Preference #148: Garden Fun

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Josh – You, Josh and your daughter were having a lazy day by the pool in the garden on one of his days off. He was teaching your daughter how to swim in the pool as you tanned on the side. You heard your daughter giggling and splashing around. You then heard Josh whisper something to the little girl and then the splashing stopped. Suddenly he grabbed your ankles and dragged you down into the water. “Josh” you screeched. Suddenly he pulled you up from under the water and you gasped for air. “Josh I’ll gonna kill you” All he could do was laugh. Suddenly he comes close to you a gently kisses your nose. “ewww” your daughter giggled and kicks water in your faces. You three spent the day playing in the water and soaking up the sun.

George- George’s mum had asked you over to her house for dinner. Early evening she asked you to water her plants and as George is a lovely son you both agree. As you were filling up the watering can you felt a cold streak fly up your back. You turned round to see George giggling and holding the hosepipe. “It’s on Shelley” You said running after him. You chuck the whole content of the watering can over his head. “My hair” he screeched. Suddenly he showered your front with water. You couldn’t help but yelp. Then George ran up behind you and threw you over his shoulder. “George put me down” you shouted but you couldn’t help but laugh. “Y/N! George! Stop messing around and water my plants!” His mum yelled. You both collapsed on the floor in laugher when George pulled you into a small hug and kissed your temple.

JJ- It was the hottest day of the year and you and JJ had decided to do some gardening. You sat on the ground as you watched JJ cut down the tree at the back of the Garden. His muscles flexed as sweat dripped down his back. His tee- shirt already lay on the floor because it was so hot. You couldn’t help but smile at your boyfriend. He started to climb down the ladder so you got back to what you were doing. You saw him smirk at you from the corner of your eye. “You were checking me out” JJ whispered next to your ear as he walked behind. “I wasn’t” You replied blushing. You stood up and brushed your hands off as JJ came up and wrapped his arms around your middle. “What do you think?” He asked kissing your cheek. “It looks amazing” You replied.

Jaymi- You and Jaymi had spent the day in the sun tanning and spending some time together before he goes on tour. It was so hot and sticky weather that you had put the the sprinklers on and laid under them. You both talked about things such as tour and what you’re going to do when he’s on tour. Suddenly it started pouring with rain and thundering. You picked up your things and ran inside. You both started laughing uncontrollably and how random the weather is. After about 10 minutes the power cut out so you and Jaymi sat on the sofa and played silly board games until you were too tired which he then put you to bed. 

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