Chapter 12

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I woke up in a pool of sweat. It was just a nightmare. A terrible, realistic, frightening nightmare. I sat up and lifted my shirt so I could see my stomach. Nothing. I looked over to see Paul's back facing me and him asleep. I took this as a chance to go find Danny. I needed to see him. I quickly threw my legs over the bed and stood up. I immediately fell down, just like in the dream. I pulled myself up with the support of the wall and began walking out the door quietly. I tried to look as normal as possible so nurses wouldn't bring me back to my room. I held onto the wall with all my strength in an effort not to fall. I finally began to see the bright lights of the waiting room and tried to pick up my pace.

I finally turned the corner and saw Danny. He looked awful. Almost like he'd been crying for years on end. I felt awful. I put him through this. I had to say that stupid sentence. I had to go with him and Paul. I had to go to the bathroom. I had to mention those girls. Of course! I just had. I limped over to Danny the best I could until the pain caused me to collapse. Luckily it wasn't too loud, but loud enough for Danny to look at me. He gasped and ran to help me up.

"Jack! What are you doing?" he whispered in a worried tone.

"I came to find you." I quietly responded.

"But I thought you were mad at me." he said helping me stand.

"I was. But I needed to see you." I said.
He looked at me as if I was completely crazy. I was used to it.

"C'mon. Let's get you back to your room." he said picking me up bridal style.

I was relieved to not have to walk anymore considering the awful pain I was in every time I moved. I can say this everyday for the rest of my life, Danny will forever and always be a good older brother and any girl who dates him is the luckiest person alive. Once we got back to my room, he carefully put me on the bed and snuggled in next to me. I felt safer when I was with him. I don't know why and I don't know how, I just always did.

"So, what's wrong?" he asked, interrupting my thoughts.

"I don't know. I just feel safer when I'm with you." I said.

He didn't say anything and for some reason, I burst into tears. So there we were. Danny and I on a hospital bed. Me sobbing on his shoulder. Him making sure nothing would hurt me. Paul facedown on a hospital couch. Soft snores coming from him every now and then. Doctors and nurses walking around outside. And her. She was here. I knew it. I could feel her. And I think Danny could too because his grip on me tightened.

"She won't hurt you." he whispered.

"You sure about that?" she hissed in my ear.
More sobs. Screaming. Voices everywhere. The tingling feeling. Heart rate rising. It was starting. It was all starting.

"Danny. Danny! They're here. They're all here! They're gonna take me away. I'm gonna be trapped here forever. Danny! Don't let them take me! Danny!" I started screaming and clenching onto him.

I felt her start to grab my foot. I looked around. I was surrounded. There was no way out. I sobbed and hid my face in Danny's chest. I grabbed his sweater tighter. I was not going to be pulled away. But she thought otherwise.
"Danny! Danny! She's gonna pull me away! Help!" I started screaming.

Paul woke up and I could tell, he saw it too. A huge windstorm erupted from underneath the tile of the hospital. Papers were blowing everywhere. It wasn't just her now. It was something stronger. Danny held onto me tight when I realized, they don't want him. They want me. But I don't want them. I had to decide, whether I wanted to leave Danny and Paul and my whole life and possibly never come back, or continuing to torture Danny and Paul. And that's when I did it. I let go. I slipped out of Danny's grasp and left. Only to realize, my body was still there. It was my soul that just left. The windstorm stopped. Doctors rushed in. They kicked Danny and Paul out. They did some tests. I was in a coma and my life was at stake. I'm going to die if I don't figure out how to get out of here.

So proud of this actually. I really like this. Danny was supposed to text me 5 days ago. I've cried all 5 nights. My dad doesn't know when to leave me alone and its actually starting to piss me off. I want to leave this house. I'm getting stressed out. Good Byez. Love youz.


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