Chapter 44

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I wouldn't say four days went by quickly. I would say they more of just disappeared rather than actually happened. One morning I wake up and I have five more days of summer. Next thing I know, Sammy and Carrie are both snuggled up next to me in my bed and tomorrow's Monday. I was absolutely not ready to be the NEW outcast. I was used to everyone at school acting like I was invisible but they at least knew I existed. I didn't have to go through all the new-kid stuff. This time, I would. Joy.

I carefully got out of bed, trying now to wake Carrie and Sammy and walked downstairs for breakfast. No one was up. Well, no one except for David. He didn't have his newspaper in his face this time. No no, it was his prestigious IPhone 6S.

"Morning, Jacklyn." he said emotionlessly.

"Hola, David." I said whilst going through the fridge.

"You know, you really should call me Dad." he said.

"Or, I should really make myself some breakfast." I said, taking out the milk.

"No need! I want to take you to breakfast." he said happily.

"And what about Carrie and Sammy?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"They can stay with their mom. I want this to be a Father-Daughter moment." he smiled.

"Okay. But if you leave me, or kill me, better yet, let me drive." I added.

He laughed as I ran upstairs to get dressed real quickly. I went through my drawers as quietly as possible, considering the fact that Sammy and Carrie were still asleep. I quickly hopped into some leggings and a Thing 2 tank top that Danny bought me. I applied a thin oat of mascara and eyeliner and put my hair in a high ponytail because I was too lazy to brush through the knots. I grabbed my phone and ran down the stairs and saw David holding up my shoes.

"Alrighty, if I could only find my keys." I said looking around.

"They're in your car, already started. I'm driving." he said, giving me my blue vans and walking out the door.

I followed behind him silently and hopped in the passenger side. David started driving to wherever and I plugged my phone into the auxiliary.

"So, um, where'd you get that shirt?" he attempted conversation.

"Um, Danny bought it for me. Yeah, Ally has Thing 1." I smiled.

"Oh? So, Danny bought both of you them?" he asked.

"No, Danny bought mine and Paul, Ally's boyfriend and Danny's best friend, bought us them." I stated and quickly unlocked my phone.

"Oh." he said just as Infinity by One Direction began playing.

I texted Danny asking him if he was awake yet and texted Ally and Paul the same thing. No one replied, leaving me with my overeager father. We soon pulled into a small diner and got out of the car.

"Los Alimentos?" I read the restaurant name aloud.

"It means 'The Food.' Nothing special." he laughed.

I put on a fake grin and walked behind him into the diner. The huge boobed hostess smiled brightly at us and brought us to our seats. She handed me a menu and I smiled thankfully and covered my face with it.

"Oh, you don't need that. I want to order you my special." David said, grabbing the menu from my hands.

I checked my phone once again and had a single text from my mom. My eyes widened and I looked up at David.

"Um, I need to call someone, it's really important. Could you excuse me?" I said already sliding out of my seat.

"Oh, yeah sure. Go ahead." he said confused.

"Thanks." I quickly said and ran out the door.

I quickly dialed my mothers number and it rang twice before she answered it.

"Hi, Jacky." she said.

"Hi. You told me you needed to talk to me?" I asked.

"Yes. Um, how are you doing?" she asked nervously.

"That's none of your business, Claire." I stated.

"Jacklyn, I am your mother and you will not call me by my first name." she said sternly.

"You're my mom? You're my mom? Wow, cause normally moms don't ditch their daughter in the hospital or send them to a father who abandoned both of them when she was just a kid. Or send them to a completely new family in a totally different state with totally different people just because she was scared. Yeah, moms don't do that. So I have full permission to call you by your first name, Claire." I gritted.

"Listen, I'm sorry for doing that but you have to believe it was for a good cause." she said hurt.

"You told me to call you because it was important. What do you want?" I asked annoyed.

"I just wanted to say I was sorry and that I love you." she said.

"No you don't." I said and quickly hung up.

I felt a little bad for doing that but she deserved it. She sent me here without  care in the world. How is that love?

I walked back into the restaurant and slid into my seat just as our food was placed in front of us. Banana and strawberry pancakes in front of me and chocolate chip pancakes in front of David.

"How did?" I asked confused as to how he knew my favourite breakfast food.

"Good guess." he laughed.


After breakfast, he brought me to the mall and bought me a whole bunch of things. He got me a lanyard for my keys to my car and the house. He also bought me a whole bunch of new dresses, which I would probably never wear. He took me to the nail and hair salon and I got grossed out when the put some weird goo in my hair and claimed they were "cleaning" it. I screeched in pain when they pushed back something on my nails but got them painted black and a sparkly aqua colour.

On our way home, we stopped at this cool store that sold movies, cassettes, records, posters, and a whole bunch of other cool things. He bought me around ten new movies. All ones I've seen before but still. Finally when he brought me home, I ran upstairs quickly to put all this stuff away and immediately start watching one of my new movies. As soon as I walked in, I gasped and started crying.

"What?" I asked confused.


sorry I didn't update last night, I was very tired. I made this chapter longer though! and I'm writing the next chapter as we speak so bleh!


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