Oh Baby

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It was all a daze to you. First, you were sitting and looking at the damned pink plus sign awaiting your fate. Then, when it came back positive, you had to start strategizing.


How were you going to tell Zayn? How would he react? He always wanted kids-when he was ready. However, at this moment his career was kicking off so becoming a parent was really out of the question. Zayn had already left Perrie to date you, so his reputation was already not the greatest.
So now, two months later, your body was starting to catch up with the pregnancy. You were exactly showing, but all of the cravings you had really did have an impact.
Tonight, you and Zayn would be going out together to eat dinner. You were dressed in a nice black dress that hugged your curves in all the right places. Luckily, this dress was one of Zayn's favourite on you; plus, it didn't squeeze you like the others.
"You look wonderful." Zayn's thick accent stated from where he was standing in the hallway. "Are you ready to go my love?"
"Just about." You answered and smiled to yourself in the mirror. "Tonight's a big night." You turned to look at him and gave him a toothy grin, to which he returned with a beautiful beam.
"Believe me. I know."

At the restaurant, you sat in front of Zayn. You looked at all of his features intently. The outline of his muscle through his black button up, and the way his tattoos looked especially fantastic in the dim lighting....
"Amanda, we have to break up." Zayn mumbled to himself, looking down at his hands that rested on the table. Your breath caught in your throat, making you choke on the water you were currently downing.
"What the fuck? Is this some kind of sick joke... Because, Zayn, I will kill you." You whisper-yelled to him as you gripped the end of the table.
"I know that it's fairly sudden." He began, clasping his hands together and swallowing which made his Adam's apple bob. "But, I've fallen in love with somebody else."
"With who? Who could you have possibly fallen in love with?" You swallowed thickly past the lump in your throat. You wouldn't cry. Hell no. He wasn't worth a single tear that fell down from your eyes.
"Gigi." He nodded. "Gigi Hadid." With that, your heart stopped and you felt the entire earth around you fall. A model? Seriously?
"You can't do this to me." You shook your head and shut your eyes. Your hand grabbed a handful of your dress and you sucked in a sharp breath. "Not now. We had things to talk about, Zayn. But not this. Fuck you." You stood up and took in another deep breath. You were never one to make a public scene, especially now that you were dating a celebrity, but your anger just took over your body and you felt as if you couldn't control yourself.
"Amanda? What are you talking about? What did you have to tell me...?" He trailed on, deciding to stay in his seat. You just smirked at him and picked up the jug on your table that was filled with water and poured it all over his head.
"I'm pregnant, Zayn."

Weeks went by fast. The whole world knew about Zayn leaving you for Gigi, they knew about the baby, they knew about everything.
Soon enough, those weeks turned into months. Everyone who owned a computer or a smartphone knew about every detail of your life, and you didn't know how to feel. You knew when you started dating Zayn in the first place that whether or not you stayed together, this would happen. However, you still didn't like it.
Your bump was big and noticeable. There was no denying that your baby was well on the way, and he or she wouldn't have a father to be there. Sure, Zayn had tried to call you every so often, but what was the point? You knew you'd begin crying if you heard him talk, so you just ignored him.
Ever since the incident, you threw yourself into being with your friends, as being alone terrified you. You hated when you had to be lost in your own thoughts and thinking about what plans you were supposed to have at this point in your life. Nonetheless, this didn't help taking you out of the limelight since these had been yours and Zayn's friends which meant they were celebrities.
These friends included: The boys of One Direction, Ariana Grande, Kylie Jenner, Justin Bieber...
Justin really stood out to you. He was undeniably busy, but as unfortunately going through a hard time as well . You and him related to each other and even started a little fling although there was one slight problem... You were both lying to yourselves. You didn't like each other, you just loved the idea of liking each other, and you tried. Boy, did you try.
Justin was undoubtedly attractive, so that made kissing him enjoyable. But once again, pretending to be attracted to one another wasn't the same as it felt like having sex with a garden gnome every time you and him went that far.
What didn't help was that everywhere you looked, there was Zayn. With Gigi. On. Every. Single. Fucking. Magazine cover. How could a couple seriously always make out in public and look so hot together even when they're not trying? You just couldn't help but feel salty about it. You were hurting. Of course you were, this was the man you loved and the father of your child with another woman.
"Babe, come into the living room!" Justin called out to you. You were brushing your teeth in his bathroom, as you had spent the night at his house (which was an unsatisfying evening.)
"I'll be out in a second!" You answered, looking down at your baby bump and running your hand over it. Was this weird? Being pregnant with Zayn's baby but letting Justin have his way with you? It was all too much to think about, and you didn't want to think. You just wanted everything good left in your life to be simple. Simple was wonderful.
You walked into the living room after putting on one of Justin's sweater. You sighed deeply to yourself as you took in the surroundings of his house once again, but nothing prepared you for what you had coming.
"What is it-" You started as you opened the door to the living room. Your heart started racing as you saw the dark figure sitting right in front of you. For a second-only a second-you questioned who it was, but who else could it have actually been? A leather jacket, ash blond hair... That was him. That was your Zayn. He jolted up to his feet and rubbed the back of his neck.
"A-Amanda..." He breathed out. "We need to talk."
"I'll leave you kids to solve things. I hope everything works out." Justin smiled, awkwardly standing and leaving, merely leaving a pat on your shoulder as he exited the room.
"What do you want, Zayn?" You sighed, crossing your arms and looking towards the ground. You could feel his eyes on your skin and that sent a warm feeling through you. All you wanted to do was run up to him and kiss him. Oh how you had missed those lips.
"I-I want us to get back together. Now, before you say anything, everything that had happened... That wasn't for me. My manager told me that if I didn't leave you for Gigi, nobody would ever want to work with me because I needed that bad boy edge to keep going. I was too nice when I was with you... And it literally kills me every day to know that you walk around with the evidence of my love growing inside of you... I want to be there for him or her. I want to be there for you. Please let me... I promise to do everything I can to get on track to making things better." He stopped his speech for just a moment just to walk up, cup my chin and smother his lips on mine. "I'm so crazy in love with you that it hurts. You're on my mind every second of the day, no matter how hard I try to focus on something else." He lifted your chin to make you look him in the eyes. His beautiful, heart melting caramel eyes... You loved him so much, he took your breath away.
"I don't know... You really hurt me..." is all that managed to escape your lips. "Is this really a good idea? You and me?"
"Amanda, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me. I love you." He repeated. With that, you sealed it with a passionate, weak at the knees kiss. Zayn was your home, and you knew this was where you belonged.

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