Chapter 8

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It was true. If my mom and his dad were to get married and he'd be my stepbrother, he'd be a pretty good one. He's understanding and helpful. Not to mention he has a hot best friend. I'm still a little surprised at Danny's understanding and his actions to help calm me down.

Once I was calm, I lifted my body off of his. He still held me in his arms but I was able to look at him.

"Danny? Can I ask you something?" I asked.

"Of course." he responded.

"Do you still want to hang out with Paul?" I asked somewhat innocently.

He laughed and nodded his head. He then told me he was on his way over right now. I gaped at Danny. How could he invite Paul over when I look like this?

"Because I thought he would be able to help calm you down." Danny said.

I must have been thinking out loud again.

"Okay, but I look gross." I said.

"Stop saying that. You're beautiful. You look amazing no matter what you wear." Danny said sincerely.

"You haven't seen me in my 'lazy day' outfit." I laughed.

He chuckled at that and walked over to my closet. He began to look through my clothes when the doorbell rang.

"Come in!" Danny yelled.

We heard the door open and close. Paul then began talking and Danny threw some shirt and jeans at me. I looked at the clothes and then at him but he already left. I shrugged my shoulders and began changing. Danny picked out a Blink-182 crop top and some dark blue jeans. I looked at myself in the mirror and was dumbfounded. I looked really bad. My makeup was all over and my hair was just a big knot.

"Jacky! Hurry up!" I heard Danny yell.

I groaned and began fixing my makeup and brushing my hair. I couldn't quite brush all the knots out of my hair so I settled with a high ponytail. I did a thin layer of mascara and eyeliner and put on a little bit of sparkly lip gloss to finish it off. I slipped on my wonder woman sneakers, even though they did not match at all, and walked out of my room. I looked over the railing to see Paul and Danny talking. I smiled at the sight of them. I saw something move out of the corner of my eye and noticed that he was standing not even five feet away from them. Danny must have seen me because he said, "Jacky! Hurry up! We're waiting."

"I-I I have t-to g-go to the b-bathroom real quick." I stuttered, not once taking my eyes off him.

Danny looked behind him and then back at me and ran up the stairs. He grabbed my hand and started pulling me down the stairs. I resisted at first but then let him drag me down.

"Paul, this is Jack. Jack, Paul." Danny introduced us, snapping me back to reality.

I gawked at Paul. Here he was, Paul Zimmer, famous, green eyed YouTuber in my house. Not even a mere three inches between us. I had to look up to look at him considering I was pretty short for my age. I'm still five foot two and have been since I was about thirteen. Paul is about, maybe, six foot. Danny is about six two but I'm not scared of Danny. Paul on the other hand. it wasn't that I was necessarily "scared" of Paul, more of intimidated.

"Well hello Jack. Shall we go bowling?" Paul asked, snapping me out of my thoughts once more.

I nodded my head and we began for the door. I turned my head before I walked out and saw him staring at me then he glanced upstairs and I saw her standing in my doorframe, staring at me also. I shivered at her and walked out quickly, locking the door behind me. I was not going to sleep in my room tonight. Maybe I can sleep over at someone's house tonight. Hopefully.


Hi!!!!!!! Okay, so I know its been awhile, but I've been quite busy. School is being obnoxious, social media hasn't been too kind to me lately, I'm just a mess. I also have a physics project due Thursday and there is absolutely no way I'm going to finish it by then. Ugh, my head hurts. I still have math homework but I'm avoiding it as much as I can. I also just got my copy of Kristina Webb's Color Me Creative and I literally started it today and I already finished it... So yeah. I also have Shane Dawson's book and I still have to finish The F It List and The Perks of Being a Wallflower and I also have to start Fever, 1793 for school. I have way too many books. I gots dis doe. Oh yeah, by the way, #RIPTodd because Paul is racist and killed a black ant. Racist.

okay, love youz!!!!!!



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