Chapter 36

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"Ohio. Well, that's a ways away." he said  softly.

I giggled a little and softly nodded my head.

"When are you leaving?" he asked.

"I'm not sure. But I have a little brother and sister." I said hopefully.

"Well, there's something good out of this." he said.

"I guess." I said suddenly being deeply interested in my hands.

I felt my head slightly being lifted by Danny's finger. I stared into his bright blue eyes. The same eyes I felt myself staring into when I was only eleven. His eyes flickered from my eyes to my lips.

"C-can I kiss you?" he asked nervously.

"You don't have to ask every time." I said closing the little space between us.

I didn't know if he knew it or not, but Danny had thousands of girls pining after him, and he chose me. Me. Jacklyn Morose. Why did he choose me out of all the other girls? I don't want to question it, though. I just want to admire what's mine for as long as I can. 

"Jack? Are you okay?" Danny asked.

When did we stop kissing?

"Yeah." I stated mindlessly. 

"Are you sure? You don't look so good." he said, putting a hand to my forehead.

"Holy crap! You're freezing! Here." he said putting his jacket over my shoulders. 

"No, Danny. You'll get cold." I said trying to give it back to him.

"No, no. I'm fine. Let's just get you back inside." he said whilst putting his arm around my shoulder.

We walked back in and as soon as we did, Ally came running over to me and bear hugged me.

"Hi, Ally." I chuckled as I weakly hugged her back.

"Jacky, I picked your phone up. I talked to your dad. You can't go!" she yelled.

"I don't really think I have a choice." I said.

"Live with me!" she yipped excitedly.

"Ally, as much as I would love to do that, I don't think I can." I said sadly.


"Look, I say, instead of moping around about my soon-to-be departure of Maryland, we watch movies and order pizza for the next few weeks and all just cuddle together." I interrupted.

"I say that's a great idea!" Danny said swinging his arm around my shoulder. 

"I'm making hot chocolate!" Ally said.

"I'll order pizza!" Paul said as he took out his phone.

"Looks like we're picking the movies." Danny smiled.

I smiled back at him and we turned to go pick the movies. I had a collection of movies. After years and years of collecting, I had about over one hundred movies. This is what I spent my paychecks on. Most people spent it on food or clothes, well I spent mine on a few movies and a tub of ice cream. I would sit on the couch for a good twelve hours or so and just eat my way through tubs and boxes of ice cream and pizza. Yes, it is pretty sad to think about, but it was entertaining as hell. 

We decided on watching High School Musical first, which was Danny's choice. I chose The Best Of Me for the second movie. Paul chose Titanic for the third. And Ally chose The Little Mermaid. We ended up making a fort type deal on two of the couches. It was pretty cozy. I was snuggled up to Danny as he wrapped his arms around my body on the middle couch whilst Ally was in between Paul's legs on the other couch. Paul was playing with Ally's hair which made her smile. I couldn't help but smile too. They were literally the cutest couple I had ever seen.

The pizza came halfway through the first movie and I got up to get it. I payed the pizza man and put the pizza on the table. Everyone took one slice and sat crisscross on the middle couch. If someone took a picture of us right now, we'd look life four best friends who are ten. I laughed at the thought and quickly jumped up to grab the camera. I set it up so it could see all of us no matter what couch we were on and hit record. I thought it would be a cute video to have for memory sake when I move. I jumped back on the couch and finished my pizza.

About half an hour into the second movie, we were cuddled in the same positions we were before the pizza. It was basically the same except now there was an empty pizza box sitting open on the table. Danny pulled me closer to him and I snuggled up to his warmth. He planted a soft kiss to my temple and whispered two simple words into my ear.

"Goodnight, Love."


longer chapter. Sorry I haven't written much, I've been really busy with school and the festival my school is having and it's just a mess. Crushes and school and homework and math are not easy if you put them all together. anyhow, bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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