# 19

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Your P.O.V

It all started with Zayn cheating on you with Perrie, you envyed her. She had the only thing you truly wanted and needed in your life, Zayn. It started On your way home you had bought dinner and a few movies hoping that you and Zayn could just relax and calm down from your shitty day. You had went into hospital for a pregnancy test but ended up leaving because it was taking too long. Hoping they would call you so you could surprise Zayn. Work sucked, a guy threw a tantrum in the store and dumped a whole shelf of stuff on the ground and blamed you. Zayn had been really distant lately, so this might give you the opportunity for some quality time between the two of you. Unfortunately when you got home early you realised why Zayn was being so distant, you could hear a female moaning. You went upstairs already sobbing outside the door of the guest room, you knew what was going on in there. So you quietly walked into your room and packed your things, it made you sick to your stomach that the guy you thought loved you was in the room down the hall with someone else. Once you packed your things you walked back down the hall. 'Zayn babe, when are you going to get rid of (Y/N)? I miss us!' the female voice said. She misses them? That means they've been together before. Perrie. 'I dont know, I love her' Zayn replied sighing. You cried hard at this point but still didnt let a sound out. You wanted to go in there and rip Perries head off. But you simply took your bags walked downstairs and wrote a note. 'Fuck you Zayn Malik, Fuck your perfect blonde girlfriend and Fuck the 3 years of my life I wasted on you' you placed the note on the movies and food you brought, all the anger from the letter was coming out now. You slammed the door as loud as you could on the way out, thinking it would be the last time you would be walking out of there again. You heard Perrie scream in shock as you ran down the hallway. '(Y/N)!?!' Zayn yelled as you were entering the elevator. You gave him one last look, crying. Heartbroken. Zayn was still trying to run for the elevator, he slowed down a bit and stared at you 'I'm so sorry babe, Don't leave me. I...I.I.' he cried. 'You what Zayn? You love me? Don't you dare say that to anyone if you dont mean it. Were you planning on getting back into bed with me tonight and acting like everything was fine? How long was it going to go on? Dont answer, Delete my number. Jerk' you yelled back as calmly as possible before hitting the buttons for the doors to close. Zayn made one final leap to catch the door but didnt get to it in time. Paparazi were waiting outside of your flat catching all of your emotions. You didnt want to stay at the boys house because somehow they'd make you get back with Zayn.

So you booked a flight back to your hometown. They had a huge delay on flights so you had to wait at the airport for a while, you were half expecting Zayn to show up seeing as the Paparazi followed you to the airport and were snapping pics of you. On the way into the airport, you noticed a few magazines. You thought it would give you something to do on your flight home. You were browsing through some when one jumped out at you.

Headline: '(Y/N) packing for vacation, or packing for good?'
'(Y/N) (Y/L/N), girlfriend of Zayn Malik was found leaving their shared flat in tears. She was then seen later the same day at London International Airport. That is not the worst part, a very upset looking Zayn exited the apartments follwed by a very messy looking Perrie Edwards, thats right, Zayns ex-girlfriend. It is suspected that Zayn cheated on (Y/N) with Perrie. Poor (Y/N). For more info, turn to page 12.

It was like someone had taken a knife and stabbed you hundreds of times in the heart. It was sure to be out in the open to everyone now... You were about to break down in tears right there in the middle of the Airport, but you had to hold it in. You kept asking yourself why?
Zayns POV.

Why? Why did you do that? You messed it up big time Zayn, you stupid idiot. I don't even love Perrie, my heart belongs to (Y/N). I didn't mean too, it was just a stupid mistake. Perrie came on to me! I can't even think of what (Y/N) heard or saw. I hate myself for doing this... Fuck. I have to find her and apologise, I need to get her back. She wont forgive me, I've broken her heart and I've broken my promise that I'd never hurt her. Everythings falling around me and I cant stop it. 'Zayn? Love? Is she gone? Yay, now we can be together again' Perrie said with excitment. 'You need to leave now Perrie, Don't ever come back!' I screamed back. 'Dont you see what you've done? What you made me do? The girl I love just walked out the door when the only person who should have been walking out the door was you! Leave, now!'
I said impaitently. I couldn't wait for Perrie to leave, so I ran downstairs and out into the street. 'Zayn! Zayn! Look over here, what happened, did you break up with (Y/N)' the paparazi yelled. 'Zayn, did you hear that (Y/N) is leaving the country? Shes at London Airport right as we speak?' they yelled aswell. I jumped in my car, I knew where I was going.. to the airport. As soon as I shut the door to my car Perrie walked out of the apartment. 'Zayn did you cheat on (Y/N) with Perrie?' The paparazi continued to yell. 'Move out of the way' I yelled, scared I would miss (Y/N)'s flight. I put my foot on the pedal, speeding fast down the road. And then BANG!!

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