An imagine for CarlyGipson

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You cover your mouth with your hand and put the pregnancy test down. Letting the tears fall from your face. Could I really be pregnant... oh my god. What's gonna happen now? What will he think about this? We're not even married yet..

You have been feeling sick these past few days. And yesterday you threw up in the morning. You weren't sure before wether you were pregnant or not but now you are sure of it. You lay down on your bed and take a deep breath. Trying to figure out how to tell Zayn. And trying to predict how he will react. You take up about a good 2 hours or so in complete silence. Just you and your thoughts.. and your future baby in you. As you are pondering you rub your belly and slowly stop crying as time passes. It is now 6:15 pm. You snap out of your thoughts and call your best friend.
"Hey (Your best friends name)."
"Hey what sup?"
"Can you come over please?"
Her voice lowers, "What happened (Y/N)?"
"Just come over. I'll tell you when you're here."
"Uhh.. alright. What time do you want me to come?"
"As soon as you can. Like right now."
"Damn... you're so eager... is it what I think it is.."
"Just come."
"Alright I'll be there."
You hang up and close your eyes as you let your head drop forward. Putting the phone to your forehead. You look up and rub your belly again. You make your way to the bathroom and take the pregnancy test. You look at it one more time to make sure. Even though you are already sure. You go back to your bedroom and put it under you. You take your iPod out and start listening to your music. Keeping yourself entrained while your best friend gets here.
It is 7:10 and your friend is at the door.
"(Y/N)!" "Hey. Come in." you say as you let her in and close the door behind you. You lead her to your bedroom and you sit down on top of the pregnancy test. "So what is it that you wanted to tell me? I think I know..." "I don't think you do..." "Is it about Zayn?..." "Uhhh... no... Well kinda. Wait. What about Zayn?" "Wait tell me." "No what about Zayn?" "No no it's nothing I was just guessing.. Tell me!" ".... Alright. Well.. remember how I've been feeling sick these past few days.." "Yeah.." "Well..." You stand up and your friend automatically sees the pregnancy test. She widens her eyes and holds both of your arms tightly. She looks at you and says "You're pregnant." You just stare at her. You see her mouth transforming from an emotionless position, to a huge smile. "Oh my god." She says as she starts giggling and hugs you tight. Her joy rubs off you and you feel happy. "Oh my god. I'm gonna be an aunty! Oh my god! Have you told Zayn!?" "Uhhh..." that's when you start getting worried again, "See that's the thing. I haven't.. And I don't know how he's going to react.." "Are you kidding (Y/N) he loves you! Why are you afraid to tell him?" "Because! He's been busy and I don't know.. Maybe he doesn't have time for this and he might not want to be with-" "(Y/N). Stop. Do you trust he loves you?" "Yeah but-" "Ok. That's all you need to know. He loves you ok. Everything will work out." You smile and realize that yes. Yes Zayn does love you. And you have the most wonderful best friend in the whole world. Scratch that. You're more like sisters. "Thanks, ur amazing." "Anytime Y/N." You both start hugging each other tightly as you guys begin to cry tears of joy.
-Next week*
"Hey babe! We still on for tonight?"
"Yeah! Of course!"
"Alright just making sure. I'll pick you up at 8. Sounds good?"
"Yes. I'll be ready by then. Bye babe."
"Goodbye love. Love you."
"Love you too."
Well tonight was the night. You were going to tell Zayn you guys were expecting a baby. You are very happy but nervous at the same time. You guys were going to a friends wedding. The time is 7:15 and you're finishing up your make up. You go in front of your mirror and practice how you're going to tell Zayn:
"Babe we're expecting a baby.
Zayn, I have a baby inside me.
Baby there is a baby in my uterus.
Zayn we are going to have a baby.
Ayo Zayn we's gon have a baby.
Oh Zayn Jawaad Malik we will soon carry a baby in our arms in which I birthed.
fucking shit I need to start getting serious.."

Your phone rings.
"(Y/N) I'm 5 minutes away. Start heading downstairs."
"Alright babe bye"
"Love you!"
"Haha. I love you baby. Bye."

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