Imagine for @kissmeniaz

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Here ya go kissmeniaz ! Hope u enjoy it love❤️

You wake up in the middle of the night to grab a drink of water when you realize that Zayn is asleep on the couch. You two have been fighting quite a lot lately, and he took it too far last night. You got into an argument and he called you fat. You were always bullied for your weight when you were in school, and you thought you were away from all that. But you aren't heavy because of your eating habits. You're pregnant, but with all the fighting going on, you didn't bother letting him know. But that's just the thing with Zayn, he always has to win. He doesn't care who he hurts, as long as he feels superior.

Your roll your eyes at his resting presence and shuffle back to bed. Your thoughts kept you awake. How should you tell him? Should you just keep it to yourself until the fighting subsides? He won't care..... Right? You couldn't take it anymore, you always over think things. Then you slowly drift off to sleep.

The sunshine floods through the curtains. You stretch out, yawn, and rub your hands over your slowly developing baby bump. You turn your head to see all of Zayn's things packed into numerous suitcases and duffle bags. You strut through your flat with a hurt look plastered on your face until you bump into a tall, strong figure.


"What the hell? Why is all your stuff packed?" You ask annoyed by his careless expression.
"Oh yeah, I'm leaving you. I can't take all your drama anymore. All you do is bitch and nag. I'm tired of it. There's too much going on in my life for you to be up my ass every second. You're too clingy. Sorry, I just can't do this anymore" he said.

"Zayn! Wait!" You tell as he drags his belongings out the door. He turns around, rolls his eyes, and shuts the door in your face. You're left in a crying mess on the hardwood floor. Did he really mean all that?

You accept the fact that you have to be a single mom at the age of nineteen. You call up your mom, book the nearest flight to America to be under her support.

********TWO YEARS LATER*********

You're sitting at the park with your baby girl, Jasmine. She's a splitting image of Zayn. She has his eyes, his dark hair and his adorable laugh. You tried calling Zayn multiple times, but failed every single time to get a hold of him. He's found another girl. A beautiful blonde by the name of Perrie. Much prettier than you. Perfect in fact. Besides that, you're still not over him. You're madly in love with him.

The other day, you received a call from Louis saying that Zayn hasn't stopped beating himself up over leaving you. Louis has arranged for you to come back to England for a family reunion. You're a nervous reck but you put your life aside and focus on Jasmine. You buy her a bunch of cute clothes to make her presentable for the first time she meets her daddy. Zayn. You miss him terribly.


"Celina, oh my god" Zayn yells, running towards you with open arms. You embrace eachother tightly. He's changed so much. He's buffed up, dyed some of his hair blonde, and has gotten plenty more tattoos. He looks you in the eye and glances over to focus on Jasmine. Zayn bends down and smile. "She looks just like me" he says, letting some tears roll down his cheeks.

"Yeah, exactly like you. Look Zayn, I wanted to tell you about her but you left-" you were cut off when Zayn's lips crashed onto yours. You then question him about Perrie.

"Zayn you can't cheat on Perrie like this. She's everything that I wasn't. You can see Jasmine as much as you want but you can't hurt Perrie like this"

"No Celina, I dumped her. She was Someone that I could pretend was you when you were gone. I'm the biggest asshole in the world, I know" he lifted up Jasmine and held her in his hip. He cried as she says "da-da" into his ear. She knows who he is. This makes him burst into tears. "Celina" he cries. "Please PLEASE take me back. I'm nothing without you. You're my whole world. I had to hold myself from leaving for good, leaving this world because I felt so horrible, worthless after I left you. I was young, I was immature. I was trapped in my own ego. Please baby, I'll do anything. I'm soo sorry. I want to be there for you and Jasmine"

Without saying a word you interrupt him by kissing him passionately. He puts Jasmine down and she runs off to the other four boys. Niall picked Jasmine up and all four of them attacked you in a group hug.
That's when you knew that you wouldn't regret taking Zayn back.
From that point, Zayn kept to his word. He was an amazing boyfriend and an amazing father to Jasmine!!

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