He cheats on you

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Sorry for the long wait guys.... Here you go!

You'd had enough of all these magazine covers that had Zayn and another girl together on them. You decided it was time to confront him about it so you bought a few magazines and made your way home from the shop. When you got home you cleared the table and spread out the magazines over it and waited for him to get home as he was due home any moment now. You heard the door open and a cool breeze hit you making you shiver a little. '(y/n)? I'm home!' You heard Zayn's charming accent echo around the room. He appeared in the door and slowly came towards where you were sitting by the table. 'What's all this?' he said running his fingers over the glossy magazine covers. 'Is it true?' you said looking him in the eye. He quickly dodged any eye contact with you, he ran his hands through his hair and looked up at the roof. 'Tell me its not true Zayn?' you said. you could feel the tears building up in your eyes. 'It was a one time thing. I thought you were cheating on me so it would have been okay!' his face was getting red and you could clearly see he was feeling guilty. 'So all of this is true?' You could'nt hold your tears in any longer and they streamed down your cheeks. 'Yeah' he managed to mumble out while looking at the floor. You immediately stood up and started walking towards the door, he reached out and grabbed your arm. 'DONT TOUCH ME!' You screamed at him shaking off his hand. 'Please let me explain!' he begged you. 'There's nothing to explain Zayn. You cheated on me and that's final! We're over' you said running out the door and slamming it behind you, hopping in your car and driving to your best friend (Y/BF/N) house.
You had been staying at (Y/BF/N) house for the last week. You hadnt been to work as it was too hard to drag yourself out of bed with a broken heart that had been smashed into a thousand tiny pieces. Your phone had hardly stopped going off. Constant text messages from Zayn and about 50 voice mails, you had to fight off the urge to answer any message he sent you as you wanted him to suffer as much as you had the last week. (Y/BF/N) finally convinced you to come out of her spare room and have a girls movie night with her. You walked out and the whole lounge had been rigged out with blankets, pillows and all kinds of junk food to eat. You hugged her tightly and thanked her for everything, you had a quick shower and hopped into some clean jim-jams and joined (Y/BF/N) on the floor with a a giant bowl of popcorn. You just settled down when there was a knock at the door 'Ill get it!' you said as you untangled yourself from your blankets and ran to the door. You swung open the door and saw Zayn standing before you with at least 3 dozen red roses in his hands. His eyes were red and puffy and they had big nags under them, obviously he had been crying for a while as well. I tried shutting the door but he put his foot in front of it to stop it from closing 'Please, just let me explain (Y/N)!' You slowly opened the door, 'You've got 3 minutes' you said in a cold, monotone voice. 'Okay first, I bought you these' he said handing you over the roses, you carefully plucked one away and held it to your nose, it smelt absolutely wondrful! 'Your so beautiful!' he said smiling looking into your eyes. '2 minutes and 50 seconds' you said trying to wipe the smile off your face. 'Well last week I saw photos of you and Josh Hutcherson together and i got really jealous and then i you know... but then i confronted Josh about it and he said you just went out for a coffee and NOTHING more'. 'You're right there' you mumbled to yourself. 'Im such an idiot and you have no idea how bad i feel because I wasted my chance with the most amazing woman on the face of this planet! I havent slept since we fought and I havent been able to go to work. The boys were genuinely worried about both you and me, and i am soooo sorry and I dont blame you if you never forgive me but I had to at least try' The tears were streaming down your face like a waterfall, how could you say no to that? You ran into his open arms and just hugged. You could feel his tears on the back of your neck and his hot breath. 'You wont regret taking me back, i swear! Oh and one more thing...' he said pulling away from your hug and reaching into his pocket and bringing out a small, black, velvet box. He got down on one knee right in front of you and you knew what he was going to do. 'The past week has been absolute torchure without you and it made me realize how much you really do mean to me. (Y/N) i want to spend the rest of my life with you, have kids with you and grow old with you, will you marry me?' You gasped and looked into his eyes, there was a certain sparkle that made you forgive him for every single thing he had done. 'Yes! yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!' you said as he slipped the sparkling diamond ring onto your finger. he stod up and you leapt into his arms and kissed him with more passion than you ever had before. This was just the start of your new life...

Zayn Malik imagines/preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now