Niam-Learn To Love

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Liam is a fashion designer and Niall is his business man husband. 

Liam's POV

I'm sipping my tea when my husband walks in with a smile plastered on his face.

"What are you so happy for?" I chuckle placing my cup down. 

"Well, my intern Vanessa brought her baby in today. And it got me thinking, in five short years i'll be 35. I want a baby Liam." Niall pouts.  So that's what his smile was about. 

"I don't think I want to put my body through that Ni. And I don't even want kids. I told you that when we got married and you said you were fine with it." I challenge

"I'm actually not, I wanted to make you happy. I really want a baby. I have since I was 16." Niall replies as I groan. 

"Fine, but i'm not happy about it." I hiss as a giant cheesy grin splays on his face. 

*4 month later*

"So you're pregnant?" My partner Louis asks as we sit through lunch at the diner my husband owns. 

"I am and I don't want it. I'm not happy Louis. I honestly don't want a baby. I'm only doing it for Niall, It's his baby." I spit grimacing at the taste of the water Niall is making me drink. I swear it has a type of calcium in it to help the babies development. Maybe a dissolved pill. 

"Harry and I would be ecstatic if he came home and told me he was having a baby. I don't like the aspect of it holding my work back but I would be over the moon." Louis states

"I just never wanted kids. All they do is poop, eat, cry, and cost money. Here we are making clothes for Prince George and I can't do that if I have a baby keeping me up all night. Literally I am only four months along but I can't sleep at night. The stupid thing rolls around and it's fucking uncomfortable Lou." I hiss. 

"When you give birth you'll start feeling the connection." Louis reassures.

"I'm getting a c-section so I won't have to feel anything. We are going in at 37 weeks. Niall wanted me to deliver naturally but i'm not having that. I am not even going to let them induce labor. They will be taking it out then." I state as Louis gives me a disappointing look. 

*5 months pregnant*

"Are you boys planning on finding out the gender?" The doctor asks. 

"Yes please." Niall is bouncing up and down in his chair like a little kids.  Where as I am just laying there because honestly I don't give a shit.

"Alright, it looks like you are having a baby girl. Liam are still going with your DANGEROUS birth plan?" The doctor asks me.  Emphasizing the dangerous part. 

"Yes. I don't care what you say. I have a plan." I hiss as she gives me a look that I don't take as a good look.

Later that night when we got home Niall was blabbering to himself. 

"What the hell are you on about?" I ask crossing my arms over my disgusting stomach. 

"I was saying that we should decide on baby names." Niall replies climbing off of the rm chair and walking over to the couch where I am laying. He starts rubbing my stomach aimlessly. 

"It's your child, I don't give a damn about what you name her." I hiss as Niall gives me a hurt look. 

"No matter what you say, it is our child but if that's the way you feel about it fine." He hisses sauntering out of the house. 

He comes home around midnight but he sleeps in the second bedroom. We own a three bedroom house. 

*37 weeks pregnant*

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