# 1

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A/N: first of all these are not mine and I didn't write them.

You inhaled sharply, the air hitching in your throat, your eyes grew wide as you stared down on the small, pink plus sign on all 5 white sticks. Your blood grew cold, you tasted something salty on your lips from the single tear that ran down your cheek. You backed into the bathroom door and slid down to the floor, bring your knees to your chest, staring at complete nothingness. You shakingly take out your phone and dialed up someone who has helped you throughout everything. The other line rang for a while, you silently prayed just to hear their comforting voice.

"Hello?" You sniffled and relax a percentage that they answered. "Lou.." You whispered over your tears. "Hello? [Y/N]? What's wrong?" Louis frantically said, and you sighed. "Lou, I-I need you here, please ge-" "I'll be there in 3 minutes. Love you." Louis hung up the phone before you could even say anything. You got up from the tile floor and grabbed one of the pregnancy tests from the sink, dumping the rest into the trash bin.

You turned the bathroom light off and made your way to the front door once you heard Louis' loud banging. Before you could even get your foot off the bottom step, the door swung open and the brown headed boy looked around your flat. "[Y/N], what's wrong?" Louis asked, as you crashed into him with a tight, much needed hug. "Z-zayn..he's going to leave.." You mumbled into his chest, his shirt growing damp from your tears. Louis rubbed your back, placing one of his hands on the back of your head as he walked you both to the couch. You both took a seat and your wiped away at your tears. "Are you okay to talk about it?" Louis asked softly. You quickly nodded and took a deep breath. "I have been feeling like shit for the past about 2 weeks and I didn't know what it was because I normally don't get this sick.." You began, Louis nodding for you to continue. "So I called [Y/BF/N] and she told me to take a pregnancy test, so I brought a couple." You explained, you could feel the knot in your throat for your next few words were trying to process.

"They all came out positive..Lou, I'm pregnant.." You whispered, taking your face into your hands again as the tears poured out of you. Louis stared blankly at you before grabbing you into a tight hug. "Oh [Y/N]. This is great!" Louis whispered, giving you a kiss on the top of your head. "What? This is terrible, Lou!" You shouted, pulling away from him. He rose an eyebrow at you and shook his head. "Do you realize how much Zayn's going to hate me for ruining his career?! We're barely even adults!" You frantically spilled pacing around the couch. Louis stood up from the couch and grabbed your hands. "[Y/N] what are you talking about? Zayn's going to be excited!" Louis said looking sincerly into his eyes. "No, he's going to lea-" "STOP! Stop saying that! He's not going to leave you, [Y/N]!" Louis shouted, firmly holding onto your shoulders. "Listen to me, Zayn is going to be so happy, you guys are going to live happy, the fans will be happy, you guys are going to have the most perfect, beautiful family that will make everyone in the world so jealous, okay?" Louis reassured you, a smile painted on yours and his face. "Thanks, Boobear." You whispered, crashing into his chest to give him a hug. "Everything's going to be wonderful, [Y/N]. I promise. I can't wait to see Zayn's face." Louis giggled as you pulled away.

You smiled up at him just as Zayn barged through the door. "I seriously just have the worst fucking day." Zayn angrily ripped his coat off and hung it up in the closet. "What happened, Mate?" Louis asked as you both followed him into the kitchen. "I was babysitting Lux with Harry and Niall and she threw up all over me and then colored all over my stuff, and to top it off I had to change her all freakin' day because the boys were too grossed out about it. I seriously hate kids, I never want to have any." Zayn sighed running a hand through his hair, frustrated. Zayn walked into the laundry room to put his shirt into the washer. You and Louis stood in the same spot, jaws slightly dropped. "He'll change his mind, [Y/N]." Louis whispered. You felt the tears fill up at the brim of your eyes. "I'm so fucking screwed." You whispered back running up stairs and slamming your bedroom door, locking it so nobody could bother you.

3 Weeks Later: You tried to wiggle into your skinny jeans but nothing of yours was fitting anymore and you gave up. Angrily ripping through Zayn's part of the closet and getting out a baggy sweat shirt and a pair of his basket ball shorts. "Cannot believe I'm getting fat already." You whispered to your self slipping on his sweat shirt and putting on a pair of your Jordans. "[Y/N] I gotta be there in like 5 mintues, you still coming?" Zayn yelled from down stairs. You took your hair out of a pony tail and let your natural waves flow so you look some what girly and attractive, and made your way down stairs. "I love when you wear my clothes." Zayn sweetly smiled, giving you a kiss on the lips. "Mhmm..me too.." You whispered opening the passenger door and getting in.

"Hey guys." You murmured flopping down onto the couch inbetween Zayn and Louis. "We're gonna start recording in a sec, Paul went to go get coffee and shit." Niall said looking up from his phone. "Ugh, thank god I'm starving." You sighed holding onto your stomach. "Is she eating you out of house and home, Zayn?" Harry smiled looking at you and him. Zayn tilted his head to the right and furrowed his eyebrows. "What do you mean? Callin' my girlfriend fat?" Zayn asked getting defensive. "W-what?! No, no. I'm just asking since she's eating for two and stuff." Harry reassured pointing at you. Your grip on Louis' knee grew tighter, your eyes grew wide staring at the clueless curly headed boy. "What?" Zayn growled snapping his head towards you. "HE DIDN'T KNOW YOU FUCKING IDIOT!" You shouted at Harry jumping up from the couch. "W-what? How the hell was I suppose to know!?" Harry yelled back. "[Y/N] You're fucking pregnant?!" Zayn asked, his tone harsh and loud. "Y-yea-" "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?!" Zayn shouted walking till he was inches from your face. "I-I didn't know how to! I didn't want you to leave!" You whispered looking down at the floor. "[Y/N] this isn't that you keep a secret.." Zayn said frustratedly, running his hand through his perfect quiff. "I wanted to tell you, honest to god I did! But when I found out was the night you said you didn't want kids and that you hated them..I didn't want you to hate me, I didn't want you to hate us.." You whispered, choking back a few tears. The room stayed silent but you didn't bother to look Zayn in the eye. "I would never hate you for something that isn't your fault. I would never hate you, period. You're the mother of my child, [Y/N] I promise I would never leave you alone with that beautiful child of mine growing inside of you." Zayn said, embracing you in a tight hug. "Are you even sure we're ready for this?" You whispered into his chest. "I don't know, boo..But I do know that we're going to be the best parents that we can possible be. We made this precious gift the world and we are both going to be with them every step they take through their life. I love you, [Y/N] and I cannot even begin to explain how excited and happy I am to start our little family together. You are my entire world, [Y/N] don't ever doubt that." Zayn said, looking deeply into your eyes before crashing his lips onto yours. "I love you, Zayn." You whispered against his lips. "I love you too, boo." He responded giving you a hug before sitting back down on the couch with the other cheering boys.

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