Draco wheels me into the room. The walls are lined with men and women in red and black clothing. I gulp as Draco wheels me to the spot for the family. Suddenly i feel cold. Depressed. I look up from the box. There are dementors above us. 

"Lilian, Draco, please cast a patronus." Kingsley says, I nod and take out my wand. I try to think of a happy memory. The one that comes up was Draco proposing to me and seeing the tears in his eyes when he was thinking about our future children, growing old together, Molly being beyond happy, George's smile and most of all, Harry's eyes, filled with love and pride. A smile stretches on my face.

"Expecto Patronus." I whisper and immediately i am greeted with my white fox with blue outline, scurrying around Draco and I, then when realizing we were safe, she curls up and her eyes shine at Draco and I. Her tail is curled below her body and she is on alert. 

"Lily." Draco whispers. He leans down when i look at him. "I've never done this before, i was never able to conjure one."

"It's okay. Think of a happy memory." I say. He nods and closes his eyes. After a moment, a smile grows on his face and he nods. 

"Now cast the spell." 

"Expecto Patronum." He whispers. Just as he said it, a handsome, big fox comes out of his wand. He opens one eye and laughs when he sees his accomplishment. I smile at him and laugh when i see my fox has jumped up. He runs around her and plays with her, then they go up and rub necks. The small intimate gesture makes my cheeks hurt from smiling. The handsome fox licks her nose, she lays down and he lays over her, allowing her to sleep while he's wide awake and alert. 

"You two were made for each other. Your patronuses match. The Centaurs believe that when wizard's patronuses are the same, they are written in the stars. Literally, you two were destined to be together." Narcissa smiles at us. 

Draco beams at me. I look at him and pour all my love into my gaze. We lock hands and our gazes go back to the foxes. They jump up when they hear a door slam, causing me to jump. Lucius, dirty, gaunt, and eyes wide, crazy, being dragged by two Aurors, hands locked around his arms. He stops thrashing when he locks eyes with me. I feel myself sinking in my chair. He smiles a smile that makes chills go up my spine and my heart is beating faster than it has ever been. He chuckles, making me shiver.

Draco squeezes my hand. Lucius looks away from me and looks at his son. His eyes show betrayal and anger. Draco doesn't do anything, he glares back and his knuckles turn white. Lucius' eyes move to Narcissa's and her eyes water. Her anger doesn't show instead her pain and hurt shows. Draco takes her other hand and just stares at the wall. 

I jump when Kingsley bangs his gravel. Then Pansy comes out, thrashing wildly. Her hair is matted and she is dirty. Very dirty. She glares at me and makes it hard to take pity on her. 

"If you'll get them situated Maxminum. Come on Linents, let's get on with it Mathews and Killians, I want this family to go home tonight if you please." He says referring to the aurors carrying Lucius and Pansy. They nod, chain the two up in the spiky iron cage (Like in the dream in 4th year) that are in front of Kingsley and leave. 

"Narcissa Malfoy, please, you're up first. If you please, come and sit in the chair that is in the center of the room please." She nods and shakily makes her way to the chair. 

"I will be asking Lucius questions first. Then I will get to you." Kingsley says. She nods. 

"Matthews. Get the veritaserum." He orders. A moment later, Matthews comes back and forces the liquid down Pansy's and Lucius' throats. A few gags and groans later the liquid is down their throats.

"Thank you for being here witches and wizards of the Ministry. Today Lucius Malfoy and Pansy Parkinson are being tried for different crimes together. Lucius Malfoy, of assault and violation and Pansy Parkinson of kidnapping. The victim, Lilian Potter and her family.  Let's get started shall we?" He tells the court, looks at the podium, ruffles some papers and looks up at Lucius with a blank and angry stare.

"Lucius Malfoy. What is the name of your son?" He asks.

"Draco Malfoy." He says really fast. The veritaserum must have already taken affect. I sit up a little straighter but my ribs decide to fail me and I slouch down and sort of pout just a tad.

"Brilliant. Alright, lets start." Kingsley says. "Lucius Malfoy do you know why you are here today?"


"Tell me what you did."

"I kidnapped Lilian Potter. I took her to the Riddle house and I raped her. Pansy Parkinson beat her. But I did worse. I beat her to a bloody pulp and I loved it. I loved slapping her face-"

"Shut your mouth. Why did you kidnap her?" He yells at him.

"Because I wanted to get back at my son for proposing to that whore of a witch." He finishes. Thanks for the confidence booster Lucius. Kingsley takes a death breath and Draco nearly looses it, his grip on my hand is starting to hurt, but I don't mind.

"I grew Draco up with knowing who he is. He is a pure-blood wizard. That's how he always will be. Marrying anyone less is unacceptable. Even if that means marrying family." Lucius adds.

"I move to vote on this case. Witches and Wizards, raise your hand if you want Lucius Malfoy to receive the dementor's kiss." I look above me and the entire court had their hands raised. The Veritaserum on Lucius must have worn off because he started yelling, glaring and growling at everyone.


He was cut off by the two aurors taking him away.

"Now for Pansy Parkinson." Kingsley says. "Pansy. Why did you kidnap Lilian Potter?"

"Because she is marrying the love of my life." She answers.

"So you sought revenge on Lilian." He asks.

"No." She says. The crowd mumbles.

"On who then?"

"Draco Malfoy." She responds.

"Because he chose her instead of me." She says.

"Why did you get in contact with Lucius? How?"

"I used Polyjuice potion to disguise myself as a guard at Azkaban. I talked to him and managed to convince him to help me. I told him about the proposal and that he would also destroy Harry Potter by killing Lilian which would avenge the Dark Lord."

"THAT'S IT! GET THAT WENCH OUT OF HERE!" Draco screams. I look at him with a sad look.

"Draco, please." He doesn't listen to me and screams at Kingsley to kill her. He puts a silencing charm on him. He doesn't notice.

"Wizards and Witches! There was a new demand to give her the Dementor's kiss! Raise your hand if you want Pansy Parkinson to receive it!" He says, standing up and looking to the crowd. There was a moment's hesitation but all of them raised their hands. She starts screaming as well and is dragged.

"Narcissa. You are not needed. Please return." She nods and walks back up to where we are. She sobs into Draco's shoulder.

"Lilian. Please, go to the chair in the middle."

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