Preference #97: He Talks About Your Sex Life To The Other Boys.

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 JJ: The boys were over, like every tuesday night, just for some chillin. "So uh... JJ? We heard you and Y/N last night. It sounded like a war" Josh said making JJ blush. "Um yeah we had sex!" he says sounding proud of himself. "Well whats she like?" George ask's. "Well she gives the best handjobs and -" he was stopped by you walking in the room. "JJ were you just telling the boys 'bout our sex?" 

George: You were sitting in the loft room when Jaymi asked George about how the two of you get the fire on at night and George replied shyly not sure if he should answer."Shes screams my name so loud and we can go all night sometimes.You walk-in, laugh and add "you're not too shabby yourself George." 

Josh: The boys had just left an interview and we're checking their facebooks. "Well, well well look who got it on last night" George said with a cheeky smile."Yeah omg she's sooo deep and like omg i cant and she's tight" Josh kept rumbling on until you were infront of the boys' management office. "Oops looks like someone spilled some beans" JJ said as #JoshAndY/NSex was now trendin' on twitter. 

Jaymi: The boys had just came back from Ireland for 4 days and you couldn't wait to get your hands on your man. About 7 hours later all the boys came over and invited themselves in. Not realizing they were in and it was already 8pm they heard moans.Jaymi went out with them all sweaty while you were sleeping/resting. After he explained what your sex was like, the boys wanted in. 

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