Preference #139: (George) Fix You.

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George:Hatred. Was all that I have been receiving these past few weeks. Ever since George left, things are not the same. It was such a tragic that day. It was so horrible, so scary, and so many tears. I try to forget everything and move on over all this like I normally do, but George was all I could think about. Thememory pounded my head so hard, I tried to push it back but I started replaying that day over again.


“MOVIE NIGHT!” I jumped on the couch. “Calm down.” Josh chuckled. George walked down the stairs into the living room with a handful of movies. “What should we watch?” He said putting the movies on the coffee table for all of us to see. “The Posession!” I shouted before anyone else could answer. George smiled at me and turned around to place the movie in. “Oh. I am gonna grab my sweatshirt be right back.” I said hoping off the couch and continued, “Don’t start without me!” I walked up the stairs towards George’s room. We don’t live together though, we just share rooms in the hotel. I searched the closet looking for my sweatshirt and couldn’t find it. So instead of taking 100 years looking for it I grabbed George’s nearest sweatshirt. 


My phone started going off beside the bed. I picked it up and answered the call. It was my best friend Ally.

“Hello.” I said

“(Y/N) get on twitter right now!” She yelled through the other line.

“Okay.” I said as I turned on my IPad and going into twitter.

“Now go to Teen Pop’s twitter and look what they tweeted.” She said

I looked through there tweets until one caught my eye.

‘George and (Y/N) on the verge of a split?’ was the caption.

I opened up the link and it was a picture of me and George with a crack going through the middle. I looked down a little bit more and found a picture of George holding hands with some famous girl I have never heard of before. I thought it was just a photoshop but I scrolled through more and found more of them together.

“Ally.” I faintly said

“(Y/N) I am so sorry.”

“I gotta go.” I said and hung up the phone.

I went back to the home page and looked through tweets from the fans. Some of them were the usual, “@(Y/T/N) and George from @UnionJWorld are so freaking cute”, “@(Y/T/N) follow me?. But some caught my attention. “@(Y/T/N) are you gonna be okay?”, “@(Y/T/N) how could George do such a thing”, “@UnionJWorld George how could you be such a dick to @(Y/T/N)!”. I let the tears escape from my eyes. One by one. Everything was breaking. “This. Isn’ttrue.” I was able to get some words to escape from my mouth.

“(Y/N) Are you coming down or what?!” Josh yelled. “I will go check on her.” Jaymi said. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. I tried to push back all my tears. But it was to late. “(Y/N)!” He whisper shouted. I let some more tears escape. “What happened?” Jaymi asked rushing towards my side. I shook my head and handed him the IPad. He took hold of it and read through the tweets. He looked back up at me and held me in a hug.

“Its not true is it?” I asked faintly. “I. I. I am not sure.” He stuttered.            ”(Y/N)! Jaymi!” The others yelled walking up the stairs. 

“Oh my god!” Josh, JJ, and George all said in sync. “What happened?” George rushed over to my side. He grabbed my hand but I smacked it back. George had a sad and torn expression on his face. “Don’t touch me.” I whispered. Jaymi broke the hug and flung after George.

“Why on earth would you do such a thing to her!” Jaymi yelled in his face. “What! Do what!” George said in panic. “Don’t you dare play mister nice guy George! Why would you do such a thing to her!?” Jaymi yelled again. I covered my ears. JJ walked towards me and embraced me. “I told you I don’t know!” George’s voice said getting louder. Jaymi raised his fist but I ran up to him and stopped him. “Jaymi don’t!” Jaymi’s expression soothed when he saw me. “Violence is not the answer. Just put him down.” I stuttered. 

Jaymi let go of George and walked back a little. “(Y/N) what is going on?!” He said still high raised. “George Shelley before I explain something you did, I suggest you fucking cool it.” I said sternly. George’s expression went soft. I handed him the IPad. George had a shocked face on. “Do you actually believe this bullshit!?” He yelled again. “I don’t know what to believe George this is the second time I have seen shit like this!” I yelled back. “Who would you rather believe your boyfriend or some fucked up magazine report!?” George had his fists clenched. “Who said you were my boyfriend! Because apparently are relationship means no fucking shit to you!” I yelled getting hoarse. George let a tear escape.

I turned around and walked through the door. “Where are you going?!” George yelled running down the stairs. “Anywhere but here!” I yelled. I couldn’t handle it anymore. I grabbed my keys,bag, and phone. “Wait!” George turned me around while I was leaving the kitchen when I got my keys. “Why would you believe this bull crap?” He asked looking in my eyes. I broke eye contact and shoved him off. I pulled off my necklace and threw it at the ground. It all shattered into pieces.

I walked around George and ran outside. “(Y/N) stop being so stupid about this.” George followed behind me. “Me! I am the one being stupid?! Maybe next time you should look in a god damn mirror!” I turned around. He was face to face with me. Out of no where he slapped me hard. I stumbled a little. George looked at me with total regret. “(Y/N) I…” “No George! I don’t wanna here you say my name, I don’t want you looking for me, don’t text or call me, and don’t even mention us in an interview ever again! Goodbye.” I shouted and drove off. Leaving George stranded there.

End Of Flashback

I started crying harder than before. I slid down the hotels bathroom wall and cried out all my tears. I grabbed a piece of shattered glass I had in the cabnit with blurry eyes from all the tears. I cleared my eyes and looked down at my wrist. I carefully place the sharp glass on my wrist. 

“(Y/N)!” A male british voice shouted from the door. George.  I dropped the glass and hid my face in between my knees. George quickly came to my side. He took my wrist and saw two streak marks of blood from the glass. He pulled off his T-Shirt and tied it around my wrist to stop the bleeding. Leaving him with only his black undershirt on.

I winced in pain. “I will be right back.” He said and rushed out of the bathroom. Before I knew it he was back with a first aid kit. George pulled out the bandages and wrapped it around my wrist slowly after he pulled off the shirt. He lifted my chin and looked me in the eyes. He had glossy red eyes. “Why?” He croaked out. I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out. 

George didn’t say anything else and picked me up. He carried me into the living room and place me on the couch. He ran into the kitchen and came back with some hot chocolate. “Thanks.” I whispered. George nodded his head and place the blanket over us. I was sitting in front of him and he was in front of me while our knees were up. 

“Why did you come?” I asked him as I took sips of the hot liquid. “I needed to come see you. Life hasn’t been easy without you. And I can’t stop loving and missing you.” George said. I looked up at him with some tears escaping from my eyes. “I never stopped either.” He continued and rubbed away the tears. “I never stopped either.” I repeated. He smiled at me and gave me a warm kiss.

“Just promise me one thing.” He said. I nodded. “Please. Never self harm again and please come to me next time.” He said. “I promise. Just please don’t leave me I need you.” I said as he place me in his lap with my feet wrapped around his waist. “Promise.” He whispered in my ear and softly kissed my ear.

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