# 11

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You nervously tapped your fingers on the counter top. Choosing whether wait or tell Zayn the big news. "Nothing will go wrong right?" You asked yourself and sighed, taking a shaking sip of water.
You broke your thoughts about the pros and cons by hearing your phone go off. You took a deep breath trying to get rid of the nerves before picking up your phone.
We need to talk -Zayn
Your heart stopped. "Does he know?" You said quietly before putting your phone in your pocket. You bite your lip and walked to the door. "Well if he doesn't I might as well tell him now." You mumbled to yourself before your headed out the door to go to Zayn's flat.
You got to Zayn's flat and slowly made your way to the door thinking about what you where going to say. You looked at the door ready to knock but you herd more then one voice inside. "You did what Perrie?!" You herd Zayn yell.
Your eyes widened, wondering why his Ex Perrie was in there. "You need to get it over with Zayn. I don't want you to be around her anymore. Your mine." You herd Perrie said in your blood boiled. "I know Perrie, but it's harder then you think, she's been so emotional lately and I don't want her to get in a rampage and do something to you. But you're right, I'll get it over with and we will be together in peace." Zayn said on the other door and your heart shattered into a million pieces but also anger filled your veins.
You took a deep breath trying to calm yourself down before knocking on the door. "Go in the other room quick." You herd Zayn whisper to Perrie and your hands ball into fists. The door opened showing Zayn with a fake smile plastered on his face. "Hey, (Y/N) come in." He said, motioning you in. You shook your head. "No thank you, a rather not walk into a cheaters house." You said shakily and Zayn's face turned pale. "Perrie you may come out, I know." You yelled out a hint of anger in your voice.
You saw Perrie walk back into the room with a slight smirk on her face. "I'm guessing you two are done know and I can finally get what I want." Perrie said and you clenched your fists resisting the urge to slap her. "Just shut up." You spat and she rolls her eyes. You looked at Zayn. "I hope if worth hurting me to be with someone that their heart is mostly made out of stone." You said before walking off back to the car.
You got in your car and looked back at the door. Still seeing Zayn at the doorway in shock. You saw Perrie push him back in the house before looking at you with pure hatred then closing the door.
You sighed lightly putting your hand on your stomach. "Don't worry baby, mommy is going to talk care of you by herself." You said before a sob fell from your mouth.
"Mommy higher!" Your son Kaden giggled out as you push him in a swing a park near by your house. "You don't want to go to high don't you?" You said and he shook his head. "No I want to go to space." Kaden said and you smiled at his imagination.
It has been 4 years since you have seen Zayn. You went back to you mom soon after what happened and quickly got back on your feet for Kaden's sake. You wanted the best for him and now seeing the joyful three year old he is now, you are doing your job. Which made so happy.
"Mommy can we play hide and seek please!" Kaden asked and you nodded. "But don't go too far, I don't want you to go too far okay?" You said taking him out of the swing and Kaden nodded. "Okay do you want to hide first or me?" You asked him and pointed at you. "You go first mommy." "Okay" You giggled.
Kaden covered his eyes and starting counting. "1, 2, 3..." You quickly ran beside a bench very close and sat beside it covering your eyes jokingly. You herd Kaden stop counting and you forced yourself not to smile and keep serious. "Mommy! That's not a good hiding spot I can see you!" Kaden said, running over to you. "What you can see me?" You asked fake shocked, removing your hands from your face and Kaden nodded, giggling. "Yes I can." Kaden said. "Awww well darn. Okay it's your turn to hide, remember to stay close."
You covered your eyes and started to count. "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,..... Ready or Not here i come!" You yelled and you started your search. You slowly walked around looking at all the possible spot. "I'm going to find you!" You cooed and you herd a little giggle in the distance. "I think I found him." You said to yourself.

You slowly walked over to the spot where you herd the giggle. "Kaden where are you?" You asked with a smile. "Right here silly!" Kaden said coming from behind a tree. You giggled at your son not knowing the concept of play hide and seek yet. "There you are!!" You say running over to him and picking him up in your arms before twirling him. He giggled and you stopped giving him a huge hug. "I love you!!" You said and he laughed

You saw Kaden look at something behind you. "What are you looking at bud?" You asked and you turned around seeing the face you never wanted to see in years. it couldn't be you said in your head. "(Y/N) is that you?" He said and your face went pale. "Z-Zayn." You stuttered out and he smiled slightly. "Hey, it's been awhile." He said and all you could do was nod. "How's this guy?" Zayn asked, pointing to Kaden. " I'm Kaden." Kaden said and you gulped. "Mommy can we go get ice cream?" Kaden asked and Zayn looked at you in shock. "Is he?" Zayn asked and all you could do is nod.

"Why didn't you tell me I had a son? All of these you could've told me." Zayn said trying his best not to raise his voice, not to scare Kaden. "Oh let me see Zayn, I think you where to busy being all googly eyed at Perrie to even give me a chance to tell you." You spat. "I was going to tell you that day when I found out you where cheating on me but it seemed your-" You looked at Kaden and covered his ears. "D-I-C-K, had a mind of it's own when she was half naked in your house." You said before removing your hand from Kaden's ears.
Zayn looks down and sighs. "I'm sorry for that day I truly am." He says and you rolled your eyes. "I know you don't believe me but it's true." He says sadly. "How can I believe you Zayn? You left me for the girl that broke your heart. I thought you loved me like how much I loved you but I guess I was wrong. Kaden is the only happy thing that has came out of it. And, I don't want you to ruin my happiness again."
A silent tear slide down your cheek. "Mommy why are you sad? please don't be sad." Kaden says and he pecks your cheek before resting his head on your shoulder. You smiled slightly before looking back at Zayn. "I'm finally got happy again, please don't ruin it. Bye Zayn."
You started to walk back to your car. You sniffled slightly, opening the car door and putting Kaden in his car seat. You looked behind you to see Zayn running over. "Please leave me alone." You whispered and he shook his head, walking closer. "I'm sorry (Y/N), I made the worst mistake of my life. Seeing you and Kaden just makes me see what I have missed out on. I feel so damn guilty all I want is for you to at least hit me, yell at me or telling how much of a horrible person I am because I deserve it. Perrie was just a mistake. She didn't love me, she loved the extra fame. If I had a time machine I would go back and change everything. Start the family, be the best dad for Kaden, marry you. God you would be such a beautiful bride but, I had to miss it up." Zayn sobbed out and you looked at him in slightly shock. "Please, just give me that one last chance. I want to be a part of this family so bad and if you give me this chance I will promise to be the best dad Kaden could ask for and the Best boyfriend and maybe at one point husband you could ever ask for."
You stood there frozen, you did know weather to thrust Zayn or not. You always believed and second chances and promises but your brain told you not to give in, your heart had a little hope. "You promise." You whispered and Zayn nodded. "T'ill the day I die." He said and you nodded. "You get one more chance but don't you even dare make it too good to me true for Kaden then leave." You said sternly. "I promise i will never do that ever, god I missed you." He said pulling you into a tight hug.
"Mommy what's going on?" Kaden asked and Zayn looked at you for approval. You nodded and you watched Zayn kneel down. "Hey bud, I know you haven't seen me before but I'm your dad." He said softly smiling nervously. "Is he telling the truth mommy?" Kaden asked and you nodded. "Yeah, bud. That's your daddy." You said and Kaden smiled. "Hi Daddy!" Kaden said in joy, giving Zayn a hug. Zayn quickly wrapped his arms around Kaden and a happy tear slide down his cheek. "Hey son, I'm so glad to see you. I promise that I'm never going to leave you or mommy. I'm here to stay because I love you both."

Zayn Malik imagines/preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now