Chapter 11

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"Where's Danny?" I asked.

Paul turned around and stared at me. He looked hurt. He looked so vulnerable. He looked like the smallest thing could kill him.

"He's in the lobby. He was afraid of coming in. He thought you hated him." he said sadly.

I stared at him in disbelief. Sure, I was mad at him, but I didn't hate him. Even though I should. Paul turned his back to me. I took that as an opportunity to go find Danny. I tried getting up but Paul heard me and ran to stop me.

"Let me go!" I screamed.

"Let me go! I have to get out of here!" I continued to scream.

"Jack! Calm down! You need to stay here!" Paul yelled as he held me down.

I kept struggling but he didn't let go. I finally gave in as he held me down.

"Listen, Jack. You can talk to Danny once you get out. He just doesn't want to talk to you at the moment. Now get some rest. The doctors said they'll let you out tomorrow morning." he said walking over to the couch. I laid my head on the pillow and allowed myself to close my eyes.

I woke up to a sharp pain in my stomach. I looked over at Paul, who was sound asleep on the couch. I sat up and the pain in my stomach grew. I slowly lifted up my shirt and was shocked at what I saw. There were scratches all over my stomach. I then realized that the scratches spelt out the word 'run' and I knew what was coming. I slowly threw my feet over the bed and struggled to stand up. Sharp pains shot through my body. I started walking but quickly collapsed due to the pain. I stood back up and leaned on the wall for support. I walked out of my room and towards the lobby. Danny was the only person that could help me. I continued walking towards the lobby when I saw him. I saw Danny. He looked at me. I looked down for a moment to get my balance and when I looked back up, he was gone. I looked around but didn't see him. I then got pushed to the ground from behind and landed on the cold, hard tile. I turned my body around to see Paul. But it wasn't him. His eyes were black. His skin was ashy white. He looked angry. That's when I knew she was in there. She was inside of Paul.

"Paul?" I whispered.

"Shut up!" he hissed at me.

"Paul. Stop! I know you're in there!" I yelled.

"Shut the hell up, whore!" he continued to scream.

Even though I knew it wasn't actually him, it still hurt. It hurt to hear him call me that. That's when he started laughing.

"It's so easy to get to you. I can hurt you with any words I want. You wanna know why? Because you're a little, stupid, crazy bitch who goes to YouTube for help because no one cares about her." he said.

I felt tears start to fall from my eyes. That's when it happened. That's when he pounced.

Hi! Sorry for the no update. I've been busy. But guess what???? PAUL ZIMMER GUESTED ME ON YOUNOW!! Oh my god! I was in shock. I literally was dead. I showed him my little pumpkin and because he guested me, I named it after him. So my pumpkins same is Paul Zimmer Jr. He also said he would go to Playlist in Orlando just for me! Not my pumpkin, Paul. I was so happy. Literally, he made my week. I am still in shock. Danny, Paul, if you're reading this, send me a message yo. Because like, I'm cool. Ish. Anyway, love youz!!!!! Byez!!!


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