Chapter 38

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I spin around fast, to find Ben's rough breath on mine, eyes amused, though. "W-What?" I stammer, dropping the duffel bag as my heart sinks, beating faster each second.

"You thought you could escape, didn't you?" He cackles menacingly. I shudder, feeling the doorknob stabbing into my back. "Haha. Escape. From me? Who's helping you on this, Jenna? Answer me."

Just then, I feel my phone vibrate in my duffel by my feet. Ben's eyes dart around. "What was that?"

"What was what?" I look up to him, shrugging my shoulders. "Please, Ben, you need to forgive-"

"Shut the hell up." He searches around, going over to bed and the bed side tables, as I quickly unzip my bag and put my phone on mute. Ben glances at me as I hide my phone behind my back. He proceeds on to the bathroom as I quickly check my phone.

Where are you?


What the hell?

I quickly reply.


I place it into my duffel and quickly unzip as Ben stomps over to me. "You." He launches at me, tackling me backward as I fall to my knees.

"Ben!" I yell, as he shoves me harder against the door. My breath catches in my throat as my back throbs, as if the wind has flowed out of my lungs. He glares at me, as I breathe heavily, finally catching my breath as he stands above me.

I escape under his legs, out to the telephone. I grab it and I feel someone grabbing my legs hard. I scream, as I try to dial the hotel's number. The pulling continues, as I scream, my chin hitting the desk table really hard as I land on the wooden floor with a thud.

I feel dizzy and the last thing I see is his face.


"Jenna? Jenna, my darling." His voice rings through my ears, as I flutter my eyes open.

"What happened.. Where am I?" I ask, looking at the room as I sigh, keeping my distance. I remember. He took me to Paris, buying tickets for that night. He still doesn't know Ethan is working with me, but, I was way too tired in the train to talk to anyone. All I did was sleep. I couldn't think of anything else to do. I would've sobbed, I would've screamed and tried to escape but I didn't. I knew that if I tried, I would fail.

"You remember now, right?" He smiles. "Jenna, I can't believe today's the day! We're getting married, baby doll." I simply nod.

"The ceremony starts at 6. Then around 7, the after party begins. I invited some people, just for you, Jenna dear. I know you're going to be a wife soon and then a mother. We'll grow old together, darling, and I want this to be the best day of your life." He smiles and I shiver hard. I'm being forced to marry someone that ruined my life and I'm going to have kids with this guy and grow old with him and oh my god.

   "So. It's time for you to wake up. Parlour time, and it's also time to look at Paris." His eyes glimmer. His hands help me up.

"Yes, I suppose." I nod back to him and step off the bed, as everything falls and with a thump I land on the wooden floor. I look up at the bed. It's really high and has those lacy curtains. Ben grins.

"I have to get used to it, too." He admits, helping me up as well as I glance at my surroundings. A gorgeously lit room, with a huge TV on the wall and two armchairs as well as a coffee table and huge closet.

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