Chapter 61

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I packed a few clothes and sentimental things in my backpack. Things like the presents Danny gave me when I first got on the plane, and things from Sammy and Carrie. I packed my laptop and camera and some pictures with Danny, Paul, and Ally. I wrote a little note for David and Whitney telling them I didn't want anything I left in this room and that I hope never to see or hear from them again. I gave Carrie and Sammy a long hug and told them to FaceTime me whenever they missed me. Carrie cried a lot and I even think I saw Sammy let a little tear fall.

I decided it'd be best to leave at night after they went to bed. I carefully whispered sweet nothings to them until they fell asleep and quietly walked downstairs. I saw David standing by the door waiting for me to leave. 

"Here." he said handing me a thick envelope. 

I opened the envelope to see a huge wad of cash.

"Why are you giving me this?" I asked.

"Cause you need it. Do you need a ride to the airport?" he asked.

"No, I'm taking a cab." I said.

"Or you can just let our driver drive you." he shrugged.

"I'd rather walk." I said and pushed past him.

"Sorry we ruined your life." he laughed.

"Sorry I ruined yours." I said without turning around.

"You know, Jack. Someone with schizophrenia should really tell people." he pointed out.

"Excuse me?" I sneered.

"Yeah, it could lead to suicidal thoughts or depressive actions." he said nodding toward my wrist.

"Fuck off." I said and jumped in the cab that had just pulled up.

I pulled down my sleeve and told the driver where to go. I leaned back in my seat and began silently crying. I couldn't believe he had the audacity to say that to me. He should use all his money to buy some class for him and his wife. They're both horrible people who only care about themselves. And I thought Whitney was nice at first! 

My phone buzzed in my back pocket and I checked the notification. A simple text from an unknown number. I unlocked my phone and as I read the text, my eyes widened. This person somehow knew where I lived and knew that I was leaving and is now following me. I spun around in the backseat and saw two headlights flash on. 

I called their number and they answered on the first ring.

"Who are you?" I asked nervously.

"Don't be scared, Jacky." a familiar male voice said.

"Don't call me Jacky." I said sternly.

"Oh come on, Jacky. I could so see us together. You and me. Me and you. Kissing. Cuddling. Other things." I heard him grin.

"Who are you?" I asked again.

"You know who it is. We just have to discuss two things. Who's Danny and where are you going?" Parker.

"Parker, what do you want from me?" I asked, still looking out the backseat window.

"It's not what I want from you. It's what I want with you. You ran out on me Jacky. Did you really think you could stay away from me?  Sure, Liliana may have helped you but you can't stay hidden from me, Jacky." 

My heart sank. My eyes widened and filled with tears. Memories flooded back. The police couldn't even find him. But they never would suspect a kid in high school to kidnap someone and possibly rape them. I immediately hung up and dialed 911. 

"911, what's your emergency?" the lady on the other line asked.

"Yes, I-I'm Jacklyn Morose, the girl who just recently escaped a kidnapping. I believe I just found my kidnapper and I believe he's stalking me now." I started crying.

"Okay, Jacklyn, where are you?" she asked.

I turned around and saw the cab drivers eyes wide. I knew he was terrified of whatever was happening.

"Sir, where are we?" I asked him frantically.

"Give me the phone, you keep an eye on him." he said whilst taking my phone. 

The car then swerved, causing me to hit my head on the roof of the car. 

"What? No! What are you doing? Drive! We have to get away from him!" I began screaming.

"The cab driver turned around and I recognized him immediately. He smiled and hung up. 

"No!" I screamed and ran out of the car. 

I heard a rumbling engine coming up behind me. The headlights lit up around me and quickly went to the left of my body. The car came up next to me and sped up in front of me. I stopped in my tracks and turn around to run the opposite direction. I quickly saw Calvin, the supposed cab driver who was actually one of the helpers in my kidnapping. I turned around to see Parker and Derek walking towards me. I looked around and took off towards the tall grass surrounding the street. 

"Go get her!" I heard Parker yell.

I soon felt the hard asphalt of the street against my body. Everything began getting fuzzy. I looked up to see a smiling Parker until everything went black again.


Damn, Jacky.Can't you stay out of trouble until you get home? Jesus....

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