Chapter 46

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     The rest of the night was a blast. We went to the mini golf course and I struggled to even make one shot. Carrie and Sammy were having a blast. That is until Carrie accidentally splashed Sammy when she was attempting to hit her ball. 

"Carrie!" he shouted.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" she squealed.

"Yes you did!" Sammy shouted back.

"Nu uh!" Carrie argued.

"Yeah huh!" Sammy yelled back.

It went back and forth like this for a good five minutes before I stepped in between them.

"Guys calm down. It was an accident and Carrie apologized." I said.

They both calmed down and walked over to Danny who was watching silently. They started messing with Danny and making him giggle which made me laugh. I then began to walk towards them but stepped on one of their clubs and slipped backwards. Before I could save myself, I fell into the pond with a loud splash. I heard all three of them gasp and then break out into a fit of laughter.

"Oh my god! Jacky, are you okay?" Danny asked, helping me up.

"Yeah. The water broke my fall." I joked. 

They all lightly chuckled and helped me to the bench. 

"How about some ice cream and then we start heading home? It's getting late." Danny suggested.

Both the little ones screamed yay in unison. 

"And how about you, Jacky? Ice cream?" Danny offered.

"No thanks." I said happily.

He shrugged his shoulders and walked over to the ice cream stand. Not long after did I see a bouncing Carrie and a strawberry cone in her hand. She smiled and sat down next to me whilst Sammy sat next to her. I swear, if Sammy wasn't a little taller, they could be twins. 


A few minutes passed and we decided it would be a good time to go home now. I checked my phone and it was about 7:30. I was dry enough to sit in the drivers seat and drive us home. We all hopped in the car and began our journey. Danny plugged his phone into the auxiliary cord and almost instantly, 5 Seconds of Summer started blaring through the speakers.

"Do you guys like five sauce?" Danny asked Sammy and Carrie.

"Isn't that a boy band?" Sammy asked disgusted.

Danny nodded happily and Sammy then asked, "Aren't boy bands for girls?"

"No. Well, only ones that Jack listens to." Danny nudged my shoulder.

"Oh! So My Chemical Romance and One Direction and Mayday Parade and-"

"Alright alright. Jack's boy bands are pretty cool." Danny said defeated.

"I love five sauce! Turn it up!" Carrie  yelled and began singing along to Vapor.

Once we got home, Sammy and Carrie were past out. David and Whitney insisted that Danny and I go out and do something by ourselves.

"Are you sure? I mean, I have school tomorrow and it's the first day and-"

"I'm sure! Just be back by eleven." David instructed.     

"Okay. Home by eleven! Deal." I said happily.

Danny and I went out for the rest of the night. I took him to this cool little pond I found one day. It's a really nice area. The grass is perfectly green, the water is sparkling blue, the birds sing. Except it was night time so we didn't really get any of that. But the night made all of it better. It was more peaceful than normal.


"Yeah?" he asked whilst looking at the water.

"Don't leave me." I whispered.

"I would never." he said shocked.

"No, I mean, don't leave me here." I clarified.

"You know I don't have control over that." he said whilst pulling me closer.

"It's just, I don't think I can handle much more." I cried.

"Aw Jacky. I'll always be here." 

"But that's the thing. You won't. You'll be in Maryland, living your life. I'll be here, wanting to live mine." I muffled into his chest.

"Jacky, I'm going to be waiting for you. I'll be wanting you everyday. I'll be craving a kiss from you. I'll be begging fora hug from you. I'll be missing your voice. Jack, I can't explain how much I miss you even when you're just across the room." he said, looking me dead in the eye.

"I'm scared, Danny." I whispered.

"I know. I am too." he whispered and held me tight.


sorry for the sucky chapter, hopefully I'll have a better one up soon.

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