Chapter 39

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My father was standing before. Yes, I'm becoming a proper little monkey because I'm very intimidated by this house and my father. But here he was, standing there, laughing at what an idiot I must look like. 

"Hi, I'm Jacklyn." I said, introducing myself. 

"I know. You don't have to introduce yourself." he laughed.

"Oh, well. Hi." I said awkwardly.

"Do you wanna meet your new mom?" he asked.

"I still have my mom, David." I said sternly.

"I know, but you have a new stepmom. And you don't have to call me David. Call me Dad." he said with a cheeky grin.

"Alright, David." I said whilst walking past him.

That was a little rude, yes. But he deserves it. He's acting like nothing ever happened. When in reality, everything happened. I moved away from my three only friends and my mom to a whole new life with a new family and a new school and so many new things. I lived in a castle now. Well, not a castle, more like a huge house for queens and kings. 

"Is this Jacklyn?" I heard a high pitched voice ask.

"Hi." I said quietly.

"Ah!" she screeched and hugged me tightly. 

"Hi, who are you?" I asked whilst I was muffled in her chest.

"I'm Whitney! Your new mom!" she squeaked.

"Okay that's great." I said pushing away from her.

"Oh! Do you want me to show you your room?" she peppily asked.

"Uh, sure?" I answered more of a question.

She squeaked again and led me up the tall granite stairs. We went down a very long hallway and to a door at the end. She motioned for me to go inside and I slowly opened the door. I walked in and my jaw dropped once again. The room was huge. It was all white walls and had fairy lights hanging all around the roof. There was a window seat surrounded by books and journals with a beautiful view of a forest. There was a desk set up in the corner with journals and a cup of different pens and pencils  perfectly set up. The bed was in the middle of the room with a black sparkly comforter covering it. It was a tumblr girls dream. 

I walked to my bed and dropped my suitcases down and opened my backpack. I carefully took out the pizza stuffed animal and carefully placed it on my bed. I took out Danny's sweater and turned around to see a huge walk in closet full of clothes. I gasped and walked towards it. There were designer clothes from top to bottom of the closet. I was now not only intimidated by my father, I was intimidated by my own closet now too. I don't know if that's healthy. I carefully pushed all the clothes away, afraid of hurting them, and carefully placed his sweater on an empty shelf.

"Oh! There's also a little hidden room in your closet for just some you time." Whitney piped up.

I spun around and looked at her confused. She walked in and pushed a button, causing one of the walls to spin around and show another set of stairs. I climbed up the stairs to find another whole room. 

"Oh my God." I whispered.

"Yeah, I just figured you'd want this room because of the little ones." she stated quietly.

I nodded my head and tears began streaming from my eyes.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"I just miss him."


so the kid I like just said he 'loved' me? I'm so confused okay bye.

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