Car Crash

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Zayn: Two months...two months had passed since the accident...and Zayn was still in a coma. You had visited everyday and talked to him because the doctors always said that he could hear you and that it always helped, but so far nothing had happened and you were starting to lose hope that he would ever wake up. One Direction had to take a break from performing since the accident, they did interviews sometimes but people could tell that the boys missed Zayn badly, many "fans" had stopped liking One Direction because of this, it was like people were forgetting about them, only the true fans stayed through it all and sent flowers and cards for Zayn saying how much they missed him. In the last couple of months you and the boys had been given some space, that was the only good thing about this whole situation, you didn't get as much hate as you used to get and you could walk without having paparazzi insulting you, of course there were always some that never seemed to get tired. You were on your way to the hospital to spend the afternoon with Zayn as you had done ever since the accident and a paparazzi started taking pictures of you "Are you on your way to see Zayn? Or are you cheating on him? Now you have the chance right? You tramp!" he said "Look I really have no time for this" you said in a monotone voice and got into your car, it was kind of like a routine now and you didn't get hurt or sad were already depressed with the whole situation Zayn was going through. You opened the door of the hospital bedroom and there he was, sleeping as always...looking like an angel "Hi love" you said and sat beside him and grabbed his hand into yours "So um today...I woke up, I ate some breakfast and then went to work...then I went to grab some groceries and then I came here. Yep, that's my day. how was yours?" you response of course "That's what I thought" you said sadly, you missed him so much it was like you were dead on the inside, you hadn't cried ever since that day in the didn't cry because you thought that once you let yourself cry you wouldn't be able to stop, you were just there not happy "I miss you baby, I miss you so much....the boys miss you too.... and your mom hasn't stopped crying ever since the accident...I feel so alone....I miss your smile, your voice, your footsteps as you walk around the house, I miss your hugs, your kisses, your smell...everything...I miss everything. I need you Zayn. Come back please..I love you" you said and then after two months you felt tears stream down your was a weird feeling crying again, like it was the very first time you had cried in your entire life and then you started sobbing "I wish it was me you know?...Everyday I wish I was the one in the car" you cried and put your forehead to his hand letting yourself cry and suddenly after two months of felt his hand tighten around yours "Ahhhh" you gasped "Zayn?" you asked and he groaned "Oh my God!" you yelled and called the doctors, they came and told you to stay outside "Hello?" Liam said from the other end of the line "I think he may be back" you said happy "What?! What do you mean?" he asked and you explained what had happened "Oh my God! We're on our way" he said and hung up after that you called everyone else, in a matter of thirty minutes they were all there waiting for news, then the doctor came outside "So?" Niall asked "Well he's slowly coming back. Today was a big improvement for him." the doctor said happily and you all started hugging "Can we come in?" you asked "Well, he's not awake but you can talk to him and see what happens....not all at once but you can go in groups I guess" he said and you let Zayn's family go first, you and the boys waited outside "I can't believe this is actually happening" Louis said and you all agreed "What did he do? When you talked to him" Harry asked you curiously "Well his hand tightened a bit around mine and then when I said his name he groaned" you said happily, Zayn's family came out of the room looking disappointed you all looked at them expectantly "Nothing" his mom answered "You guys go in" you told the boys and they did as you said, another fifteen minutes passed and they came out with the same look on their faces "Oh no" you were scared that you had lost him again "Do you want to go in?" Liam asked looking sad and you nodded. You went into the room and saw him sleeping his chest rising and falling slightly, "Hello love" you said waiting for an answer...anything... but nothing happened "Zayn come on...We need you" you pressed "Zayn I love you, I know you can do this. Talk to me honey" you said sitting beside him grabbing his hand "Zayn...I love you...please" you said losing hope now, you waited and waited but nothing happened "Well here goes to nothing..." you said and slowly leaned in to kiss him on the lips, you pulled away and looked at his perfect face "Zayn?" you whispered...nothing. You stood up and made your way to the door but just as you stood up you heard him mumble "(Y/N)...(Y/N) don't go..." he said and slowly opened his eyes "ZAYN OH MY GOD ZAYN" you yelled and hugged him tightly "Hey..." he whispered as you cried into his shirt and suddenly the door opened violently "WHAT? WHAT HAPPENED?" Harry asked and as soon as he saw you two he called for the others excitedly, it was like a party in that hospital room but the doctors didn't say anything. "Oh we missed you so much darling" Zayn's mom said to him as she hugged him "VAS HAPPENIN' DJ MALIK?!!!!!" the boys all yelled at the same time and you all laughed, you were sitting with Zayn on the bed never letting go of his hand as they told him about everything that had happened in the last couple of months, after they finished all he said was "Wow" and you all looked at him lovingly "How do you feel?" you asked kissing him on the cheek "Actually...I'm a bit sleepy" he said and you all started to laugh. You all were happy to have Zayn back. After everyone left you stayed with Zayn for the night, catching up on the lost time "(Y/N)" he whispered suddenly "Yes?" you asked "I heard everything you said to me these two months you know? And I don't ever want you to wish that you were in the car crash instead of me, do you understand?" he asked firmly "Yes" you responded happy to know just how much he cared about you "I missed you so much" you said and kissed his hand "I missed you too" he said and hugged you tightly.

Zayn Malik imagines/preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now