# 5

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You're walking down an empty street. No one in sight. You shrug.
'Better when it's quiet.' You mutter under your breathe. You turn into a café. It was a small café. You turn around and notice a second part to the shop. You peek around the corner and notice a tall, tanned boy sitting up the back of the shop, reading a magazine with big modern glasses sitting on his nose. Instantly, you recognise the boy. It was Zayn Malik from One Direction. What would Zayn be doing in a place like this? Where were the rest of the boys? You stay calm, not peeping a sound. You go and take a seat two tables away from him. The waitress comes along with her pure white apron on and asks you what you'd like to order. You tell her and she struts off in an odd manner. You begin to silently fiddle with your menu that was sitting up on your table. Zayn looks up at you from behind. Without realising, he begins to stare at you. He closes his magazine and places it on the table. He grabs his coat and stands up. Your fingers twine between two of the pages of the menu and you drop it on the floor, making a swoosh noise. You bend down from your chair to pick it up but another hand reaches it before you could. Your hands touch. You look up suddenly to see whose hand it was that you had touched. It was Zayn. He looks down at you, meeting your gaze. He smiles. You blush. You opened your mouth to speak but not a word escaped.
'I know,' he winks, 'but here's my number, so call me whenever you're free? And preferably when you're able to speak.' He laughs. He plants a soft kiss upon your cheek and leaves, the door swinging swiftly behind him. You sigh, leaning your chin on your hand. You watch him walk back down the street. You smile to the situation that had just happened. The waitress comes beaming around the corner.
'One slice of cake, there you go.' She says, placing it on the table for you.
'Thank you.' You reply. As she swung around the corner, you look down to your cake and notice a love heart sitting upon the think brown icing. You smiled as you thought maybe the love heart symbolised something.

Zayn Malik imagines/preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now