Chapter 21

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Danny's P.O.V

I heard her. She said it. She thought I didn't hear it. But I did. I know I did. No one can just imagine that. Right? Maybe it was all in my head. Maybe I wasn't even seeing her. Maybe this was all just a bad dream. Maybe I would wake up and I'd be back at home, never to have met her. But I don't want that. I want to have finally met her. I mean, after the whole story I told Paul, which is true, I wouldn't change this for the world. Okay, well maybe that's a lie. I would definitely change the part about her being in the hospital. Why have her sitting her so close, yet so far away? I know it sounds cheesy but I really want her to be here. I really want everything to be okay. And as selfish as it sounds, I'd rather me be in the position she's in right now. I would rather her be watching me slowly fade away into complete nothingness while I rest peacefully on a pillow, deciding if I want to leave this Earth or not. 

 But that's not what's happening. She's not resting peacefully. She's not deciding whether she wants to stay or not. She's in a constant battle that we both know will never end. Once she comes back, if she ever does, she'll still have to fight the thing that follows her around and torments her. My biggest fear is what if she's with it right now? What if she's trapped with the evil being that tortures her everyday? What if that's the only thing that's stopping her? But she seemed fine just a few minutes ago. But maybe that's what she was running from. Maybe she was scared that she would get in trouble with the evil being. 

 Whatever was stopping her from coming back needed to be stopped. I don't know how, but I will find out. I just want to be able to hold her in my arms again. I want to be able to tell her I lover her everyday. I want to give her flowers at random times of the day. I want to be able to give her chocolates and soup when it's that time of the month. I want to be able to hold her and tell her everything will be alright when she's sad. I want to show her off to all our fans and tell them how happy I am with her. I want to see her smile. I want to hear her laugh at her own jokes. I want to watch her as her cheeks grow red when she does something silly. I want to watch her as she intensely scribbles words onto a piece of paper and create magic. I want to watch her sleep peacefully and know that she's safe. I want to protect her. I want to make her feel safe. I want to make sure she knows I'll always be there. I want to feel her warm, soft lips against mine.

 But that might never happen. All because of our parents. I know I'm being selfish but I want them to break up. I want to be happy with her. I want our parents to be happy with other people. But that might never happen. What if she sees me as a big brother. Only a big brother. What if she doesn't love me like I love her. What if everything that I thought or said isn't the same as I thought? But, through everything I think, my mind always leads back to the biggest question of all. What if she never makes it back?


i promised a triple update today and I will follow through with that promise. But hey, Danny's point of view huh? Kinda scared me to write this. But I'm actually quite proud of it. Absolutely no dialog. Just danny's thoughts....trippy. Okay, third update will be up soon! Love youz!

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