Chapter 3

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"Order number 437!" someone from the cash register yelled at me. I ran over to the bag marked with the number and tossed it to her. My watch then began to tick and ring. I glanced at it and realized it was already four. I looked over at the long line and realized I needed to work a little bit longer. After about five minutes, the line was smaller and I went on my break. I walked outside while I checked my phone.

Five new text messages

Mom: Jacky!
Mom: I need you to come home early!
Mom: Please!!
Mom: I need your help setting up dinner!
Mom: Please!!!!!!!!

I quickly texted her back saying I would try my hardest. I ate my lunch quickly and when I was done, I walked back inside and looked for my manager for the day. I found her and ran up to her.

"Ally!" I yelled while running into a hug.

See I can do this because she's one of my best friends. Her real name is Allison. I've known her since I was about ten. She's seventeen.

"Hey Jacky." she said, hugging me back.

"Can you do me a favor?" I sang while hanging on her.

She looked down at me with a face that told me to continue.

"Can you let me get off work an hour early?" I asked whilst making a baby face.

She groaned and asked why. I explained to her that my mom needed me to set up dinner for some reason. She agreed to let me off early and I thanked her with a huge hug and threw off my apron and nametag and grabbed my skateboard and ran out. I skated as fast as I could, not even bothering to pay attention to the voices and bodies around me.

I got home and ran inside. I looked around and didn't see my mother anywhere.

"Mom?" I yelled as I walked into around.

"In here!" she yelled from the kitchen.

I walked into the kitchen and saw her running around the kitchen holding a soup spoon, a fork, and a pudding cup. I laughed at her while she looked at me.

"Jacky. I. Need. Your. Help." she said each word slowly.

I laughed and nodded my head saying, "I can tell."

She threw me an apron and told me what to do. I started cooking and baking the cake. She said I can make any desert I wanted, so I made a two layered cake. The top layer was vanilla and the bottom layer was chocolate. I frosted it was a nice chocolate icing and added some cute little chocolate and vanilla circles and stars. It looked absolutely beautiful. Me on the other hand looked disgusting. I had chocolate all over me and flour in my hair.

My mom walked in from setting the table and looked at me and giggled.

"Jack, we have people coming over in less than an hour. You need to shower." she laughed.

I laughed back and nodded my head.

"Yeah, but I think someone needs a hug!" I said running to hug her.

She screamed and ran away. I chased her around the house until she locked herself in her room.

"Go shower you rat." she laughed through the door.

I laughed back and said, "Yeah yeah. I am."

I walked down the hall and into my room. I grabbed a towel and walked into the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror after I walked in and laughed at myself. I was covered in every food item we owned. I was an absolute mess. I turned the shower on and stripped down. Once the water was warm enough, I jumped in and began to clean myself of chocolate, flour, and other foods.

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