Chapter 51

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The rest of the classes were pretty dull. Not much excitement at all. The teachers would occasionally call on me but I would act like I've been going to school there since freshman year. It was boring and occasionally challenging. It was only the first day and I'm only in fourth period and I already have a good hour's worth of homework. 

I walked out of my fourth period World History class and saw Parker across the hallway already. He was leaning against the lockers and pulling off that I'm-too-cool-and-punk-for-all-these-losers look. He had one foot against the lockers and has his headphones in and his salty looking dirty blonde hair swept back and his lips curling back as he played the air drums. I must say, he looks like he could actually be a decent drummer. 

"Hey, Bob Bryar." I joked.

"Hmm?" he said as he took out one headphone.

"Do you not know who Bob Bryar is?" I asked confused.

"Nope." he said, popping the P.

"He's the drummer in My Chemical Romance." I stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. 

"No kidding! I was just listening to Death by them!" he said excitedly. 

"Good choice." I laughed.

"So, where next?" he asked.

"Guidance councilor." I said whilst looking at my phone.

"Alrighty! Follow me!" he said, beginning to skip down the hall, creating a huge scene.

"Parker!" I tried getting his attention so he's stop.

"Yes?" he asked still skipping.

"Stop skipping! People are watching!" I whisper yelled.

"Let them watch my amazing gracefulness that they don't ha-"

He was quickly cut off by running into a trashcan and falling to the floor. I burst out laughing and my eyes immediately began to tear up.

"Yeah, total 'gracefulness.'" I laughed.

"Oh shut up and let's go." he said whilst standing up and grabbing my wrist.


"First period is English. Second is Intro to Geometry. Third is Chemistry. Fourth is World History. Fifth is free. Sixth is Lunch. Seventh is Photography Honors. And eighth is Latin." I listed my class schedule for the day to the guidance councilor. 

"One smart cookie huh?" she asked shocked.

"I guess." I shrugged.

"What about tomorrow?" she asked.

I began to list all my classes of the week. Today will be the same as Friday, tomorrow will be the same as Thursday, and Wednesday is just it's own shitty day that starts with Latin. Who thought of that? Having Latin first thing in the morning? That's gonna suck ass.

"Alright! And have you made any friends yet?" she asked after asking me multiple questions about why I moved here.

"Yeah, just Parker. But I don't really do friends." I said.

"Well why's that?" she asked.

"Because I already have three amazing friends. I don't need anyone else. All my freshly made friends always end up leaving me." I said and looked down at my hands.

"What three friends?" she sounded concerned.

"My best friend Ally, her boyfriend Paul, and my boyfriend Danny." I said proudly.

"Where do they live?" she asked.

"Maryland." I said, averting my gaze so she couldn't see the pain I was feeling.

"Oh. Well why not make new friends?" she pushed on.

"I don't need new friends. I have mine." I continued.

"But don't you want some you can see everyday?" she asked.

"I facetime them everyday." I pushed.

"Yes, but don't you think your parents would want you to have some friends other than them?" she asked again.

"My parents don't care! My mom let my boyfriend stay over for a week straight in my bed! We didn't do anything but I still would've liked a mother in that situation! She threw me away and sent me to my father who abandoned us when I was just ten! My boyfriend is spending a week at my house in my bed and my father and his new wife are leaving us home alone like they want us to do something! So, I can promise you my parents couldn't care less whether I had friends or not." I snapped.

Tears were rolling down my eyes as I watched a terrified guidance councilor stare at me in shock. She closed her hanging mouth and cleared her throat.

"Okay, well that's enough for today. You can enjoy the rest of your free period." she said and fixed some papers in a folder.

I growled in annoyance and grabbed my backpack. I stomped out and ran straight to the bathroom so no one could see that I was crying. I dropped my backpack in front of a stall and slammed it shut. I locked the door and slid down against the wall and sobbed. My phoned flashed signaling a notification and quickly turned it over so I could see the screen.

Dannyjedge posted a picture.

I unlocked my phone and opened Instagram. I saw the picture Danny had taken this morning with him towering above me at my vanity and us kissing like a couple in a romance movie. The glare of the flash shown in the mirror and there was a black and white filter on it. I smiled at the picture and commented a little heart. I locked my phone and pulled my knees to my chest.

Why is this affecting me so much? It's not like she actually cared. We had our good times, sure. We had our Mother-Daughter bonding moments, yeah. But she never actually cared enough to ask me about this whole situation or even tell me about Sarah. I wonder how Sarah is. Maybe she finally made it out of this cruel world. Maybe her and Uncle Jack got out and are happier. I hope so. They deserve to be happy again. 

"Please don't tell me that I'm dreaming..."

I heard my phone start to ring and looked at the caller ID.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Jacky, are you okay?" Danny voice rang through.

"Yeah," I sniffed, "I'm fine."

"No you're not. What's wrong?" he asked.

"I just wanna go home." I cried.

"It's just a few more hours." he persuaded.

"No, I wanna go home home. I want you to hold me in your arms. In Maryland." 


longer chapter. I gotta shower and then I'm going to update one more chapter tonight! I promise!!

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