Preference #131: He Tries To Ask You Out.

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Josh: You walked towards the park, raining beating down angrily against your back. Your face was blotched with tears which had now intermingled with the rain. The swingset you had come so often to during your childhood stood out from the landscape, a gray structure amongst the lush landscape surrounding it. You moved a little faster, the sentimental pull of the metal beams beckoning you closer. Finally you reached the swings, sitting down on one you felt the puddle of water that had formed on the seat soak into your jeans, but at this moment you didn't care. You spun around, watching the chains wind together, forming a braid towards the top. You finally released the tension, putting your feet up and allowing the swing to spin quickly. The surroundings spun faster and faster, the monotony being familiar until a figure changed the view. Immediately you knew it was the man you had desperately been trying to get away from. His hair, which usually defied gravity, was stuck to his forehead and he was shivering violently.You were so angry, he had just up and left without saying goodbye and now he had chosen to come, when you looked like shit, you were nothing compared to his girls in London. "What are you doing here Josh?" You asked, speaking a little louder to be heard over the rain. "I couldn't let in end the way it did. With you thinking I ditched you. You're my best friend." His words stuck like a knife, he still didn't understand. You chose to ignore him, winding up the chains again. All at once Josh grabbed the swings, stifling your motion. All at once he grabbed your face, kissing you passionately. He pulled away, eyes blazing, "I've been wanting to be more than friends forever, but you've been too stubborn to see it. And I can't believe you thought I was ignoring you."

George: You smiled, taking George by the hand as the two of you moved out onto the roller rink. George had been a little less than enthusiastic when the two of you were forced together to attend your mutual friend's "group date." You were a little nervous, considering you weren't really the dating type, you preferred being alone, not roller skating with some boyband member. "Oh my god!" George shouted, his feet flailing out from underneath him. You laughed, gripping his forearms tightly to avoid letting him fall to the wooden floor. "George you just need to relax, you're freaking yourself out." "I am not freaking myself out, this is a deathtrap!" George shouted over the music, regaining his balance. "Here, let me help you." You said, trying to steady him. "You have to lean forward, it will help you keep your balance." George nodded, following your instructions. You held his hand, showing him how to move his feet. George was certainly less than graceful but eventually the two of you were gliding along well, outlasting the other couples in your entourage. "That was amazing," George said, his cheeks flushed from the activity. "Yeah," You agreed, pulling off your skates. The two of you returned your materials to the counter and you went to give George a hug goodbye, surprisingly he pressed a sweet kiss to your cheek. You looked up at him, blushing furiously. "What was that for?" George smiled, looking down at his feet, "I was kind of hoping that it would be kind of an insurance policy for maybe going out again?" You broke into a wide grin, "Definitely."

Jaymi: You could not believe it, you absolutely could not. Not only was it the coldest day in November, not only were you forced to dress in your company mascot, no, that just wasn't enough shittiness for the universe, no, to top it all off your school crush Jaymi Hensley just happened to be in the Starbucks just next door, at a window seat able to see you in your full costumed glory. You continued to accost passerby's, trying to convince them to make a trip into the pastry shop, you had hoped the obnoxious cupcake costume would be enough but all you were getting were the occasional snickers. You glanced over at the Starbucks, and, as fate would have it, you made eye contact with Jaymi who gave you a bright smile and a wave. You could have died right then. You watched as he breathed on the glass, creating a cloud of condensation on the glass. He wrote on the glass, "What time do you get off?" You smiled, holding up five fingers, your day feeling a little better. He repeated the process, writing, "Dinner?" You nodded furiously, a grin plastered on your face. He breathed on the glass one last time "Ditch the cupcake." He was laughing now as you rolled your eyes, returning back to your customers.

JJ: You glared over across the room, picking up the wad of paper that had just hit you in the head. Your eyes met with the hard glare of JJ Hamblett, in your opinion enemy #1 in your life. "Bug off." You snapped, turning your attention back to the television. You had no idea why Josh, your otherwise perfect brother, could have such an absolutely annoying friend. "Maybe you shouldn't be so stuck up." He replied. Anger flushed your face, "Excuse me?" You stood up, throwing your hands on your hips. "You are the most ARROGANT, ANNOYING, AND RUDEST person I have ever had the unfortunate pleasure of meeting!" You yelled, your anger reaching at full peak. You watched as JJ's eyes turned to hurt as he rose from the couch. "Tell Josh I'll be in the car." He muttered, walking out the door. You plopped back down on the couch, your anger subsiding. You picked up the piece of paper, unfolding it quickly. Scribbled on the inside were the words, "Go out with me?" JJ had signed it with a smiley face. All of the sudden guilt gripped you and you rushed out the front door. JJ was sitting in the driver's seat, staring straight ahead. When you approached you heard the audible lock of the car door. "JJ, roll down the window!" You insisted, tapping on the window as he continued to ignore you. You rolled your eyes, continuing to tap persistently. Finally, JJ rolled down the window. "My answer is yes." You said breathlessly. JJ looked at you, an eyebrow raised, "Maybe I've changed my mind." You leaned forward in a rush, smashing his lips to yours as you tangled his hair in your fingers. "Oi!" You turned around to see Josh at the door, "That's disgusting!" You turned back to JJ giving him a wink, "Call me later."

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