Chapter 30

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  I woke up in an unfamiliar yet recognizable room. I allowed my eyes to adjust to the dark when I noticed it was my room. I've been in the hospital for way too long. I looked at the clock by my bed that read 3:27 am. I must have fallen asleep due to the amount of thinking I was doing. Also probably due to the lack of sleep I've been getting. Either or, I'm in my bed now. I decided to get ready for the day so I grabbed a towel and walked to the bathroom.

Once I got out of the shower and dressed myself. I walked downstairs to get some cereal. I then heard the TV turn on and someone mumbling something. I slowly walked out of the kitchen and saw the curly mop of Danny. He was talking to someone though. I couldn't quite tell who it was.

"So when are you gonna tell her?" I heard a voice ask.

"I'm not." Danny said.

"You have to!" the other voice whisper yelled.

"I think her mom should tell her that she's being sent to live with her dad!" Danny whisper yelled back.

Wait what? My mom is sending me to live with my dad? And his little prostitute of a girlfriend. She can't even be that much older than me. I can't live with him. I don't even know where he lives! He could live in Idaho for all I know. I live in Maryland. I can't be over two  thousand miles away from Danny and Paul and Ally. I just need-

"Jack?" Danny said, breaking me out of my thoughts.

 I shook my head a little to refocus and responded, "Yeah?" 

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yeah. I'm fine." I said with an innocent smile.

"How long have you been standing there?" he asked nervously.

"Just a few seconds." I said too quick.

"Jack, did you overhear what we were talking about?" he asked.

I froze. My eyes widened. Goosebumps ran down my arms. Busted. I felt tears start to form in my eyes. The lump in the back of my throat. The pain in my nose. I was going to cry. Tears clouded my vision as on fell from the puddle it was sitting in. I saw Danny jump up along with the mysterious voice who I now knew was Paul. Everything was in slow motion. Before I knew it, I was turning and running upstairs to my room. But I didn't want to. I wanted to run to them. I wanted them both to bear hug me and tell me everything was going to be okay.I wanted to feel the Danny kiss the top of my head like he did whilst I was in the hospital. I want Paul to stroke  my hair carefully because he knew it calmed me down. So why I chose to run away was beyond me. Why I chose to slam my door and lock it so they couldn't get it was almost out of my control. Why I'm here now, sobbing uncontrollably on my floor was totally unknown.  But I didn't have the willpower to stand up. I instead looked at my ridiculous state in the mirror and ask myself the same questions all over again.

 I was a mess. I was just like before. I didn't change like I thought I did. Like I wanted to. I was exactly the same. I wanted to be different. But I couldn't. And that's when I hear a ding. I felt a vibration come from under me. I looked over to my bed to see my phone laying on its back next to my bed. The screen was lit up and a new text appeared. I reached over for it.

One new text message
Call me when you can. It's important


updating three times tonight. Just saying. the last part of todays updates is going to have an important message so yeah

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