Chapter 63

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Danny's P.O.V

Jacky acted different once we got home. She was more scared. More sad. More distant. She wore different clothes. She wore long sleeve shirts even when it was hot. She never wore shorts. She wore much darker clothes. Se wasn't eating either. I don't think I've seen her smile since she got home a few days ago. I knew something else besides the kidnapping had happened in Ohio but I couldn't put my finger on it. But in all honesty, I was scared for her.


We were laying in her bed watching a movie. Her favourite movie, I may add. She didn't smile. She didn't laugh. She hardly moved. It's like something had started a war inside of her and she lost. Like everything inside of her was dead. So she was the walking dead. A soulless body. An empty cell moping around the earth. She was me when she was missing. 

I was about to talk to her about it. I really was. But when I looked over at her, something caught my eye. I didn't want to look. I didn't want it to be true. But I couldn't control myself. My eyes started filling with tears. My heart sank to my stomach. I winced when I thought about it. I had to stand up. I had to get out. But I couldn't just leave her. I couldn't just abandon her when she needed me most.

"Danny? What's wrong?" I heard her ask nervously.

"You'd tell me right? You'd tell me if anything happened or if you needed to talk, right?" I asked whilst standing up.

"Yeah. Of course. Why?" 

"Then why didn't you tell me?" I blurted.

"What?" she asked confused.

"Why didn't you tell me?" 

"Tell you wha- Oh." 

"Yeah, oh. You know you can tell me anything and everything." I said sitting down next to her again.

"Not when you don't understand it." she cried.

"I don't have to understand it. I just need to help you." I said holding onto her hands.

"You don't need to do anything. You can't help me because you don't understand. You  never will."

"I might."

"No you won't! Because if you did, you'd see her too! You'd hear what she says. You'd see what she does. You would feel exactly the same! She makes you feel crazy, Danny. She makes you feel crazy and worthless and like everything else she says. She doesn't stop." she sobbed.

"Jacky, you have to let me try. You're not worthless. You're beautiful and funny and amazing and everything most girls want to be."

"But I don't want to be what most girls want to be! I just want to be yours and good enough for you! But I'm not and I never will be!" she said running out of her room.

I tried calling after her and chasing her but I couldn't do it. She disappeared somewhere. Ms. Morose looked at me confused and I explained to her that we had just got in a little argument and that I would find her. But I couldn't find her. I looked all around the house and couldn't find her at all. I went outside and looked everywhere. She wasn't anywhere to be found. Then I remembered where she was last time she ran out.

I sprinted to the huge tree by the cemetery and saw her with her head in her hands and her knees up to her chin. My heart broke even more when I noticed her sleeves were rolled up to her elbows. I could see the weeks worth of cuts and scars. My jaw dropped and more tears came over me. 

"It's okay. Say whatever you want." I heard her muffled voice whimper.

I couldn't think of anything to say. I honestly couldn't. I was speechless. I couldn't believe someone who used to be so happy and so playful could be so hurt and damaged and sad. 

"I'm here."


So yeah okay, most likely gonna be the only update today :/ I'm having major writers block today so yeah. I'm also running on like four hours of sleep because I couldn't sleep at all last night. Okay love you guys! I really do! Bye!!!

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