Chapter 57

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Jack's P.O.V

I couldn't see anything. It was absolutely pitch black. All I knew was that there were people arguing about me. Random words like "fuck her!" and "why not just kill her?" I didn't cry anymore. They didn't do anything except for strip me and yell at me. Nothing else. They didn't ever take off the bag on my head. They never hit me. It was as if they just wanted some naked bling girl to sit in front of them whilst being tied to chair. I was here for a good two days, maybe more, maybe less.  I wasn't so sure, but one thing I was sure about now, I was going to get out today. Or tonight. I'm not really sure.

I figured out  a way to untie my hands. I just needed the perfect moment. Only, that moment didn't come. The only moment that came was when the bag was ripped off  my head and my hair covered my face. I gasped a little and tried to look around but only saw the blur of my hair and a few bodies. I had beads of sweat dripping down my forehead. 

"Move her fucking hair!" some guy yelled.

Someone came over and tried to flip my hair out of my eyes but ended up yelling in pain.

"She but me!" he cried.

"Her hair!" the other guy yelled.

This time the guy put duct tape over my mouth and then flipped my hair. They then both stared at me as if I was some strange person who decided to walk in naked. 

"Wow. You were right. Her face does match her body." the guy, whose hand I bit, said.

"Shut up, Calvin." the other guy said.

"What do you want from me?" I sneered.

"We don't want anything from you. But what we can take from you, that's a different story." Calvin laughed.

I made a disgusted face and spit in his eye.

"You little bitch!" he said and slapped me across the face.

"Calvin!" the guy yelled strongly. 

I felt the heat rising to the place where his hand hit my face. I felt tears well up in my eyes and I looked up  at them. The one guys, whose name I still haven't figured out yet, had a gun pointed at Calvin. Calvin had his hands up in the air.

"Alright, Derek. Calm down." Calvin said. 

"Mitch said he wanted her unharmed. That's exactly how he's gonna get her." Derek yelled.

"No one's getting me at all!" I yelled and kicked Derek right in his little Derek.

He groaned in pain and dropped his gun, giving me the opportunity the get my hands out of the rope. 

"Wow, naked girl can fight." Calvin said, pointing the gun at me.

I looked up nervously and looked down the barrel of the gun.

"Now sit back down and be a good girl." Calvin said motioning towards the chair. 

I nodded my head and turned toward the chair. I quickly turned around and kicked Calvin in his baby Calvin and ran out of the room. I ran into a long, dark hallway and kept running. I went past a kitchen and passed a bunch of guys watching TV. I ran out the door and into the dark of night. Derek was yelling behind me at the guys and I soon heard yells coming from multiple guys chasing me. 

I dove into a bush, praying to God that no one saw me and watched as the guys ran passed. I looked around and had absolutely no idea where I was. I ran up to the nearest house and banged on the door, begging them to let me in. A lady, probably in her mid-thirties, opened the door and her jaw dropped.

"Please let me in! I just got out of a house and I was kidnapped and-"

"Come in, come in. You poor thing." she interrupted and pulled me inside. 


I know I havent updated in awhile. I've been busy and on spring break and yeah. I'm gonna update one more chapter though ;) kay bye

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