Chapter 7

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Jack's arm was bleeding. I don't know how it happened. I heard a thump and screaming coming from upstairs and ran as fast as I could.

"Jack. What happened?" I asked again.

Why wasn't she answering my question.

"Jack, I heard thumping and screaming and we're the only two in the house. What happened?" I asked once more.

She looked at me and refused to respond.

"You might as well go out without me. I look gross, I'm a mess, and honestly, you probably don't want to hang out anymore." she said.

I was beyond shocked. Why would she say that? She was a mess but that didn't mean she looked gross and I didn't want to hang out with her. She ran down the hall to clean up her cut and quickly came out with a piece of toilet paper wrapped up in a bandage wrap on her arm. She looked at me and walked into her room. She closed the door on my face and I took that as a chance to text Paul.

To Pol: Hey, change of plans
To Danneh: Whats happening?
To Pol: You're coming here.
To Danneh: okay. text me the address
To Pol: okay.

I then texted him the address but stopped halfway through. I heard music playing through the door and put my ear up to it.

"Maybe if a casted out a spell, or told them decorations were in pastel ribbons." Melanie Martinez sang through the speakers and door. I loved this song. I heard Jack singing along to it and smiled. My smiled soon faded away as I realized the hurt in Jack's voice. I knocked on the door but got no response. I slowly opened the door to see Jack sitting in front of her mirror crying. I walked up and sat behind her. She quickly noticed me and whipped away her tears and running makeup. I hugged her from behind, hoping she would accept it. She flinched at my touch which saddened me a bit but I didn't show it. She calmed and turned around to face me.

She looked me dead in the eyes and then looked down. I lifted her chin so she was looking at me and asked her what happened. She hesitated at first then told me the whole story. I was shocked at what she was telling me but I knew it was true. I saw the sincerity and terror in her eyes. She told me how she sees people, and how one person follows her, and she got attacked. Everything to the last detail.

When she was finished, tears were pooling out of her eyes. She tried covering her face but I grabbed her wrists to make her stop. She tried to keep her face out of view but I wouldn't let her.

"Jack. It's okay. I'm not going to judge you. I think that's truly terrifying but amazing at the same time. It sucks that you have to deal with it but it's awesome." I said.

She looked at me as if I had just spit snakes out of my mouth. Only then did I realize what I had said upset her.

"This is the furthest thing from awesome. This sucks. It makes me want to never move but they always find me. No matter what I do, they always find me." she said, anger laced in her voice.

"I know. I mean, I really don't know. I just mean, I didn't mean it like that. It's just interesting." I said quickly.

She didn't stop crying. In fact, she cried harder.

"He helped her. He helped her hurt me. He helped her with everything." she sobbed.

I pulled her against my chest and let her cry her heart out. This may be the first night I met her, but it doesn't mean I shouldn't be acting like her big brother.

"You're going to be a good step-brother." she said as if reading my thoughts.

I smiled at her little comment hugged her tighter as she slowly calmed down.


Hi!! So a little Danny P.O.V. How'd you like it? It went by quickly. At the moment I'm on YouTube listening to 5sos sing Year 3000. Its pretty fine. Hehe....i made another stupid pun. I gotta stop....okay so yeah!

Love youz!



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