# 7

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You just got home from school and it was your birthday. Your parents are sitting on the couch and smiling like some thing's up.
"Hello, Y/N. Happy birthday!" They said in unison and smiled.
You returned the smile, "Hi."
"We have a surprise for you. Go get dressed," your mother told you. You walked to your room and changed into your favorite dress and flats. When you got back to the living room, your parents were standing by the door and you all walked out to the car. They drove you to your favorite restaurant and you went to a private room. They lights were dim, but you could make out a stage and several of your school friends. They pulled you over to a table and the lights dimmed even more before a spotlight shined on the stage and there they were, your absolute favorite band, One Direction. They soon started singing What Makes You Beautiful, one of your all-time favorite songs.
"You're insecure
Don't know what for
You're turnin' heads when you walk through the door..." Liam began. You always thought he was a really good singer, but you were more than happy when Zayn started singing. He was your favorite member and you thought he was perfect.
After the performance you walked over to talk to the boys. They were all really nice and you immediately felt at ease.
"Hi, beautiful," Harry winked at you, making you blush.
Zayn punched his arm lightly, "Mate, stop flirting with her," he said and gave Harry a meaningful look. You talked for a few more minutes before they had to go. Zayn was the last to leave and he pushed a note into your hand before leaving. You returned to your seat with your friends before looking down at it.

Hi gorgeous (:
Call me sometime 123-4567
Zayn xx

You smiled, which provoked your friends to read the note. You all had a quiet celebration of silent screaming and jumping up and down. When you got home, they made you call him.

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