Chapter 28

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I woke up the next morning to feel cold, delicate hands touching my wrists and pulling. I opened my eyes to see the nurse pulling out the numerous wires attached to my body. The nurse had a strawberry blonde kind of coloured hair and extremely pursed lips. She had a very pointy noise which kinda reminded me of a witch. 

"Morning, Sweetheart." her high-pitched voice sang.

"Good morning." I mumbled, stretching out across the bed.

Only then did I realize, Danny wasn't here. My confused face must have given away my thoughts because the nurse began talking.

"He went to sign you out and the other one is still asleep." she said.

I nodded my head and began to relax again. She finished taking everything out of me and put my clothes on the seat in front of the bed.

"You're clothes are right here, and you can leave whenever you're ready." she said happily.

I smiled at her and kicked my legs off the bed and let them dangle. Just then, Danny walked in and smiled at me. 

"Wait, watch." he said and pointed to Paul. 

Danny began tiptoeing towards Paul when I tried to stand and quickly collapsed, knocking a tray of things down with me. It made a loud crash and Paul quickly jerked his head up causing him to fall off the couch and Danny to jump back in terror and falling himself. We all were on the floor laughing at each other when Danny noticed that I actually collapsed instead of fell. He jumped up from his spot on the floor and ran over to me. Paul quickly followed.

"I'm fine. Don't worry. My legs were just asleep." I said as I tried to stand again but quickly failed. 

"Jack, stay here with Paul. I'm getting a wheel chair." Danny said jumping up and running away.

I looked over at Paul and he whispered, "I think he wanted me to stay with you." 

I giggled at his comment and said, "Yeah, I'm not really going anywhere anytime soon." 

We both started laughing when Danny ran back in with a wheelchair and an angry nurse running after him. Paul and I exchanged glances and immediately burst into laughter. The nurse angrily took the wheelchair from Danny's grip and pushed it over to me. Paul helped me onto it and the nurse began pushing me away when I put my feet onto the ground to stop her. She looked at me confused and I pointed at my clothes in the corner of the room.

"Oh." she simply said. 

I giggled as I struggled to stand up again. Danny, Paul, and the nurse were all watching as I grabbed my clothes.

"Can you uh..." I asked as twisted my finger, indicating for them to turn around.

"Oh yeah. Yeah." Danny said, turning Paul and himself around.

Once I was done changing, I limped back over to the wheel chair and plopped down in it. Danny then glanced back and noticed I was fully dressed and in my wheel chair. He walked over to me and crouched down to my height. 

"You ready to go?" he asked, whilst staring me in the eyes.

Without saying a word, I slowly nodded my head and we were out the door.


sorry about the no update for awhile and somewhat shorter chapter tonight. I had a very bad day and i felt i should just publish this no matter how i feel. So there. bye

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