Chapter 43

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Six. Six more. Six more days until school starts. Was I ready? No. Will I ever be? No. Danny, Ally, and Paul all have to go to school too but that doesn't start for another two weeks for them. This sucks. hate this. The little ones are already at school. They come home all happy and cheery. Carrie keeps asking me what's wrong. I guess she noticed that I've been down lately. Every time she asks, I just shake my head and whisper a soft nothing. She always comes in my room at around one in the morning to see me either crying on a FaceTime with Danny or crying alone in my bed. Either way, she crawls next to me and snuggles with me until I stop. If she falls asleep I have to carry her back to her room, which isn't all that fun.

When I see Sammy, he just glares. I always tell him that I'm sorry and I didn't mean to treat him like that. He never accepts. He just sticks his tongue out at me and walks away. David must have noticed too, which is weird since his face is always glued to either his phone or the newspaper. He asked me what was wrong and I kinda just blew him off. Whitney noticed too and tried to get involved. That ended with me crying and her getting scared and leaving my room.

I FaceTimed Ally this morning. She noticed my gloominess too. She asked me what was wrong and that's when I spilled it all out to her. Tears and sobs were shared from both of us. I missed her and Paul and Danny whilst they all missed me. I missed my home and my mom and my school and even the McDonalds I worked at. I missed everything. I even missed Sarah. Ever since I came back from the hospital, Sarah has been gone. Like she vanished from my life. Same with the dude that followed me around. Same with all of them. Since I moved, they've all disappeared. Like they were only for my life in Maryland.

It was a little pasted eleven at night when Sammy walked in. His thumb was in his mouth and his teddy bear was wrapped tight in his arms. He looked as if he had been crying so I slowly walked up to him. He looked at me with his big, brown, teddy bear eyes and cried. I asked him if he was okay. He simply replied with, "I had a nightmare and you died. I didn't even get to say I was sorry." A sharp pang of sadness washed over me when he said that. I immediately wrapped my arms tight around him and told him everything would be okay. He fell asleep cuddled next to me that night. I didn't bother bringing him back to his room since e normally woke up early.

I woke up the next morning to Carrie shaking me violently.

"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" she chanted.

I looked over at my phone and saw that it was seven a.m. on a Wednesday morning.

"Why are you waking me up?" I rubbed the sleep from my eyes.

"Mommy said she needs you to drive us and that she'd pay you ten bucks." Carrie said excitedly.

"I don't even know where your school is." I yawned.

"Mommy said she put it in the GPS on the counter. All you need to do is wake up, get dressed, and drive." Carried counted.

"Alright. Go wait downstairs. I'll be down in a minute." I said whilst pushing her off me.

I quickly got dressed and began walking down the stairs. Five. Five more days until I reunite myself with hell. But this time, there's new fallen angels waiting for me.


Sorry it was later than normal. I was just able to plug in my laptop so yeah. Okay well goodnight, or goodmorning. I don't know. Bye from the insider!

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