Chapter 45

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"Oh my God!" I cried.

He giggled his little giggle I've been longing to hear since I moved here.

"What are you doing here?" I screeched.

"Surprise!" Whitney said all smiley whilst stepping in my room.

"You did this?" I asked shocked.

"Yeah!" she said happily.

"Thank you." I said whilst walking over with open arms.

"No hug for me?" Danny said sadly.

"No." I turned around and planted my lips firmly against his.

He smiled into the kiss which made me smile.

"I'd take this over a hug any day." he whispered.

I giggled a little and kissed him again.

"Ew!" I heard Carrie and Sammy squeal in unison.

Danny, Whitney, and I immediately started laughing softly.

"Carrie, Sammy, this is Danny." I said moving to his side so they could see him.

"We know." Sammy said matter-of-factly.

"Oh?" I asked.

Just then David walked in and smiled.

"Hi, I'm David." he said whilst shaking Danny's hand.

"Hi, I'm Danny." Danny said politely.

After the awkward introductions, they all left Danny and I in my room alone so we could catch up on things. No, not that kind of "catch up." We did not have sex at all. We just talked about how long he was staying, which was a week, and why he was here and stuff like that. I learned that, tomorrow, Ally and Paul are coming up and staying for a few days. They wanted to give Danny and I some time before and after they came up. Danny told me some pretty stupid, yet weirdly funny jokes that Paul had told him. We spent the rest of the day watching all the new movies I got, cuddling, and kissing. There was an occasional make-out session every now and then and Sammy and Carrie would come in and cuddle with us for awhile, but I was just happy I spent the day with Danny.

After about six movies, Whitney called us down for dinner. We both groaned but walked down the stairs. We all sat at the big table and we all talked.

"So, Danny, how much do you like Jacklyn?" David asked.

"David!" I squeaked.

"Hey, I want to know." he defended.

"Is this what having a father is like?" I whispered in Carrie's ear.

"You should see what he does when I hang out with boys." she whispered back, causing me to softly giggle.

"I don't like Jacky." Danny spoke up.

That caught my attention and I felt a pang of hurt in my chest.

"Yeah no. I don't like her. I love her. I know that sounds weird and early, but you have to remember, her and I talked a lot before we met. We learned a lot about each other, good and bad. Everything made me love her even more. I've seen her in nothing but sweatpants and a hoodie and she still catches my breath. She could be covered in mud and she'd still be beautiful. I could see myself growing old with her. She's amazing." he finished whilst smiling at me.

I felt my cheeks heat up and a single tear roll down my eyes. In that moment, we were the only two on earth. No one else mattered. We were looking into each others eyes and I could see the future in his. Him and I at the alter getting married. Both of us happier than we've ever been. Looking out and seeing everyone who truly cared about us. I saw us in a hospital holding our new born child. That look of pure excitement and happiness and awe on Danny's face. Him smiling at what we had created and brought into this world. Kids running around the house and both of us chasing after them. I saw us wrinkly and old with more kids running around the house and Danny still chasing them whilst I sat with our beautiful daughter on the couch and laughing at him. Danny still being the cutest, most amazing thing I had ever laid eyes on. I saw our future. Our happiness. I wanted all of it to be real.

"Jacklyn." David said, making me look away from my future.

"Yeah?" I said confused.

"I asked if you and Danny wanted to go mini golfing with Carrie and Sammy tonight." he stated.

"Oh!" I said whilst looking over to Danny for approval.

"Yeah sure! I'd love to." Danny smiled.

"Alright! Great! I'll give you money after dinner and you can go!" David said excitedly.

I smiled and looked back at Danny who was already staring. I giggled and looked away. I looked back and he was still staring and smiling his cheeky smile.

"What are you looking at?" Sammy asked quizzically.

"I'm just admiring what's mine." Danny smiled.


another long chapter, you're welcome. I might update again tonight but probably not cause I wanna go on a Barbie movie marathon and lay in bed and blow snot into a piece of toilet paper. Blahhhhhhhh

Wet Paint↠Danny EdgeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora