Preference #149: Your Child's First Word.

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"Monkey." You’re not surprised to hear the word from your son. You pretty much expected it as you witnessed fans yelling "little monkey" whenever you bumped into them. George found it too cute to let him live down, so he bought monkey onesies for him, monkey toys and so on. You smile, clapping for your son as he watches George smile and switch the camera on. "Say it again, buddy. This is going on twitter."


"Smile." Like father, like son. The word has left your mouth plenty of time, always begging your little boy to show you that cute smile of his. Sometimes you succeed, sometimes you don’t. It’s been a long day, so after you get home from the shop you sit down on the couch, next to your husband and your son who’s watching a cartoon. He looks up at you with his big eyes he got from Josh and smiles before saying the word, making the day a smiley one for the Cuthbert family.


"Puppy." You’re in the kitchen making dinner for your family, while JJ, your daughter and Lola play in the living room. When she says the word, you can’t really believe your ears but then JJ yells for you to go into the living room, where your daughters lips are turning into a frown. "Puppy!" She says again, reaching for the dog who’s occupied with the pillow. JJ then picks the dog up and puts her in front of your now happy daughter, just so you can hear her say puppy one more time, a proud smile visible on both of your faces.


"Daddy." Jaymi hasn’t been home for a week and your little girl was missing him like crazy. "Don’t worry sweetie, daddy’s coming home today." You explain, even though you know she can’t understand yet. She’s playing with her talking teddy when the door opens and Jaymi steps in. "Daddy!" You both freeze as the word leaves her petite mouth, your mouth hanging wide open until a whine leaves her lips, wanting her precious daddy to lift her up already.

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